Randomness #44 (The Best Of Leo)

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Leo: *becomes a Super pup in the most cool but overly dramatic way, with e bit of cool music playing in the back round* >:)

Blitz: But how!? I thought you had to have a puwe heawt to become a Supew pup! Like Blazew!

Leo (Super Pup): Oh trust me, there's more than one way to realize the legend....

*Leo's flashback*

Leo: *is on a far away planet to train to become stronger, but is now on the ground throwing a little tantrum* I wanna-... I wanna become a Super Pup! *Starts crying a bit louder and punching the ground repeatedly* I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!!!!

*Back to present day*

Leo (Super Pup): Push-ups, sit-ups, and PLENTY of juice. And besides, my heart is pure. Pure..... Unadulterated..... Badass..... >:)

Zuma: Yeah.... mowe like puwe unadultewated ego....

Leo (in the back round): I HEARD THAT, RUNT!!!

Zuma: *is now mocking him a little* Is that okaaayy?

Leo (Super Pup): As a matter of fact, go f*ck yourself! Count yourselves lucky to be in the presence of a shinning Golden God such as myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to kill the other Android. You peons may stay here and erect a statue in my honor *flies off to take care if the other evil Android*


Leo: *arrives back to the lookout, being a little more stronger than before*

Rubble: Hey! You got allot of nerve coming back here! >:( *Is upset about what Leo did*

Leo: Oh, a ballet. Neat. I'm not typing...

Rubble: Don't you remember who I am?? We fought when you tried to destroy earth!

Leo: No, I fought Blazer. My little army of henchmen fought everyone else. Well, except for that one scrub that got killed by that one saiba- *realization* ......

Rubble: .... >;(

Leo: Ha ha ha ha*laughs historically* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Rubble: O-Oh yeah? Well I dare you to come over here and laugh at me!

Leo: *walks up to Rubble, looking him dead in his eyes* Ha... Ha.... Ha.... *Walks away*

Rubble: Hmph! >:(


*At Katie's place*

Leo: *is in the bath tub* Human Lady! Where's the cleansing powder??

Katie: We don't have that. We have soap.

Leo: The hell is soap....? *apparently has never heard of soap*

Katie: It's the yellow block there, made up of animal fat

Leo: That sounds AWESOME! *Chomps on the soap* ..... *Spits it out* PLAAAGGHHH!! This tastes nothing like you just said!

*Later on*

Leo: *is done taking his little bath* Human! Where's my uniform??

Katie: *in another room* It's in the wash!

Leo: *gasps* :O You bitch! >:(


Leo: I don't care how many pups you fuse with. You'll never be as strong as a Super Pup!

Tracker: Mmm.... Not much of a Mild-stone any more....

Leo: As for me..... I'll find a level BEYOND a Super Pup!!

Zuma: *is mocking Leo again* So what? Like a Mega Pup? Ultwa Pup?

Leo: ...... Your mocking me.....

Zuma: Maximum Ovew Pup! :D

Leo: F*ck off, runt! *Takes off to some where else to meditate*

The End.

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