Randomness #48

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*At the Lookout With Leo*

Leo: *is on the phone with Blazer* Listen, it was YOOUURRR idea to put me in charge while you're on your little... "business" trip, so just let me handle it

Blazer: Are you sure you can watch Winter by yourself?

Leo: Blazer, I've been conquering LITERAL worlds ever since i was Ten! How hard is it to look after a single infant???

Blazer: Well, do you know all the emergency numbers? They're all set aside on the table

Leo: Yes! I know all the emergency numbers. But I'm pretty sure i can get Winter to the hospital faster than an ambulance

Blazer: Well, i called his uncle just in case you need help

Leo: His uncle? But isnt Marshall and Chase out of town-

D-Leo: *busts the door down* OOOOOOOHHH LEEEEEEEEOOOOOO!


*20 minutes later*

D-Leo: *is holding Baby Winter* Oh my GOD! He's soo tiny! I remember when you were small. Oooohh, i could punch you so faarr....

Leo: *is standing behind D-Leo with his arms crossed, and looking kinda pissed* You mean *could've*.....

D-Leo: Uhhh, yeah *checks to see if Winter has his little sharp fangs* Uhhh... what happened to Winter's fangs?

Leo: The Dalmatian apparently had it removed at birth

D-Leo: And you didnt stop him!?!?!?

Leo: I wasnt there!!

D-Leo: You are a bad father, and a terrible partner. And you should feel ashamed

Leo: I will kill you again....

D-Leo: But dont worry! Uncle D-Leo is here to help! Tip- Hashtag 1, whatever you do... Dont. Shake. The baby...

Leo: ...... What?

D-Leo: Dont grab the baby under the arms, and shake the SHIT outta him, while screaming "YOU'RE WEAK! YOU'RE WORHLESS! AND YOU'LL NEVER BE KING!!!"

Leo: Wha-..... Why would i-

D-Leo: Trust me, you'll give him complex. Now, Tip- Hashtag 2! Don't force-feed Winter coffee. It'll stunt his growth

Leo: These Tips are ODDLY specific-

D-Leo: The kid is flying out the window

Baby Winter: *giggling while floating out of the window* :D

Leo: SHIITT! *runs after Winter*

D-Leo: He yeeted himself....!

Leo: *comes running back, holding Winter by the scruff of his neck. And is panting heavily*

D-Leo: ... Maybe shake him just a little...?

Baby Winter: .__. Mmm.... mmmmm... *starts to tear up*

Leo: What?.... what is he....

Baby Winter: *starts crying loudly*

Leo: ... stop...!

Baby Winter: *continues to cry loudly*

Leo: Stop!!!

Baby Winter: *keeps crying loudly*


Baby Winter: *is now crying even louder*

D-Leo: Maybe shout louder....?


Baby Winter: *cries out even louder*


*20 minutes later*

Leo: *is laying flat on the ground with Winter next to him still crying loudly* He... He out-screamed me... No one out-screams Leo!!

D-Leo: *sarcastic* Won the silver matal again....

Leo: And what makes matters worse is that he smells awful...!

D-Leo: Leo... Dont you think its time to change him...?

Leo: Into what? We already established he has no fangs

D-Leo: What do you think the diaper is for?

Leo: Oh..... shit....!

D-Leo: Thats the idea!

Leo: *lays Winter down gently on the bed, and prepares to change*

D-Leo: Okay. Now be careful. Babies are known to pee on you during changing

Leo: But... i thought he already went in the diaper! You know what? Lets just get this ov-

Baby Winter: *literally blasts Leo through the roof, and into space*

D-Leo: *looks up through the hole in the ceiling* Hey look Leo! He's got your stream! *looks at Winter* What are they feeding you...?

Baby Winter: *burps* :/

*later on at night*

D-Leo: *was reading Winter a bed time story* And thats how Christmas around the galaxy is now known as "Humdinger Day" ... The end..

Baby Winter: *is now fast asleep*

Leo: *looks down at Winter and sees if he's actually asleep* Oh thank god its finally over!

D-Leo: Its only scary the first time. Just... go easy on yourself

Leo: You know... when he's sleep.... for some reason, all i wanna do is kill anything that causes harm to him... *looks down at his paws*

D-Leo: Awww. Look, you're a big softie after all *chuckles*

Leo: The f*ck you say? *starts growling*

D-Leo: Just saying, Mr destroyer of worlds. You got a baby boy, a nice place to keep you sheltered, and a Dalmatian that gave you both *chuckles*

Leo: .... I am going to break off both of your legs, and then LITERALLY kick whats left of your ass with them!!

D-Leo: Aaallriight, I'll get out of your fur. *looks at Winter* Good night, Winter! *turns around and leaves the room*

Leo: ..... *turns around and looks at the sleeping Winter. Then gently places his paw on Winter's cheek, and smiles softly* Good night.... my son

D-Leo: *takes a picture of this moment, with a smirk on his face*

Leo: .____.

D-Leo: This is going on my Pupstagram.... >:)

The End.

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