Guess what I found

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I found this website called "sell me something weird or confusing", and I'm here to show you some of the things they sell, and I will rate them on how weird they are out of 5.

Not to weird, something I may get cause I have glasses, and I could use this when I'm bored. I will rate this a 1.5.

Wow I can't believe someone thought of this. What cat would wear this, the cat in the photo looks miserable. So I will give this product a 2.7 on the scale.

What better way to have bandaids, that look like bacon. Now I'm no fan of bacon, I don't really like it (plz don't hate because I know many people have a strong belief in bacon goodness). I would personally get this for the pranks at breakfast, but that's just me. I would rate this a 2.

Why? Just...people if you have a cat and it sheds constantly, you may want this if your bored, but it's kinda gross when you think about it, but I think it could be a nice craft to do. So I guess I with rate it a 3.4.

This is a book that I found, I'm tempted to actually get it to see what it's about, but it seems more random then weird. This was published last year so it is probably (not) good. Just...goats in trees. I rate this one a 2.8.

Have you been sitting on the toilet thinking to yourself 'man I wonder if I can make my bathroom experience something more', well lovelies, for only 3.99 you can have this book and make your bathroom experience better. *weird laughter* I cant even think of what was going through the creators head. I will rate it a solid 3.6.

Keeping on with the toilet humor, underwear gloves. Exactly what everyone needs, you know when I think my hands are cold, I think: UNDERWEAR, the perfect solution. This one to me is a 4.

And this one, I just think it is hilarious. The gift of nothing is sold out, there is not much to explain. I rate this a 10 in humor.

Well that's all I have my lovelies, I would like to know what you would rate some of these products, and what weird product you have seen.

Well by my lovelies, have a good day :3

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