I totally did not steal those from tumblr shut up

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Paul: Fuck, I want to die.

Dawn: Language, Paul.

Paul: Hecky heck, I crave death.

Car: *is hanging off a cliff*

Gary: Oh my Arceus, Leaf back the car up!

Leaf: Really, Gary? I thought I might drive forward. I thought that might be a fun thing to do.

Ash: Is there anyone here who's actually straight?

Drew: *raises his hand*

Gary: *Puts Drew's hand down*

In class

Ash: Eating 

Misty: No fucks were given ever

Gary: Has to leave the class because he's laughing at his own joke

Leaf: Procrastinates until the end of time

Drew: Internal yelling

May: Slamming her head on the table

Paul: Looks like he's ready to murder everyone

Dawn: On her phone all the time

Barry: Doodling in his notebook

Meadow: How about no

Cilan: Teacher

Iris: Never does her homework but doesn't get in trouble


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