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Tagged by xtrainer_lunax

1. Favorite horror movie

Don't watch those.

2. Favorite ship

...Contestshipping will always be my number 1

3. Favorite character from all musicals

I mean, AVPM counts as a musical, right?

If so, Draco.

4. Worst fear

Oh gosh... I don't know. A lot of things terrify me.

5. Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend


Unless fictional counts.

6. Favorite song

Too many.

7. Favorite author

JK Rowling.

8. Someone you hate?

I don't hate people, I guess. Yes, sometimes I get really annoyed by some, but that doesn't mean I hate them.

9. Sexuality


10. Favorite color


I actually made a top 5 fav colors when I was waiting once.

1. Green
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Purple
5. Blue


11. Favorite animal

Tiger. I also like birds.

12. Ever been in love?

I guess so?

13. Kissed anyone?


14. Worst mistake

I have made a lot of mistakes, but I have no idea what's the worst one.

15. Three of your favorite people

Real life, online or fictional?

Because the first 2 are picking favourites, I'm gonna do the last one.

Barry, Shinsou and ... Idk. Monoma, Drew or May.

16. Last time you cried

Yesterday I guess? It wasn't really crying, my eyes were a bit watery.

Tag 10 peeps

... Sigh.

@ you if you like birds.

@ you if you have teeth.

@ you if you purchased a slug that's the best at something that is that Aoyama doesn't hate anyone who doesn't like his cookies and I love it cause it looks so cool as a villain boy and shipped them based of that song with Charmander and Squirtle as main characters why not another one of the guys is a berry.

Okay I let my auto correct thingy do that.


"Aoyama doesn't hate anyone who doesn't like his cookies". Yeah unlike Harley.

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