Woop woop

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Did I already tell that I'm going to Amsterdam soon?

Because I am.


It's with school, during school, so that's even better.

Because only the peeps with art class are going.

So the rest still has school.


We're probably gonna visit museums. Also we're going to this concert of........... wait a sec.... gonna look it up.... dunno how to spell.... Mahler. Kinda curious.


I've never been to A'dam before... So yeah, my second capital city.

Also, this Friday I will hear if I'm going to Berlin in spring. I really hope I get picked! And otherwise, I can still go next year. But next year I wanna go to London.

Because in London, they're gonna visit HP stuff.

But this year I didn't choose that, because the chance that there still be spots is very small. But next year, I'll be a fifth year, so I will get.... translate says priority.


Also, next week I have a week vacation.


We're going to Limburg tho... (something like a state but Dutch)

I don't like Limburg... Especially their hockey clubs...

Looking at you, Scoop

Scoop sucks

If you hockey at Scoop, you probably suck too.

Sorry not sorry.

Okay, well, not everyone. Only if you're a girl and born in '02/'03/'04.

Because those are the people I have to play against.

So I can't really judge for the others...

Also, their referees are... translate says biased.

For their own club of course.


But the biggest reason why I don't like them, is because they curse and have a big mouth.

Against the referee (even their own!), against our team and against our coaches.

Like no, it's just a game, stfu.

Oh wow, this turned into a rant.

Lol sorry.

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