Idea and question.

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Well anyway.


I'm bored and I wanna write a mlp fanfiction or Au. (Really don't know what to call it)

Mlp aka my little pony (friendship to be specific, yes I know it ended)

And actually try and write and Finish it.

The plot. I already have a slight idea on it already

Summery (of maybe book 1?)

After twilight became queen of Equestria and after the last problem was solved. About 100 years later, twilight has to find new pony's to help fight a shape-shifting, manipulate villain, that trys to drag Equestria apart again. Twilight can't use the elements do to her friends having passed and her and spike being the only two left out of the original 6 and the school 6 splited up due to the problem at hand. She and spike go back everything the roots of the tree made and found new elements, looking  different and find out that the tree of harmony found new elements. Twilight goes and finds the new element barriers but sees that almost all of them don't know each other. What will twilight do? What will be the fate of these 6 pony's? And what will be the fate of the new Equestria?

But I want to know.

Would any of you guys be interested in it?

Me and a ton of old friends used to do these but we really never finished them and crap.

I think we might do it again.

I need to see



Maybe some more but I think they all deleted there account or left.


But I want to know if we should try and reboot the series again?

It just a thought
Its alright if we don't I was just bored and was looking through my library and remember how fun it was to read them.

Well anyway

Let me know in the comments bellow! (If you can't do that, tell me some way if you want to XD)


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