Another OC OwO

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I don't have much yet, but I'd like to share what I got so far

Name: Aurelle Damonian

Gender: Female

Age: 95

She was born in 1924, in Crévic, a small town in France, close to the German border. She lived alone with her father, who was a baker. She never knew her mother, who died a few months after she was born, by a disease. 

When the town got in hands of the Germans in WOII, her father was shot as he refused to give the Germans bread. Aurelle ran away before the Germans could get her and was on the run for almost a year, but then she got caught by the Germans and as she tried to flee again, she got shot in her back, and fell into a river.
The Germans assumed she was dead, and didn't bother to get her out of the river. Nor did anyone else.

Normally, a dead body underwater would start to break down, it'll turn greenish-black and eventually because of gas, the body will start floating. This however, didn't happen to Aurelle.

Exactly a year later, she was taken out of the water by a couple who noticed her. They were afraid that she was already dead, but to his surprise, she started coughing up water. As the couple helped her get up, they noticed the shot wound on her back, and immediately took her with them to treat the wound.

Aurelle doesn't remember anything from before the accident, except from a few flashes that sometimes appear. They're always the same ones. The first one is where she sees a man, that is assumably her father, being shot. The second one is where she almost got caught by the Germans, but someone distracts them. And the last one, where she sees the face of the guy that distracted the Germans for her to get away.

Aurelle is determined to find that guy, as he might know more about the past that she has forgotten. She stays with the couple that saved her until the war is over, because she was scared that the Germans might find her otherwise and would try to kill her.

After the war she starts her search. Sadly, she doesn't find the guy, or find out about her past, but she did find something else. She's not aging.

Then there is a gap. I don't know what happens there yet. She finds somehow out that she is immortal, reason unknown. She goes back to the couple that she stayed with during the war, and stays in that family, who keep her secret. She goes to school together with the kids, and when they graduate, they move far away, where Aurelle goes to another school, with another identity. They want her to go to school because socialising. In the mean time, Aurelle never stops with her search for the guy.

The year is 2020. She is once again in the last year of school, when one of her classmates finds out about her secret. I don't know how yet, but internet exists, and I guess it's easier with that. Aurelle eventually ends up telling him about everything, and he promises her to search for the guy with her, because this is the only exiting thing to ever happen in his life.

And that's it. I don't have anything else for now, except some small details, which I will also share UwU

Height: 1.72 m.

Hair colour: White.

Hair style: Long hair, straight.

Eye colour: Crystal blue.

Skin tone: Pale white.

Body type: Small-shouldered.

Identifying marks: A shot mark on her back.

Mannerisms: She closes her eyes when she thinks about something.

Flaws: She is pretty slow. She needs time to understand things, and takes her time for it too.

Hobbies: She likes to watch birds.

Personality type: She comes of as calm and smart, but she's just slow.

Favourite colour: Yellow.

Favourite food: Cherries.

Favourite possesion: The necklace that she (assumably) got from her father. It has a small crystal hanging from it, the same colour as her eyes.

Favourite animal: Birds.

This is what I kinda imagine she looks like?

I also made a sketch of her, but she just looks bitchy there. Also, the hair is a bit different because Rinmaru doesn't have that many options. I also like this hair style tho.

And that's it.


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