Guess who caught a cold!?

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It meeeeee

Even though it was 28° today

Probs cause of airco

And I also catch colds easily


Idk if a cold is the right way to call it?

Cause sometimes people overreact when I say it

But when I say I have a cold

I just mean my throat hurty
Sneeze a lot
And cough a lot

And sometimes a little nauseous, but that rare



We be in this French place called Orleans rn

And maaaaan

This city be lively

Very nice

There is this boulevard, with lots of people hust hanging out, drinking and they be playing funky music

Also nice streets with lots of bars

And much people again

Much fun

Much lively

Also, I've seen lots of nerd shops

Like, why don't we have any in the Netherlands?? Or am I just not at the right place??

Sadly, all the manga I've seen was French

Stoopid french

Also I've seen lots of figurines

And a Detective Pikachu cap and plushie

Also I love pointing out all of the characters I know to my parents even tho they probably don't care UwU

Okay I think that's all I had to say


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