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Winter is such a wild time. You don't look outside for ten minutes and boom it's dark.

Anyways, I'm studying English. 

And it's stupid. 

There are some spelling mistakes in the Dutch translation, the word 'pink' is asked, like, how will I ever remember what pink means?? And some of the Dutch words I don't even know.

Like 'verkwikkend'. What the heck? Heck is also one of the words I have to learn, btw.

But verkwikkend is in English 'exhilarating'. So I still don't know what it means. I think it's something like 'refreshing'? Idk.

No but really, there are such easy words, and also a lot of hard ones. And just plain stupid ones. Like titter, and tee-hee.

Also, I want to thank Shinsou, because I can remember the word 'insomnia' thanks to him. Making life a little easier.

There are also three sayings I have to learn. I don't get why they're part of the 'words' I need to know.

'The straw that broke the camels back'. ????????? I know what it means, it just doesn't make any sense? 

OOOOH WAIT maybe I get it. Maybe. Like, camels have to carry stuff, heavy stuff, and add one more straw and boom he broke his back? I dunno.

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