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Kinda tagged by LapisLazulli2


1. Weird fact about you


I basically always adjust myself to the people I'm with? I guess?

I usually take the role that hasn't been filled yet

And with role, I mean stuff like, the grumpy one, happy one, mom-friend

Shit like that

But when I get more comfortable around them, I usually start to act more like myself than take a role

And apparently that's weird
Not many people do that, or so I've heard

2. Favourite food

It used to be macarons, but I think it changed into mango

3. First fandom

Harry Potter

4. Best friends

Thanks, laps, for giving me the opportunity to steal this

5. Your current lockscreen

Still the same old Absol

6. Favourite OTP

...I feel like I've done this tag before
Cause I complained that you can't have a fav OTP, since you technically only can have one
ONE true pairing
So yea

But my answer


7. Birthday

This year

8. Five fears

What did I answer last time again?
Okay I tried to find that tag, cause I know I've answered it before
But I couldn't find it
Big oof


1. Sea creatures

2. Spontaneous human combustion

3. The feeling someone is watching, me will scare me, and then murder me

4. Disappointing people that I care about

5. Horror movies

9. What you look like

A girl

10. Favourite song

Let's just go with Allergies - Sisyfuss

11. Why you made your account

Write fanfic

12. Favourite character ever



13. 20 of your favourite accounts

No u


Thank you

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