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It's me

I just came back from Berlin

Anyways, it was soooooo awesome

I learned a lot of interesting stuff (yes history interests me)

And the people I'm with are so amazing

I really really enjoyed it

And now it's time to spam some pictures

Chocolate from the biggest chocolate store in Europe uwu (at least, that's what they said)

That was how the space between the front and the back of the Berlin wall looked like. It was basically imposed to escape. A few people succeeded, by digging underground, but a lot of people also didn't make it, and some were killed on the spot.

I liked the name lol

roße means big

This is one of the parts of Berlin that the people took over after the cold war and the rich people haven't got their hands on yet. Berlin kinda used to look like this everywhere, but rich people said hai and now most of it is gone.

I really liked these posters. They were all over Berlin.

Reichstag (idk if I spelled it right oof) The place for important politic stuff. And we went to the roof of it. The view was amazing, but the pictures I have are too dark to see ;-;

This was the thing that's on top of the Reichstag.

And that was inside

Glow in the dark midgetgolf ÙwÚ (I won X3)

The Olympic Stadium (which is even bigger than how it looks on the picture. It goes underground OwO)

The stadium had an enormous basement. There was some sort of christian thing where the walls were all covered with gold (real gold), and another place where there was an 110 meter runtrack which wad there for Bolt to warm up, but he eventually used somewhere outside to warm up lol

I have other pictures, but Wattpad is being a bitch and won't let me upload them. So this'll do.

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