Something Im writing for school

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Tell me if you like it, or what I should do to change it 

This is wrong. This is insane. Why would people do this again? I panted slightly, the hike to much for my sore limbs. I ran a hand through my light brown hair stopping for a moment, closing my eyes and listening. But I have to keep going, and I have catch up to him. I forced my feet forward, still taking care to not to make much noise. This was a reckless and haywire idea. But I have to. I have no choice. Well, I do, but I should do it. Wait, not should. Killing someone isn't something you should do. I have to do it but I have a choice. I don't have to. I could report him to the police. But I had no proof other then my eyes. And my sanity. I was sure I lost it, when it happened. Don't think about it. Just focus on this. I took in a breath.

Can I actually do this?

The forest trail was cluttered with red and orange leaves, and I took care to not step on them too much, as they were crunchy, but it was unavoidable. My old worn red sneakers that I bought with my own money in 8th grade -that squeezed my feet too tight of being too small- carried my feet through the late autumn forest. I admired the view. It was a beautiful forest. Autumn was the best time of year. It always had been for me. This would be the first fall that something has gone wrong. But what's one fall compared to a lifetime of them?

I noticed the trees that were still green matched my eye color, a fading green. I winced as my feet fell on a big clump of noisy leaves, hurting my toes and my preservation to try to keep silent. Good thing there was that raging river along the trail, covering all my noise. At least I hoped. Maybe, if I could bring myself to do this, I could put the gun and the body in the river. I shook my head closing my eyes and pushed my heels into the ground to go up a little farther.

Why am I even considering killing someone?

I was a normal teenager, struggling with homework and rumors, going to the football games with my friends, cheering on the team; and maybe the cheerleaders. My parents- who I know wouldn't care if I was at school like I was supposed too or somewhere else- named me Theo. Why was I considering it? I thought the question in my head for too many counts already. But again- I had to. I had to get revenge. That's just how the human body works. Or mind. It could be either. I just knew that physically and mentally, that I was this far to go back. I was too close to turn around.

Why your asking? Why am I walking through a late morning autumn forest, going to kill someone with bad shoes and a loaded gun? James Forder is one part. Maddie Kinco is another. A old red ford focus. A super nice and new honda. James Forder ran into Maddie Simons old car, with me in the passenger. I remember glass, a scream, more from outside, and blood. Before I knew it, Maddie was slumped in her seat dead. My girlfriend of 3 years, who we had joked about starting a family and getting married, was dead. And what do you think James Forder, a rich and snobby man who owns tons of restaurants around the world, would do? He backed his car out of the side of hers, barely a scratch, and drove away like it was nothing.

You know the sadness that scratched me? And this anger mixed. The strange anger. He didn't care. He just drove away. How much that hurt me. Hurt her family. Hurt her friends. Everything hurt. With her gone, my mind was encased in this black hole, trying to get out. But out there in the beautiful space, a black hole can drag you in and you're lost to those stars forever. This anger, the strange anger. I finally knew what it was when I held the gun.
Revenge. Oh boy, it had taken over my mind, twisting and changing it. As I looked down into the raging river, my face blurring in and out, I didn't recognize who stared back at me. I blinked and shook my head. I was going sentimental now.

I forced my body forward, panting slightly and I wiped my forehead with my sleeve. Then I saw him. He walked around a bend in the path, temporarily disappearing behind trees. My breathing came faster and I walked a little faster, just stopping in time before going around the pine tree and coming into view. I peeked around and saw that he had stopped, looking around.

"My my, I lost my wallet!" He said in a deep gruff voice that slightly annoyed me in someway. He deserved this, right? I summoned my strength. I could do this. I can do this. I was brought back to my days at the swimming pool at the diving board. I was convinced I couldn't do it. Then I decided to just to jump. And when you do it there's no going back. You can't rewind time. You decide your fate. I can do this. And I jumped off the diving board.

I swung around the tree raising the gun. He jumped in surprise, and for a few seconds, I got hit with reality. I would be sent to jail. There's no point. I realized there was some things a teen can't do. I stopped in mid air. I wasn't in the water yet. I can't bring myself to do this. It's not in my fate, even if I can choose where for it to go.

But I suddenly hit the water, as a bullet, not my own, fired a little bit behind me past my shoulder, and into Forders heart. I watched as he crumbled to the ground, fear pricking at my neck. I was going to die. Then I held my breath as I fell under the water when my gun was snatched out of my hand and replaced with another one. I looked around wildly, but the culprit was already gone, disappearing into the forest. I made a move to go after them when a couple with a small white dog rounded the corner.

They saw the dead man, me, and the gun I was holding. The woman screamed, and the man whipped his phone out.

"I didn't... I swear... set..." I whispered, but all evidence now pointed to me. Everyone would know except for two people that I killed James Forder. This isn't what I meant to happen. My fate had turned around completely. I dropped the gun. I had to run. That's all I could do. I can't be caught. I plunged into the forest, ducking between branches and trees as fast as I could. Branches and thorns scratched my arms, legs and face. Rain started falling, faster and faster.

Strangely, some of the rain tasted like salt. 

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