Focusing on clout

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Okay I'm gonna wait a bit to post this chapter cause this happened just now, and I don't want the person I'm talking abt to get abt hate so :p

I feel like there's been a shift in the community lately where everyone's more focused on like followers and notifications then like... yk... reading and writing

I get that everyone's mainly focused on reading and writing but I keep seeing people hyperfocused on their follower count and then making announcements about it like "Omg I just lost 2 followers" or "only 3 more to 200!!!" Or something and i get it but I feel like that's really unhealthy to be focusing so much on clout like that.

Another thing I see in the replies of these announcements will be ppl like "omg who unfollowed I'm murdering them" which like???? That isn't funny also everyone has their reasons for unfollowing you!! It could have been an accident or they could just be disinterested in the content you make currently !! I think saying things like "omg who unfollowed" and "who unfollowed I'll murder them" is drastic and really uncool...

Anyway message of the day is to take breaks !! If you find yourself overly obsessing over social media it's probably best to step away for your own mental health since it's not good to focus on that stuff :(((

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro