Gravity Falls OC

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OK, so since I had so many people willing to help me I have decided to just post all of my little random notes I made to the public. Remember, these are just little things I have jotted down in the middle of the night when I think of stuff, so don't judge please 0_0

Drew the picture above last night when I couldn't get to sleep (dont judge that either 0.0). Idk, a cover for a fanfic about her similar to it? Also, I had the idea of calling the fanfic "Not What She Seems", like a play on the episode title "Not What He Seems" (Btw, this will contain spoilers from about that episode on)

Lyrakay (lie-ra-kay) Meadowlark

Just moved there, parents working on fixing incredibly damaged house, she starts to explore.

Finds the Mystery Shack, loves the attractions, it's just like her drawings.

Amazing artist, draws mythical things that actually end up being real in the forest MIGHT have a crush on Dipper

Mabel and her hang out a bit

Hangs out at the Shack a lot

Pacifica's cousin (but her family is poor, her mother's sister, Ms. Northwest, married into the rich Northwest family. But the actual family is pretty poor.) So... Idk. I'm only brainstorming.

Mother is sister to Mr. Northwest

Golden Eagle? (Bill's nickname for her?)

Comes to the Shack looking for a map, Wendy starts talking to her. Dipper comes in and from the back thinks that she's Pacifica (hair color similar, although her's is real). "Oh, hi Pacifica, what are you doing here?" Lyra turns around and laughs, Dipper sees that he was wrong. "Oh, Pacifica is my cousin. We get confused a lot. I'm Lyrakay, but Lyra is just fine." Holds out hand, they shake. "Dipper." He says. Wendy explains that she just moved here and was looking for a map, but couldn't find any in town. Dipper knows exactly where the maps are and gives her one. She thanks him and walks out. As soon as the door is closed, Wendy smiles. "She's nice, Pacifica's cousin she said? You two should hang out." Dipper blushes, "excuse me?" "All I'm saying, is that she seemed like the kind of person that you'd become friends with. I mean, you don't have a ton of people your age here to hang out with. It might be nice to get to know her." Dipper ponders this, if Wendy thinks so... Wendy suggests that he catches her before she leaves and hooks up with her somehow. After a brief moment of thought, he rushes to the door and calls her name. She turns around a bit down the road. "Yeah?" "I was just going to say... I didn't know... I mean... " Lyra giggles. Dipper clears his throat," What I meant to say is that if you ever have any questions, or want me to show you around the shack, I'm here all day... Mostly." "Oh, thanks! Yeah, my parents are busy fixing up the house we bought, so I might take you up on that offer." She smiles, waves, then turns and walks again. He suddenly knows that he'll have to make a good impression, (I don't know...) he has to start planning. He runs up to the attic and shuts the door behind him. "What are you doing?" "AH!" Mabel pokes her head out from under the covers. "What are YOU doing?" He questions. "Oh, just listening to the conversation you had downstairs again." She holds up a recorder and plays some of the conversation he just had. She got everything. She had seen it all too. "really?" Dipper rolls his eyes. Mabel jumps out of bed and says, "So, time to get planning!" Dipper looks at her, they talk, Dipper surprised that she's totally on board with the idea of getting to know the new girl. They plan for about a half an hour when Waddles comes with a paper in his mouth. "What's that?" Mabel asks, grabbing the paper. It's a drawing, of a gnome. A certain gnome... Shmebulock. Mabel makes a face. Dipper sees it. "Waddles, where was this from? Who drew it? It's really good, I don't recognize the signature." Waddles goes over to the recorder on the floor and hits play, it's right at the part where the girl introduces herself. Mabel and Dipper look a each other. The girl knows, enough to draw a perfect copy of Jeff. (obviously from dreams and such)

Her drawings have the ability to suck in and trap whatever the drawing is of, the drawing turns colored when something is trapped.

She has a drawing of Dipper? At some point, someone gets ahold of Dipper and traps him in drawing, starts to tear. Gets as far as his finger on his raised arm. When back and freed, he has a missing finger. The girl smiles and asks if he trusts her. She traps him again and draws his finger back in pen. Once the line is connected, it fills in with color. She frees him and his finger is back to normal. (idk, just an interesting concept I had come up with)

Bill has been in her dreams for 4 years now and has befriended her. Obviously he acts nicer and normal around her, but his big plans are for the future. When he first appeared in her dreams, he claimed that we was sent to be her "guide" through life. She, 8, starts to get excited. He slowly starts to earn her trust over the years. His big thing is her art, he helps her. Introduces her to new creatures in her dreams. Teaching her all about them and helping her. (I know this sounds really weird of Bill to do, but wait, you'll see). Eventually, just as she's doing really well in school and stuff, her parents can't afford the house. They look for a place to move to, but just don't have any luck. One night, Bill appears in her dream. She rejects him, saying that she doesn't want to talk. Her whole life is slowly getting crushed. He finally convinces her to listen, saying that he knows where they could go. A place called "Gravity Falls". The next day she tells her parents that she has a strange hunch, one that tells her they will have better luck in Gravity Falls. Her parents look around and finally find a place there. It needs a lot of work/fixing, but it's all they can afford. The girl is excited, telling Bill all about it the next day. His plan is starting to take form. They move there and she starts to do some exploring, but gets lost. So, she looks for a map at the closet place, the Mystery Shack. You know kind of what happens. Anyway, I'll figure that out later. The next day she meets with Dipper. He starts by taking her around the Mystery Shack, introducing her to everyone and learning about her. She asks about town. He said something about it being different, he explains that there is just some, interesting happenings that take place. He needs to grab something (idk, he leaves somehow) Understanding, she waits for him at some point, taking out her sketchbook and starting to draw. This time she draws Bill (like many times before.) Dipper comes out as she is coloring him and almost falls over. She, startled, asks him what's wrong. He shakes his head, "nothing". They split and she goes home, finishing her drawing. All the time she is thinking, why was Dipper so.... Moved by her drawing? Was Bill in her dreams too? At this age she has categorized him as a figment of her imagination, an imaginary friend. Was he not? Dipper, on the other hand, goes home and panics. Telling Mabel everything. He starts to act more cautious around her.

She trusts him. That's the point. And he wants to get her close to Dipper so he can use her.

She is called to give a speech in front of the town. She's always had a bad case of stage fright, but in one case (which was a big presentation years earlier) Bill took her body and finished for her, then gave it to her back. Now, she has him waiting for a signal if she needs it. This is his time, he has her in front of the whole town, it's time to act. She signals to him and watches as he helps for a few seconds, then mysteriously calls up the Pines twins. She's watching in confusion (that's wasn't part of the speech), then Bill asks Dipper (whisper) if he can look at the journal for a moment for reference. Dipper eyes him suspiciously, then caves in and hands it to him. Smiling, he says (pretending to be her) "I never liked you anyway". And then- yeah. Idk. What would he do? Would he even get the journal then? I don't know if I even want this to happen. Maybe it could be something like Ford's agreement with him, that he can use his (her) body freely. Or is that too much like Ford?

Ok, so I'd like some honest opinions on this OC. I know that I'm probably just fretting too much, but I want to make her a cool OC. Also, I need help with appearance and Bill's nickname for her. Thanks to anyone who survived reading all of that, I really appreciate it!


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