Wings of Watty Update (PLEASE READ)

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Hello! I imagine most of you know about the old Wings of Watty account. Well, this shouldn't come as a surprise, but it's been hacked. Again. And this time, we aren't going to do much about it. No fighting, no private messaging the account, just sit back and do a couple small things.

As the current leader of Wings of Watty, I've made a decision after having a discussion with the hacker.

First off, the account has been dead for quite some time and I think we should leave Wings of Watty in peaceful death, AKA it's done.

We never had anything great come out of it, only hurt and harassment. I hope you understand my decision and possibly even agree with me.

With that, here are your instructions for the hacked account :

1. Unfollow the account

2. Report them, as I believe that having the account deleted will be a lot better then letting it there for more hackers to get into.

3. Block them, if you feel like it

4. If you get a mean message from them, don't reply, just delete it and block.

They, like many others who have done this, want attention, so don't give it to them. Also, please don't tag them here, I'd rather they not see this.

Thank you all for being so kind and strong, please follow the simple rules and all will be fine.

Remember, no mean messages to them or hurtful words. They've apologized, but I still want the account taken down.

Please spread the word too, as I don't want any more hurt to come from this account.

Love you guys,

- Sunbeam

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