Leaving for Hawaii

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Hey peeples, i'm taking a week off of school to go to Hawaii, because I get good grades and because I need a break (that first one was a lie, kind of). 

So I have to wake up at 12:00 at night and drive 2 hours to the airport and THEN at 3:30 I have to get on a plane and fly for SIX HOURS and THEN I am in Hawaii. Except i'm kind of excited because I downloaded Batman vs Robin, Batman: Bad Blood, Robin: Year One, Batgirl: Year One (which includes Graybat elements), and several issues of my favorite comic, Harley Quinn. I will also probably binge-watch Young Justice even though I already have, at least 15 times. I will probably write on the plane or in Hawaii. I might start a new story. 

Anyway, I got planes to fly and movies to fangirl over.

Kd out.

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