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I just feel like ranting, ok? Several things in choir have ticked me off today. And also I'm feeling really ranty right now. There are several people I mildly dislike/hate very much that I need to rant about. I dont even care if anyone reads this, I just want to blow off some steam.

Story 1:

Binders. Binders, binders, binders. There is a shelf on the side of our classroom that holds everyone's binders all stacked up neatly with a piece of yellow tape on the edges that has a number on the tape because everyone has a number so you can find your binder quickly. If you are not blind and you can find your binder the right way, then it takes you probably a second and a half to find and pick up your binder. Not even that much. And the tape is clearly visible because the binders are black and the tape is bright yellow and the numbers are sharpied on. So every time we come in we set our backpacks down and go get our binders. But there are always these two older girls holding up the line/mob and that means I have to wait about five minutes to get my binder. Which is very annoying to people like me who do not like to wait in long lines. So anyway, I get to the shelf after a lot of wasted time and they are STILL THERE! How long does it take for them to find and pick up their binder? LONGER THAN IT NEEDS TO TAKE! Even after ALL THE OTHER BINDERS ARE GONE. So I (finally) go up to the shelf to get my binder but I cant because they are blocking me with their evil wizardry. At this point I was about ready to shove the binders down their throats but that would be a. mean and b. not very good for my reputation. So I kind of shoved them out of the way (nicely) and grabbed my binder. For the rest of the day I kind of glared at them when they looked away.

Story 2:

It's hard for me to find clothes because I am right in between womens and girls and not many stores have womens extra small. So I have to visit various stores to get clothes I like because I am really picky about clothes. And sometimes I get clothes that shrink, which makes it even harder to find clothes that I like AND clothes that fit good. And if you have gone shopping with me than you would know that I HATE trying on clothes. But I have encountered some stores that I have a bone to pick with. So here they are.


Seriously? Justice is a great place to buy under clothing. And shoes. Anything else? Not really. For me, everything is too sparkly and colorful. Even with sunglasses. I bought some cute boots there. They fell apart after a month. I bought a pack of earrings that were cute little candies with googoolie eyes. They fell apart minutes after I bought them. In other words, Justice is kinda cheap.


There is a Hot Topic in the mall close to where I live, and that is good because I am obsessed with Harley Quinn. I love everything there, except for one thing. The music. They play really annoying hard core Metal. And they turn the volume up. Really loud. Everything else is awesome. If you are a fangirl of any kind, this is the store for you.


If you have a Nintendo Ds like me, this is perhaps the only store that they sell games for it. I have a Ds, and this store is cool for me because I like cheap games and they sell each game for 1-5 dollars. It is really awesome and I love it. Also good if you are on your way to your brothers friends birthday party and you forgot a present.


Yeah, yeah, I know this is not clothes but I really like thier pretzel bites. Also im really hungry so dont blame me. Definetly go here.

Well, thats all I have for now. I'm not really angry any more. I will probably start ranting again later. Bye bye for now!

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