Birthday Special

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This one is for you Luccato_san Enjoy!!!

This will go on a 3rd Point of View

"Makki!! You ready?" Naoya asked with a smile as he pat her shoulder.

"Of course, I was the one who planned this after all" Maki smiled.

Today is Luke's birthday. She have recently found out and wanted to give a surprise party for him. Annabeth volunteered to bake the cake while Naoya took the offer to help decorate in their home, Luke's parents were nice enough to let them and Maki was given the role to accompany Luke to go out and have fun. After all, she is doing this not only for him to be happy but also for being grateful for what he have done for her. And now, here he comes.

"Sorry, I'm late. My family keep bugging me, insisting that I hurry up and all" Luke apologized.

"It's alright, it was my fault for inviting without advance notice" Maki said.

"Well then, were are we going anyway Maki?" Luke asked.

"Guess as we walk" Maki smiled as she went ahead.

"Ehh...c'mon no hints at least?" Luke asked as he walk beside me. "Oh! Another cake shop, maybe?"

"Well, this isn't our ordinary hangout so unfortunately no it ain't" Maki sadly answered.

"Oh..." Luke grimace.

"But I'm sure it'll be fun when we get there." Maki assured. "I apologise if you were expecting to hangout on a confectionery shop like you used too"

"Nah, it's cool. Just being with you right now makes me happy" Luke grin. "Come to think of it, wonder what Nao and Ann-chan is doing? We should have invited them"

"Ahh yeah we should have invited them unfortunately they said they were too busy with something" Maki lied.

"Too would have been nice to be with them today..." Luke sadden.

"Well no use sulking about it. I promise I'll make your day awesome until the end" Maki smiled and then took his hand and ran.

"S-slow down" Luke was surprised.

"What? No way! If we slow down, we won't be able to enjoy the day" Maki teased. "Excuse me but I'll be taking your time today"

"Hang on Maki!!" Unfortunately she didn't want to listen to his pleas and continue to drag him.

The first destination: Aquarium.

"Look at those whales, they're so big!!" Maki pointed one.

"Ehehe..." Luke grin.

"Whatcha grinning about?" Maki asked.

"Well, it's rare to see Maki in this personality so I'm excited to see more facial expressions" Luke honestly answered.

With his comment, Maki blush and look away. "W-what are you talking about? I've shown this kind of expressions to the three of you"

"True but this is different from the usual" Luke pointed out.

"W-whatever" She walked ahead with the thought still in my head.

"Yes ma'am" Luke smiled.

The second destination: Amusement Park.

"Crap, I feel like I'm going to hurl" Luke turns green as he help onto the trash bin.

"Sorry, guess it was too much for you to handle" Maki apologise.

"'s-" Luke never finish as he puke out all what he have hidden.

"Remind me not to force you to eat before going to numerous fast rides like the roller coaster" She pat his back and give him water.

"Thanks" Luke drank all the water.

The sun was about to set down soon. She just called Anna and told her they were about to finish soon and had invited some few friends. Naoya urge her to enjoy one last ride before they head back.

Looking around, she frowned.

"What's wrong?" Luke noticed her and asked.

"Before we head to the last place, I wanted to ride one last time but we've tried almost everything" she sighed.

"The ferris wheel" Luke suddenly came up an idea.

"Ehh, there slow" Maki grumbled. But honestly, she didn't want to go to that ride. It simply reminded her of the past that she's hiding from everyone.

"But interesting, c'mon it'll be fun" Luke suggest.

"Because?" She wasn't going to give up.

"We'll get to see the scenery and you owe me three cakes for making me vomit" Luke put out his tongue.

Sighing in defeat. Even if she did win, she doubt Lu would be happy if she didn't "Fine but on one condition"

"And that is?" Luke listened.

"One Cake" Maki stated.

"No fair..." Luke grumbled like a little kid.

"Stop complaining, it's a big one after all" She went ahead.

"Oh, okay" Luke followed behind.

As they wait on the line, both of them chat, reminiscing about the past. They were all memoriable. Without realizing, it was their turn.

"It's so beautiful" She gaze upon the city.

"Told you" Luke smile.

"Fine fine, you win" Maki put out her tongue.

As she continue to stare in wonder, Luke just watch her like a father, making sure nothing happened to her. Of course, worse case scenario: The ferris wheel have stop.

"Due to technical problem, the ferris wheel have stop. We apologise for any situation that may have cause. Please don't panic and wait as we work on it as fast as we could. Thank you for you consideration" The conductor announced.

"Great..." She muttered. Everything was suppose to go according to plan. Everyone's probably waiting for them right now. This might take awhile, she should message the others.

We got a short problem. The last ride gain technical problem ad we're stuck. It'll be awhile before we get back. - Maki

Seriously! You two take care alright? By the way, which ride did you guys get stuck together? 😏 - Naoya

It's none of your concern - Maki

If you get stuck on a ferris wheel then it's a good luck charm - Naoya

That's absurd. Well excuse me as I have a role to do. - Maki

Yes Ma'am. Good luck - Naoya

Maki sighed. Geez, what was Senpai's mind up too. She turned her head to Luke, he was in deep thought.

"Lu?" She called out to him.

"S-sorry, I was spacing out" Luke apologized.

"Well, why not play a game to pass time" Maki suggest.

"Good idea, what's the consequence?" Luke asked.

"Consequence...hmm, a simple truth or dare wouldn't hurt would it?" She said.

"Sounds good to me" Luke grin.

"Okay, game goes like this" she started.

Simply they pass time with any games they could suggest. Of course, they both have a fair share of secrets and embarrassing themselves thanks to dares but it was fun.

"Thank you for waiting, we'll be letting you off as soon it is your turn" The conductor said. "I repeat-"

Then the ferris wheel start moving.

"Finally!!" Maki smiled.

"Huh, too bad I was having so much fun I forgot about everything" Haru smiled.

"Well, we could still play one last game" she gave a fist.

"Rock, Paper, Scissor?" Luke raise his eyebrow which she nod.

"Alright in a count of three" both of them said.




Final Destination: Luke's Home

"Hey, no peeking" Maki scold him.

"Sorry" Luke apologized.

"Hold on a sec" she told him and took out her phone.

Well? - Maki

Ready whenever you are - Naoya

Alright!! - Maki

"Maki?" Luke called out.

"Time to go in" She push Luke after opening to door.

"Go where?" Luke asked.

After pushing him to the center, she pulled back and waited. Everyone was there; Luke's family, Annabeth, Naoya, Shiho, Coco and many more, waiting for her cue.

With a deep breath, she smiled. "You can open it now"

When he remove the blindfold, everything went completely satisfying.

"Happy Birthday Luke!!" Everyone chanted with confetti popping.

"You guys" Luke's eyes glimmer with happiness. "Thank you"

"Oh, don't be. We're your friends including it was Makki's idea after all" Naoya slid his arm to his neck.

"Maki!?" Luke look at me. That time, she didn't know Naoya spilled the beans because she was busy talking with Anna about the cake.

"Yeah, guess she continue to keep it a surprise" Naoya said. "Truthfully, surprise party aren't really that common anymore in our generation since everyone keep finding out. It's a good thing it work out."

"Hmm, I suppose so..." Luke trails off.

"Hey Lu, c'mon hurry up! We need you to blow the cake" Maki took his wrist and lead him to the cake.

"Sorry if you were expecting a big one" Annabeth apologise. "I've recently learned of the condition you two have and I don't really have good baking skills like you do but I hope you liked it"

"Ehehe, sorry" Maki apologise.

"It's cool. Thank you Ann-chan" Luke smiled.

"My pleasure" Annabeth smiled.

"Let's put on the candles" Naoya grin as he start putting two candles. A 1 and a 7, together it's a 17. He then flared it.

After that, everyone start singing. It was one of the best experience Luke may have.

"Well then, time to eat!!" Maki smiled.

"Don't forget about making a wish" Annabeth remind. "It's tradition to do so"

"Oh right. I forgot" Maki apologise.

"I wouldn't be surprised since you always celebrate alone..." Annabeth muttered.

"Did you say something?" Maki asked.

"Nothing...let's just have fun" Annabeth smiled.

"Yeah" Maki smiled.

"So Lucca, got a wish?" Naoya grin.

"Hush, let him think" Maki consult.

Luke smiled. Every year with everyone is nice. If a wish comes true then he wanted to stay like this forever with everyone. Happy times, sad times, he wanted to be there with everyone. A wish until eternity.

And finally the blowing of candles.

"Hooray!! Happy Birthday Luke!!" Everyone cheered once more.


Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday Luccato-san! You are an amazing person. Make sure to wish something before blowing out the candles. It can be anything though. ANYTHING! So have an awesome birthday this year. Because bdays are special and special. *Throws up confetti* - YaBe_HaZuKi

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a special day! Remember, not everyday is going to be the best! But please enjoy your day with everyone you care about and have a good day! Also remember this, friends and family will be there for you! So happy birthday. - ShihoFujioka

Happy Birthday to you! May this day be special for you are surrounded with loving friends and family who cherish you and your quirks - swetlove322

Happy Birthday Luccato! You feeling old yet? Well I hope your having a great day, you totally deserve it! Stay awesome cause I'm stalking your page! - EternalDawning

Yo yo! How old are you right now? Must be feeling old, oops sorry about that. You know me, well not personally but as one of Maki's friends so happy birthday!! Best wishes to you and hope you have a great time. - NanoriHoshimi

Adven- What no, we're not the AT anymore, that's our predecessors. Were the Triunes you will soon recognize and know. This may be sudden but the three of us wish you a happy birthday! Can we have cake? Sorry, force of habit. But anywho, have a blessed year! - TwinkleTriunes

Uhm...Maiko here. It's nice to meet you Luccato_san. *Gives a charm* This may not be enough but I hope the charm helps you. What is it you asked? It's a charm filled with gratitude, happiness and sadness. Where you experience and treasure everything everyday. Happy 17th Birthday. *Bows with a smile* - mAIko37

Lu-kun~ Omereto Gozaimasu! Happy Birthday! 🍰 🎊 I'm so happy for you! Hope you spend this amazing time with your close friends and family. Stay healthy. Don't do anything crazy lol. Hope you have a wonderful birthday! If you can eat a lot of cake! I'll send you some! Jk! Oh am I? Haha well now that your getting older, how do you feel? Stay genki and safe~ Hope we continue our collab and not be lazy haha - cocoshinju

UU!! Happy birthday Luccato_san! You better not idolized MWP that much. You should really work hard and accomplish things - MariaisMaria

Happy Birthday Luke!! What you expecting some sort of deep inspirational speech from a man without purpose? Sorry but NO. You have a full life ahead of you. It's okay to be lazy like I am. But make sure you grow up to be reliable. Like I am. Even a man without a purpose can do that. Your a year older now. So think about what you want to become. Trust me. You wouldn't want to be like me. Crap I did give out a speech. Eh. Think of it as my payment in advance for eating you cake. But seriously you wouldn't want to carry on as a Man without a purpose. - Manwithoutpurpose

This took longer than I expected. Ahaha, why am I complaining? Seems like it's my turn to give out a birthday message. Geez, this is embarrassing right now. Alright, I'm on top form!! Hey Luc, happy 17th birthday. What do you think about this birthday special, took me a month of preparation. This was the surprise one shot I've been telling you about. Unfortunately, I could not greet you properly and spend the time to celebrate with you because of school so I asked a friend, White12ose to publish this for me exactly on midnight. Thank you for every conversation we shared together. Thank you for being by my side and worrying about me. Although, you really like to spoil me recently, don't you? Ehehe, I don't mind. I really enjoy your company. Oops, this was supposed to be a birthday message not gratitude. Anyway, enjoy today's event and have a blast. 🎂🎶📣

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