Diamond Shard #4

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"Catch!" A fellow teammate throw the ball at him.

Catching the ball with ease and at a three point field, he skillfully throw the ball into the hoop.

"Nice job man" a fellow teammate praise him.

He smile and nod. "You did great out there"

It was a common routine he take in the day. School, basketball and friends. It was his life in the day.

But no one knows what he does in the night. Sharing a bit, he now stands at the rooftop, searching for signs.

"No trouble for today" he muttered.

Before he could head back down. Something glint at the edge of his eyes. Curious, it lead to a shooting star. Like the ocean waves down to the ground.

In awe, he stop back in his tracks. "Wicked"

However he wasn't the only one. It was just the first sign of a union and the search for the sake of everyone.

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