Tarot Fate Poll

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MWPandMaria Luccato_san Blacklist1Work TwinkleTriunes AkariShizuka NanoriHoshimi Introvert-san mAIko37 DJ_Dexter

Heyo everyone. I'm here to give you the next step for Tarot Fate. Yeah!! How was the last chapter by the way? Anyway, as you all have heard or read, this chapter will be a poll on whoever you want to be leaders per group. Yeah, spoiler alert, you'll be grouped into three.

Since, this is only the start and I doubt you know every character I've shown. I'll be showing a short description on each characters. Well then let's start.

Note: You can only vote in a group your in and only once, so pick wisely as it may affect the story or so. Also, you can't vote yourself. Lastly, deadline is before the next chapter coming out, since I don't know when either, just answer please. Thank you so much.

1st Group:
- Yuki (The Main Protagonist)
- Ariana (The Sarcastic Pride)
- Skei (Bad Boy)
- Ryuuta (Fighter Yet Easily Despair)
- Hikaru (Ditzy Mother)
- Sera (Emotionless Bane)
- Dawn (Composed and Strategic)

2nd Group:
- Gite (Complete Flirt)
- Harada (Tsunderish Smart Mute)
- Hisae (Encouraging Character)
- Haru (Casual Guy)
- Clair (Split Personality)
- Crow ( Perverted, Bad Luck Teacher)
- Kaden (Cheerful Future Astronaut)
- Triplets ({Erika - Responsible Heir}, {Eriko - Badass Hero} and {Emiko - Sweet and Smart Loli})

3rd Group:
- Kuro (Main Antagonist)
- Natalie (Mysterious yet Friendly)
- Naoto ( Hero turn Villian)
- Akumi ( Troublemaker)
- Annabeth (URGE)
- Leo (Little Sister's Protector)
- Reina (Curious Cat Princess)

Did I got that right? Great, so now as you can see, this will be the people you'll be teaming up with in the meantime. Of course, no one could be sure whether you can trust anyone of them. Ehem Backstab ehem. In any case, we'll see. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions, I'd be glad to answer except Annabeth's cause I have no idea what it means either from the player. Toodles.

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