I've already created a ship

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It's for MID from Aphmau

No, it's not Aphmau x Asch. Besides, that ship name would probably sound weird. 

What would it be? Aschmau? Aphsch?

(Or asthma by Grammarly)



Nevermind that even though I haven't known the characters that long I already have a ship.

My ship is...

Leif x Pierce

Let's hope it sticks 

Probably won't but I tried at least.

Okay ship name time.

Leirce (EHHHH-)

How about Pief- 



Also, I hope to god Meif'wa's and Werewolves exist in that universe.

And Zane.

I need my Sassy Emo boy, you can't have a series without him.

We need at least one of the characters back, like Kawaii-Chan, Aaron, Katelyn, Kim; I'd even settle for Michi.

Though I don't mind if we just have Aphmau, it's just I'll miss them because of MyStreet. I've grown to love those characters but if I have to let them go I will.

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