It's not a Fever it's a Spell!

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Fanfic advice: Always make something happen to the quiet one, no one will expect it, or really notice until given hints or pointed out.

Fandom: MID

. . .

???: HUMAN! Wake up now!

Ava: No! I want my sleep! *she covers her head with her pillow.*

???: NO! You need to wake up, you have to fix what you did. *they took the pillow off her head*

Ava: Ugh, what do you want?!

Asch: I want you to uncast the spell you put on one of us!

Ava: *she narrows her eyes at him* WHAT?!

Asch: You did something to one of us! *he summons fire* Fix it!

Rhys: Your Highness your magic-

Ava: *she sits up* Fine! Show me what happened!

Asch: *his magic goes away* You better*

. . .

Ava: *she put her hand on his forehead*  Hmmm... His forehead is warm. 

Asch: Well?!

Ava: *she turned to face him* He has a fever, it should wear off in a couple of days. * she goes and goes to walk to her room*

Asch: No! Rhys stop her!

Rhys: *he goes in front of the door* 

Ava: Aww, come on! *she turns around to look at Asch* What do you want?

Asch: *he points towards Pierce on the couch* Fix. It. 

Ava: I-I can't,

Asch: Yes you can, you cast the spell so uncast it.

Ava: It's a fever, not a spell!

Asch: It's not a fever it's a spell. Fix it!

Ava: YOu can't fix fEVERS! You jUST HAVE TO WAIT! 

Leif: *he pulls out his weapon and points it towards her* And what exactly is a fever? Tell us human.

Ava: A fever is an infection in the body, we get a high temperature when we have one! 

Rhys: So something is killing you from the inside and then out?

Noi: I don't want a fever! I don't want to die!

Ava: NO! Fever's don't kill people, fevers can be painful but they won't kill you, they last for a few days at most. They're a common thing that humans get, nothing to worry about.

Asch: So how long should his 'fever' last?

Ava: From today to at least tomorrow, maybe just today.

Rhys: How do we make it last just today?

Ava: Make sure he gets rest, don't stress him or make him do anything drastic, don't annoy him, don't let him fight, and you should be good

Leif: So nothing actually exciting?

Ava: *she looks to him* Yeah, that's what it means to be sick, no do anything exciting because your body hates you.

Noi: Your body can hate you?

Ava: No, it's an expression, your body can't hate you, well it can you just won't know.

Ava: *she looks to Pierce* You okay?

Pierce: ...

Pierce: No...

Ava: That makes sense, get ready because fevers are painful, they usually start out like that; and if your stomach hurts sooner or later that's completely normal because fever sometimes do that.

Rhys: So fever's cause people pain? What's exactly the use in having one then?

Ava: Because when something happens to your body, like a wound or a cut gets infected it infects your body, when that happens to your body, your body gets hot and weak so it can heal which is called being sick or having a fever.

Asch: So you can't fix it?

Ava: No, you just have to wait it out.

Asch: That's stupid,

Ava: I agree, let's just hope he doesn't have to throw up because that's worse.

Noi: Throw... Up?

 Ava: It means to expel everything you ate or drink onto the floor, or hopefully the trashcan or toilet.

Leif: *he puts away his weapon* Disgusting.

Ava: I now hope you have to do it.

Leif: Glad I don't have to take his place.

Ava: Can we just have him *she points to Leif* like take care of him *she points to Pierce* just because he said that. And so none of you have to get sick either.

Asch: Wait, you can catch getting sick?

Ava: Yeah, so can we-

Leif: HEY! I don't wanna get sick either!

Asch: Well if you do then oh well, take care of him we're going out to explore the human world.

Leif: Hey! This isn't fair!

Asch: Does it look like I care?

Leif: Ugh! I'm going to go insane if I have to watch over him all day!

(really want to make this into a short story, should I?)

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