MyStreet but with DnD roles

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Aphmau the sorceress of the party, why is she so powerful and happy? No one knows- wait no- stop don't use wolf spells just to make people have wolf ears and tails because you think it's cute, you wasting magic. Probably has better ways to use her magic but doesn't really use it how it should be used.

Aaron the kind-hearted fighter that looks like he could kill you but wouldn't. Control the leader of this group please, okay I didn't mean date her but okay then. So are you second in command or not... Okay, you are then, so... Out of all the people you try to become friends with the cleric okay then- wait what that actually worked out?

Zane the awkward and grumpy cleric. He has that one spell for saved up for when desperate or when he snaps. He had a  t h i c c  amount of no fucks to give. No one knows how he got here but he just is, and why he's a cleric if he supposedly hates half the people on this team, yeah why'd you use your magic to revive that girl if you didn't like her- oh you love her... Oh fuck-

Kawaii~Chan the Ranger, oh my god are those arrows made of light? Holy fuck how did you get those- Okay then use your charm to get discounts, okay now you pissed off the cleric way to go, yeah, using charm on him isn't going to work he has a t h i c c amount of no fucks to give. Oh, you died, your lucky he cares- oh shit- w-why are you two kissing. Fuck this I'm leaving.

Katelyn the Paladin she's a holy warrior, now anytime she's say's holy before anything she can use it as a pun but she never realizes it until it's too late. "Holy fuck" "Holy shit-" Yeah it's not funny that, well it is when you fall in love with a Warlock and that's the opposite of holy.

Travis the Warlock, wait- what? Okay you do you boo, honestly thought you were a bard that played the harp at first since that's what you did but now you're a warlock, okay, cool deception my dude. Oh, you tried to keep the cleric and paladin captive for answers, well the first mistake is cleric really doesn't care and would probably accept death and second the Paladin is H O L Y and is going to beat your ass, ha you thought you'd get away from this.

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