some story writings

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btw: the cover you previously saw in the last chapter, the book is already published so go check it out, please.


Tears stained her cheeks as she ran as fast as she could, she tried to avoid the things that were littered all over the ground. She turned her head around; trying to keep her pace as fast as she could while she was running, she wanted to see if the explosion was coming closer. It was, only at a faster pace than before. She turned her head to face in front of her and still kept on running, she pressed against the gem she had on her wrist and the portal wouldn't open up too far away. The portal opened and gleamed with numerous colors, it had opened in front of her. She sprinted in the portal as and a bright light consumed her vision. 'Maybe wishing for world peace wasn't such a good idea. No human can be truly peaceful, the only way true world peace can be achieved is if the whole world is destroyed and no one is left alive.'

She fell onto the ground with a loud thump as the portal in gleaming colors closed behind her. She groaned as her head started to swirl with pain. She rubbed her head and started to sit up. She opened her eyes and her vision was blurred. She rubbed her eyes and then put her hands on the ground to support her aching body. She looked before her and her eyes widened, tears burned in the corner of her eyes once more.

Her world had turned into a burning blaze of destruction. She stood up from her spot and walked towards the fire. She reached out her arm and screamed the name of her creations that once inhabited this once peaceful place, but nobody came. She collapsed onto her knees and put her hands on her head. She shook her head as tears streamed down her face.

She had shaken her head trying to convince herself that none of this was real, and it was all a dream. It didn't work no matter how hard she tried. She looked up again, hoping that this place returned to its original state, she gasped putting her hand in front of her mouth, it wasn't a dream. She tightly grabbed her shoulders and let out a pained sob as she watched her tumbled into darkness before her. She looked at the burning landscape but couldn't as her tears were blurring the blaze that had begun.

Her vision faded into a blurry mist until she was surrounded by nothing. "Take this once and a lifetime chance, or you will take your final stance." A voice echoed through her mind, creating a painful ring that rung through her head. An eerie static rung throughout her head; pain soon following with that static. "It wasn't that bad was bad so why are you crying?" The blur faded to reveal a girl with a static appearance; with long hair the same color as the glimmering night sky. "Don't make this harder than it has to be, take this once and a lifetime chance; and don't be afraid or you'll make things worse."


The sea glimmered a lazuli blue as the sunset turned into a haze of colors in the distance. The Scuba diver took in the view one last time, he took a deep breath in and faced the lazuli colored water that shone from the distance; glimmering in colors as the light reflected on it. He got in position and jumped in the glimmering water. He opened their eyes and took in the Oceans true beauty. He was finally here.

The Ocean's floor was aligned with corals of many beautiful colors, fish quickly swam by; them too, having their beautiful colors sine in the water. The diver swam towards the bottom floor to observe it's beauty from up close. He examined the corals as a shadow covered the reflecting light from the surface above him. He turned around to face what covered the surfaces reflecting light and what was made up of such a huge space; it was something he had never seen before. A whale with a pattern of white spots covering its body mixed with a lazuli blue making the mere sight of it breathtaking.

The whale swam closer to them. It distanced itself mere inches apart from him. He placed his hand on their muzzle and inhaled a sharp breath. They were mystified on the mere sight of the docile whale in front of him. He grazed their hand down its muzzle as the whale echoed a sound in response.

"Hey, there big guy..." He greeted. He placed their hand under the whale's chin, gently scratching it. "My name's Bruce... You got one too?" Bruce softly asked. He stopped petting the whale and rested his hand under its chin, the whale rubbed its muzzle in Bruce's hand in response. Bruce softly chuckled. "Don't have one? How about Lazuli? Does that sound nice?" Bruce inquired with another light chuckle.

Lazuli hummed in response. "Well, it's settled then. Your name is Lazuli." Bruce decided. Minutes passed as minutes turned to hours. The water became a darker shade as only the moonlight emitted from its surface. Bruce frowned. "Well, it looks like I gotta go Lazuli. I promise to meet you here every day."He promised. And he did, they cared deeply for each other; and their relationship will forever live on as an example of the friendship between Man and Animal.

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