Relationship Headcannons

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(Shu x Rose)

They both like playing with each other's hair.

Rose constantly nags Shu about not getting enough rest.

Whenever Shu wakes up from a nightmare, he wants something to cuddle. If Rose is near him he would end up cuddling her.

Rose often asks Shu for help if she's struggling in school.

After Evolution, Shu doesn't really enjoy watching the Harry Potter movies because of the snakes, but he puts up with them because he knows that Rose likes them.

Although Shu kind of freaked out the first time he saw Rose on her period, after he understood what it was he tries to make sure she is comfortable whenever she is on her period.

Rose is an expert in guiding sleepwalkers from all the times she had guided Shu back to bed during his sleepwalking episodes.

Since Shu didn't really receive a lot of affection from his parents (he received none), he feels awkward whenever Rose gets affectionate towards him.

Rose and Shu always help each other with their fears.

Shu always cooks for Rose when she comes over to his place.

(Kairi x Wakiya)

Wakiya constantly showers Kairi with gifts, although she tells him not to.

They don't openly show their relationship, keeping any PDA for private places.

Kairi sometimes mothers Wakiya and scolds him for training too much.

Kari's sister Sakura is their number one fan. Although Wakiya didn't like her at first, he soon started treating Sakura like a little sister.

Kairi tries to help Wakiya with his fear of heights. She's not very successful though.

Like Shu, Wakiya didn't spend much time with his parents, so he has no idea how a relationship works. Kairi soon taught him.

They often have sleepovers together at Wakiya's mansion. Their only witness is his butler, but he doesn't mind as he is glad that Wakiya has company.

Wakiya has promised Kairi that he will take her to Disneyland for her sweet sixteenth birthday. (I may or may not make a story about this)

Kairi likes teasing Wakiya a lot.

(Amelia x Neville) (Harry Potter)

They didn't start dating until fifth year.

They started off as friends and only started having feelings for each other during their fourth year.

A few days after they started attending Hogwarts, Amelia woke up feeling homesick and went to cry in the hallway during breakfast. Neville saw her and comforted her.

When Amelia discovered that Neville was being bullied, she stood up for him and taught him to stand up for himself alongside the Golden Trio.

Neville taught Amelia about Wizarding traditions and Amelia taught him about Muggle ones.

They didn't go to the Yule Ball together. Neville went with Ginny and Amelia went with Ron as friends. But she got annoyed when Ron complained about Hermione going with Krum, but then she saw Neville chatting with Ginny and realized that she had feelings for him.

Amelia was punished unfairly by Umbridge loads of times. She fainted in class from constant blood loss and Neville visited her in the hospital wing. He admitted that he liked her and Amelia did the same.

In the summer between second and third year, Neville and his grandmother stayed at Amelia's house. Amelia asked him about his parents and Neville ended up confessing the truth. Amelia promised not to tell anyone.

Neville gives Amelia unusual plants for her birthdays. Amelia thinks that they are cute.

Once Amelia took Neville to a movie theatre. Neville was amazed by everything and gasped at everything he saw. Everyone thought that he was weird.

When Neville killed Nagani, Amelia was so proud of him and called him a hero.

Amelia introduced Neville to her extended family after they both graduated. Her cousins made fun of Neville for being overweight, but it didn't bother him at all.

They got married when they were both twenty three. Their wedding planner was Luna Lovegood, and she left some empty seats for Amelia's late sister and Neville's parents.

They didn't figure this out until they attended Harry and Ginny's wedding and saw all the empty seats.

Neville chose their daughter's name and named her after Amelia's favourite flowers.

During Marigold's second year at Hogwarts, Amelia starts to feel sick. She discovered that she had a rare illness which could kill her when she was forty. Neville promised to spend as much time with her as possible until they would be separated.

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