Hunger Games Ultimate Ship Showdown

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Hello everyone! Welcome to yet another annual Hunger Games! I am your host, most of you know me as Pennie, but I'm sure some of you have different nicknames. Anywho, here is the concept of this Hunger Games. At each district there will be a couple selected (or an almost couple). Each couple will be competing against each other in a Hunger Games in order to survive! Of course, in the partnership at least one of them will die. Here's the kicker, for the person who wins the Hunger Games their partner will be revived. Everyone else loses, and it's a tough situation for them. Anways, if everyone is ready, the reaping shall begin!

Team One: aka Team Parrow

Pennie Charming: 

Sparrow Hook: thehandwrittenletter

Team Two: aka Team Phalek


Alek: Slayton24

Team Three: aka Team Pennington


Ellington: Halebella

Team Four: aka Team Mardelia (the ship that deserved better)


Marcos: SomethingLogical

Team Five: aka Team Tonnie? (I can't remember their ship name)


Tobias: Horcrux_Eliminator

Team Six: aka Team Ryviane


Ryan: J-Hopestyle

Team Seven: aka Team Ashmu


Hitomu: Cinneryn

Team Eight: aka Team Annaniel


Nathaniel: princess-myrah

Team Nine: aka Team Merik



Team Ten: aka Team Nikoline



Team Eleven: aka Team Rowaspen



Team Twelve: aka Team Mai (not really a couple, but whatever)


Kai: Bravey54

Team Thirteen: aka Team Elyra


Elric: _deathbywords_

Team Fourteen: aka Team Sissac


Isaac: wxyward-sister

Team Fifteen: aka Team Percian (I don't think they even had a ship name)



Team Sixteen: aka Team Reve (aka team unhappiness)



Team Seventeen: aka Team Sebvy (aka team friendzone)


Sebastian: Galaxy-Bunnie

Team Eighteen: aka Team Lilen (aka team forbidden romance)


Stefan: Dramoinehead


The Bloodbath
The tributes stand on their podiums, glancing around at each other. A brief moment of peace before the war about to begin. A few partners look at each other knowing this could be the last time they see each other. The horn sounds; the games have begun. . .

Pennie Charming finds a canteen full of water. 

Marcos finds a bag full of explosives. 

Caroline finds a bag full of explosives. 

Ellington gathers as much food as he can. 

Hitomu runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Remus gathers as much food as he can. 

Kai runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Elric finds a bag full of explosives. 

Annalise runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Lily runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Viviane and Mei fight for a bag. Viviane gives up and retreats. 

Erik attacks Ashlynn due to their parents being enemies. Tyra protects Ashlynn, and kills Erik. (36th place)

Mia runs away from the Cornucopia, not seeing Erik dead (which is probably for the better).

Aspen runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Cordelia sets off an explosive, killing Alek and Tobias. (35th and 34th place).

Ivy breaks Nikolas's nose for a basket of bread.

Isaac takes a handful of throwing knives. 

Sparrow Hook pushes Nathaniel off a cliff during a knife fight over who's the better pirate. (33rd place).

Stefan runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Phoebe finds a bag full of explosives. 

Persephone runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Sebastian gets a shield leaning on the Cornucopia. 

Pen takes a spear from inside the Cornucopia. 

Rowena runs away from the Cornucopia. 

Penelope cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide (32nd place).


Day 1

Kai thinks about his life at home with the Huns.

Ivy hunts for other tributes. 

Phoebe and Annalise track down and kill Marcos (31st place).

Tyra receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor (most likely Chris or Darian).

Mia and Elric work together for the day. 

Viviane constructs a shack. 

Remus goes hunting. 

Ashlynn and Julian work together for the day. 

Pennie Charming thinks about her life and home, and contemplates if it's worse than the Hunger Games. 

Caroline receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. 

Hitomu stalks Pen. 

Sirena overhears Persephone and Ryan talking in the distance.

Nikolas attacks Stefan, but he manages to escape. 

Sparrow Hook, Sebastian, Rowen, and Cordelia hunt for other tributes. 

Mei bashes Lily's head in with a mace, a skill taught to her by Kai. (30th place).

Isaac makes a slingshot. 

Ellington receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 

Eve unknowingly eats toxic berries (29th place).


8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance, their faces displayed on the walls of the dome. 

- Erik
- Alek
- Tobias
- Nathaniel
- Penelope
- Marcos
- Lily
- Eve


Night 1

Sebastian and Pen tell stories about themselves to each other. 

Mei and Phoebe sleep in shifts. 

Annalise starts a fire, not knowing how she'll survive without Nathaniel.

Ashlynn, Julian, and Ivy sleep in shifts. 

Ryan cooks his food before putting his fire out. 

Sparrow Hook kills Stefan with a hatchet (28th place).

Nikolas fends Ellington, Sirena, and Remus away from his fire. 

Pennie Charming looks at the night sky, wondering if she'll see Sparrow again. 

Rowena stays awake all night. 

Cordelia is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. 

Hitomu tries to treat his infection. 

Viviane dies from hypothermia (27th place).

Persephone cooks her food before putting her fire out. 

Aspen sets up camp for the night. 

Mia defeats Caroline in a fight, but decides to spare her. 

Kai, Isaac, Elric, and Tyra sleep in shifts. 


Day Two

Ashlynn tries to sleep throughout the whole day, because her narcolepsy is getting bad. 

Phoebe explores the arena. 

Annalise, Isaac, and Caroline hunt for other tributes. 

Nikolas discovers a river. 

Mia receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. 

Tyra and Sirena fight Remus and Ellington. Remus and Ellington survive. (26th and 25th place).

Ryan and Ivy work together for the day. 

Mei searches for a water source. 

Julian, Kai, Hitmou, and Elric raid Cordelia's camp while she is hunting. 

Aspen, Pennie Charming, and Sebasitan hunt for other tributes. 

Persephone sprains her ankle while running away from Pen.

Sparrow Hook questions his sanity, not even knowing if Pennie is still alive. 

Rowena questions her sanity, wanting to know if killing makes her like her mother. 


4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

- Stefan
- Viviane
- Tyra
- Sirena


Night 2

Mia convinces Sparrow Hook to snuggle with her, and is very lucky Pennie doesn't know about this. 

Annalise attempt to climb a tree, but falls to her death. (24th place). 

Kai bashes Elric's head against a rock several times (23rd place).

Hitomu and Julian sleep in shifts. 

Ivy destroys Pennie Charmings supplies while she is asleep. 

Remus tends to his wounds. 

Aspen shoots in arrow into Ryan's head (22nd place).

Nikolas climbs a tree to rest. 

Caroline forces Mei to kill Persephone or Isaac. She refuses to kill, so Caroline kills her instead (21st place).

Cordelia climbs a tree to rest. 

Rowena, Pen, and Ellington sleep in shifts.

Ashlynn receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor (thank you, Degan).

Phoebe thinks about home. 


Day 3

Cordelia hunts for other tributes. 

Aspen's trap sets off and kills Persephone (20th place).

Nikolas scares Julian off. 

Isaac sprains his ankle running away from Ellington, whom he dislikes for killing Sirena. 

Kai searches for a water source. 

Hitomu practices his archery. 

Caroline defeats Ashlynn in a fight, but spares her life. They bond a little bit over liking bad guys. 

Mia overhears Ivy and Sebastian talking in the distance. 

Phoebe makes a slingshot. 

Sparrow Hook and Remus hunt for other tributes. 

Rowena chases Pennie Charming. 

Pen falls into a frozen lake and drowns (19th place).


6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

- Annalise
- Elric
- Ryan
- Mei
- Persephone
- Pen


Night 3

Nikolas questions his sanity. 

Pennie Charming, Julian, and Sebastian unsuccessfully ambush Mia, Phoebe, and Ivy who kill them instead. (18th, 17th, and 16th place).

Sparrow Hook tends to Hitomus wounds. 

Cordelia tries to sing herself to sleep, but she can't sing very well. 

Rowena starts a fire. 

Caroline thinks about winning. 

Ashlynn silently snaps Ellington's neck (15th place).

Isaac questions his sanity.  

Remus cooks his food before putting his fire out. 

Aspen stays awake all night. 

Kai is awoken by nightmares of not being able to protect Mei. 


Day 4

Sparrow Hook sprains his ankle while running away from Cordelia. 

Ivy diverts Remus's attention and runs away. 

Nikolas, Issac, and Aspen hunt for other tributes. 

Ashlynn receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. 

Rowena tries to sleep through the entire day. 

Hitomu questions his sanity. 

Phoebe defeats Kai in a fight, but spares his life. 

Caroline severely injures Mia and leaves her to die. (14th place).


Arena Event
The arena's border begins to rapidly contract. 

Phoebe survives. 

Cordelia survives. 

Isaac survives. 

Kai restrains Caroline to a tree and leaves her to die. Her last thoughts are about Nik. (13th place).

Ashlynn is electrocuted by the border. (12th place) 

Sparrow Hook restrains Hitomu to a tree and leaves him to die. At least he's joining Ashlynn. (11th place).

Nikolas survives. 

Remus restrains Ivy to a tree and leaves her to die. (10th place).

Aspen survives. 

Rowena trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. (9th place).


10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

- Pennie Charming
- Julian
- Sebastian
- Ellington
- Mia
- Caroline
- Ashlynn
- Hitomu
- Ivy
- Rowena


Night 4

Cordelia goes to sleep. 

Phoebe, Sparrow Hook, and Kai discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. 

Isaac fends Remus, Aspen, and Nikolas away from his fire. 


The Feast
The Cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs of their family. 

Kai stabs Isaac while his back is turned (8th place).

Cordelia decides not to go to the feast. 

Aspen decides not to go to the feast. 

Remus and Phoebe track down and kill Nikolas (7th place).

Sparrow Hook decides not to go to the feast.


Day 5

Phoebe scares Cordelia off. 

Sparrow Hook, Kai, Remus, and Aspen hunt for other tributes. 


2 canon shots can be heard in the distance

- Isaac
- Nikolas


Night 5

Phoebe tends to Sparrow Hook's wounds. 

Aspen is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. 

Remus receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 

Kai thinks about home. 

Cordelia accidentally steps on a landmine (6th place). 


Day 6

Kai begs for Remus to kill him. He refuses, keeping him alive. 

Phoebe discovers a river. 

Sparrow Hook and Aspen hunt for other tributes. 


1 cannon shot can be heard from the distance. 

- Cordelia


Night 6

Kai severely slices Aspen with a sword. (5th place).

Sparrow Hook in awoken by nightmares. 

Phoebe is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. 

Remus thinks about winning. 


Day 7

Kai tries to sleep the entire day. 

Phoebe tries to spear a fish with a trident. 

Remus chases Sparrow Hook. 


1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance

- Aspen


Night 7

Sparrow tries to treat his infection.

Phoebe loses sight of where she is. 

Remus receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. 

Kai tries to treat his infection. 


Day 8

Sparrow tends to Kai's injuries. 

Remus injures himself. 

Phoebe unknowingly eats toxic berries (4th place).


1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance

- Phoebe


Night 8

Sparrow destroy's Remus's supplies while he's sleeping. 

Kai looks at the night sky. 


Day 9

Sparrow poisons Remus's drink. He drinks it and dies. (3rd place)

Kai accidentally steps on a landmine. (2nd place)


2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

- Remus
- Kai


The winner is Sparrow from Team Parrow!!!

Pennie is revived, and her and Sparrow live together happily. 

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