Cobalt and Sapphire

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Okay everyone. I spent an hour working on these.

The first one is Cobalt, second is Sapphire. Notice how Cobalts eyes are more purple, and Sapphire has a slightly teal tint to her fur? That's on purpose. Gender differences.

I got the tail from Wartortle, fins from Vaporeon, and the ear fluff (which looks like rushing water to me and it's so pretty!) from Suicune.

Cobalt and Sapphire
(Specifically Water Type Fennekin)

Ability: Torrent, Storm Drain (Hidden)

Pokedex Entries

This Fennekin is one that has been forced to endure water. Due to this, it grew fins to help it swim and it's typing changed. The Water Type Fennekin are more introverted than normal.

Water Type Fennekin stalk their prey, before blasting them with either hot or cold water. They live alone after the age of three months, fending for themselves.

Stat Total: 307
HP: 55
Attack: 32
Defense: 35
Sp. Atk: 65
Sp. Def: 50
Speed: 70


Level Up

1: Scratch
1: Tail Whip
5: Bubblebeam
11: Howl
14: Aqua Jet
17: Ice Beam
20: Water Gun
25: Disarming Voice
27: Aqua Ring
31: Ice Ball
35: Rain Dance
38: Moonblast
41: Magic Room
43: Hail
46: Hydro Pump
48: Blizzard

Learnable TMs

1: Work Up
4: Calm Mind
5: Roar
6: Toxic
7: Hail
10: Hidden Power
13: Ice Beam
14: Blizzard
15: Hyper Beam
16: Light Screen
17: Protect
20: Safeguard
21: Frustration
27: Return
30: Shadow Ball
32: Double Team
45: Attract
48: Round
49: Echoed Voice
70: Aurora Veil
79: Frost Breath
94: Surf
98: Waterfall
99: Dazzling Gleam

If you liked this, I might try to make water type Braixen, and Water/Fairy Type Delphox... idk though. Fennekin was hard enough ;-;

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