Tag: Things About Me!

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(I was tagged by @XAngelWithAShotGunXX )

1. Tayla Nicole Harden (My name was actually to me Amber Nicole, but my mom didn't like that, since my dad picked it out so they chose Tayla, which was the top 10 baby names of 98)

2. Sagittarius ♐ (December 21, 1998 yeah its next month!)

3. ALL Roaches, I will scream bloody murder is one gets a few feet from me (no kidding)

4. God and Jesus (One person), Animals, my family!

5. Ugh, I have many so all the people I have named on my bio are my BEST FRIENDS!

6. Miraculous Ladybug theme in Korean by Fiestar

7. Sweet Nothings (I'm sorry its true) ... that's about it

8. Curse words (Nu, you say, I slap) ... any thing physical that could hurt ... don't really have much else

9. Lime Green (Its actually my mom's shirt that's too small in the bust area for her)

10. Zero. Zip. Zitch. Nada. None. I use to have my ears pierced, but I don't wear jewelry anymore

11. To write and read ... Didn't know I'd make so many friends

12. Hmm, calm ... feel like making a joke ... tired too

13. a HORSE!  A Palomino mare named Giselle!!

14. Single as a Pringle (Guys never notice me next to my Barbie doll sister)

15. Well, I'm part French on mt dad's side and I was born in December of 1998 so yeah that's why

16. Disney's Descendants, Jump In (Favorite Movie), Camp Rock 1 & 2, High School Musical 1,2 & 3, Horse Crazy, Miracle Dogs Too, The Retrievers,

17. Time (Anastacia), Titanium, Verge, Wake me Up, Love Story, Love Song, Tell Me Something I Don't Know, Predictable, Tidal Wave, Bad Romance (Women's Suffrage (Its a Parody that's educational), Dark Horse, Dernière Danse (French Singer Indila), Wings, I Spy, Princess Charming, Acapella, Tea Party, When You're Gone, Darlin', Innocence, Girlfriend, Hello Kitty, People Like Us, I Believe, A Thousand Years, Human And so many more

18. Owl City, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Britt Nicole, Tiffany Alvord, Tiffany Giardina, Francesca Battistelli, Rachel Bearer, Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, Whitney Houston, P!nk, Lady Gaga, Anastacia, Sia, Shakira, Katy Perry and many more and ALL CHRISTIAN HYMNS and most Christian contemporary songs

19. People attacking me for standing up for others who are being bullies (I've cried so hard). People attacking me because my religion (Happened before, its like, I'm a Christian and so?)

20. Jokes, Goofing off, Puns (Its all one) Candy (Mainly Chocolate) and ... America's Funniest Videos (Love that show!)

21. Someone who will treat me like their queen and will never lay a hand on me to hurt me (unlike my dad to my mom) and someone that cared about others more than themselves and who is the same religion as me, shares my same beliefs.

22. Our friend, Innocent (He's from Rwanda he goes to our church but know he's in Missouri at college)

23. My Mommy, she's the best person I know! Even if sometimes I'm not the nicest to her, Mother Knows Best 😉

24. Mom: Really good, I'm around her 24/7 (She's really funny) Dad: Estranged, he abused my mom all my life, he got removed from the house when I was like 15 and he hasn't lived with us since but we see him at church, when comes over to fix things and gives us our weekly money, he's got major angry issues (That's something you would never know about me)

25. Don't have one, don't celebrate any of them

26. @-Tord_The_Lord- I've know here like for a year now >_< she knows my deepest secrets (Sorry other besties I've known her forever! Durpy Lily I LOVE YOU!)

27. Um ... no one, don't know very many boys but two, but not my type only for the fact one is younger than me the other is older but lives in foreign country

28. Oh dear ... um I have eating candy that has dropped on the floor (Not proud of that but I didn't want to waste it! I just wiped it off on my shirt 😂)

29. My sister, people poking me (especially when I get a bruise my sister feels the need to poke them IT HURTS!) and fire alarms (Especially when the battery is low

30. Cats all the way (I've had them for 13 years of my life), Horses best animals God ever created, Dog so loyal and beautiful, Dolphins, Owls and Red Pandas (They are all just two cute!)

31. Well I don't have them anymore but: Tawney Man (He was my Mane Coon) ... Lily May (my sisters fat Abyssinian) ... Snowi (Javanese RIP) ... Sassy Pants (Egyptian Malamute) ... Pumpkin)Nator (Don't know what he was) ... Sassy and Pumpkin's kittens: Hadassah, Sweetie, Esther, Delilah, Samuel (only boy), Sarah ... Smokey (My mom's Russian Blue RIP), Ashley (Gray Tabby also my Mom's cat RIP) ... and the all the outdoors cats ... and one puppy we had for a while his name was Spot

32. Oh dear ... I lied about knowing my sister had my moms free phone only because she was Black Mailing me into it 😒

33. Oh um ... nothing at the moment

34. When I was younger, during the kids Wednesday night meetings we were playing tug -of-wat with the four deflated tubes. So I was winning until the tube I had was slipping and it pulled my pants down to revel my Ariel sparkly underwear, I was like 6-8 somewhere in that area. It was so embarrassing, but at lest my teacher Whitney and my Dad were the only ones to see ... or at least I think so.

35. I don't work but I'm going to be a lifeguard at out swim club next year (hopefully)

36. Hmm ... God and Jesus I think about them all the time

37. I bit my lips and picking the skin of my fingers ... it started when I was in kindergarten as a scared/nervous habit due to my teacher Mrs. Stormet and her yelling at me all the time and the last one is eating all my food like a chipmunk >_< if it has breading I will eat that off first.

38. To be a Fashion Designer and bring modestly back ... because its hard to find modest things nowadays and me a Missionary!

39. Being inside my fandoms (I've had the best dreams for stories, I got them summed up somewhere but I haven't had time to do them)

40. Whole Foods (Need I say more I could live there)

41. Chicken, Goulash, Chili, Macaroni and cheese (anything with cheese), Soy Tacos (I don't eat any meat but Chicken, Salmon and Pollock) and many many more

42. Got ready for the Sabbath ... really nothing other than get chores and being on here

43. Singing, playing Piano 🎹, acting and writing stories (sometimes drawing but that iffy)

44. Anything with every little effort into the detail: Food, place, activities and outfits that is so very detailed.

45.  Logan Lerman, Skander Keynes, Sean Mendes, Jake T. Austin, Kevin Quinn, Rob Lowe (I know he's 50 something but he's cute!), Matthew Gray Gluber (Reid!), Zac Effon, Sterling Knight and so many more I can't even count!


(Its probably not the best by my phones revelation sucks)

47. Easy, just look at my favorited book libraries, that will tell ya

48. 4: Two girls, two boys (one boy and one girl that are twins, since I'm highly likely to have twins) and the other two adopted!

49. No! Not at all! They are both very unhealthy! I've seen what the both can do.

50. Any other questions you have for me?

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