Another short (unedited)

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When Gilbert's gaze landed on his recently awoken brother he instantly knew that his slumber had been disturbed. He could pinpoint how there was a slight lag to his brothers movements and bags encased weary looking eyes. Deciding to prod but not want to look uncool Prussia grinned. "Good morning West! You look like shit! Good thing your awesome brother is here to make you breakfast!" Germany looked at his brother gaze hardening to mask his fatigue "nein. That's not necessary". "Oh come on West! You know I make the most awesome food in the world! Not as awesome as me of course!" Germany simply sighed amd rubbed his temples. "Fine but the kitchen better be spotless when your done!"
"Ja I know. It always is!" Gilbert said obnoxiously loud before heading to the kitchen.

"Hm he's going to need some beer" The albino muttered grabbing a beer out of the fridge. "Ugh last beer" he muttered. "Surely he wouldn't mind if I had a sip~" The Prussian did his signature laugh a bit quieter as to not to let the blonde catch onto his plan. Before he knew it the sip turned into the whole bottle. "Oh well, you snooze you loose little bruder" he says before bringing a stack of pancakes out to Germany, along with the empty beer bottle. He paused midstep at the sight in front of him. His Germany had his head buried in his arms, shoulders jerking from silent sobs. West almost never cries. Something must be seriously wrong. Well I am the awesome big bruder I must figure it out! "Westtttt" Prussia's voice broke the moment. The German's head shot up as he tried to compose himself and wipe the tears that littered his cheeks. "Ah your finished. I didn't hear you come in" the younger brother replied. "Ja cause you were too busy crying" the elder responded making his brother freeze. "What's wrong west?" Prussia asked in his usual arrogant tone. That was to the normal ear, but Ludwig had grown up with the man. He could hear the serious undertone within the question. "Nothing" Ludwig grunted a bit. "West" the Prussian snapped using the tone he would use to intimidate his troops. Well when he had them. Ludwig jolted a bit in surprise having not heard that tone in a while. "Spill it now or I will use my secret weapon" the eldest brother persisted. "Prußen" Ludwig went to argue. He was cut off when his brother (with no grace) waltzed across the room. Before he could open his mouth (or swing his fist) Prussia's fingers where already sliding up and down his sides. This made the German squirm and burst out laughing almost falling from his chair in attempt to get away. "Haha now the tickle monster gets to make an appearance! The awesome prussia will be triumphant!" "G-get off me G-Gilbert now!" The blonde wheezed trying to catch his breath. "Tell me what's wrong~" The Prussian said in an tantalizing tone. "It's my fault" a small voice caught the elder brother off guard. He almost didn't hear it and didn't expect West to submit that easily. He stopped tickling letting the man catch his breath. "West what's your fault?" He asks lookimg into his brothers eyes. "Everything.." The German muttered looking away. "Could you be more specific. Even the awesome me can't figure out what everything is" Prussia replied. Germany's gaze filtered over to the pancakes, in which weren't present on the table. He chose not to question it, figuring maybe his brother had dumped them somehere. "Why your like this.." He started, "what happened to my people, to the other countries involved, to my big bruder. I'm responsible for everything" Ludwig murmured dropping his head back into his arms. "Ah West that wasn't your fault. You had a boss that you had to follow. The others had to follow their own bosses decision. And me, what type of awesome big bruder would I be if I didn't protect you? Now stop talking like I'm dead. You don't get rid of me that easily" The Prussian brother replied rubbing his brothers back.

Ludwig raised his head to look at the eldest  but when he did there was nothing there. Just an empty room, blacked by the shadows that flickered over the walls. The darkness consumed most of the space and the German had to blink to remove the sleep from his eyes. "Damn it" he muttered rubbing his eyes, feeling a weight pull on his heart. "Always smiling big bruder. Up until the end...

A/N is This confusing? I'm sorry if it is sort of just rushed the ending. I'm tired lol.

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