Der Monster Klub

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~Riley's P.O.V~

"Attention, students. The moment you lined up for is almost upon us." Was what I barley heard over the excited screams and shouts of the pushing and shoving crowd I was in.

I was growling under my breath as I was elbowed for the umpteenth time as Principal Slimovits continued speaking making the crowd settle down. "As you know, last month our beloved cafeteria was destroyed by a certain mutated student who shall remain nameless-"

"He gots a name!" Bash interrupted as he grabbed Bucky by his underwear. "It's Bucky! Says so right here in his underwears!"

"No wedgies! See you in detention." Probably gave Bash a detention slip. "Now, while the Ninja and Kunoichi were able to protect our students-"

"Woot, woot! Ninja! Kunoichi!" I hear a cheer from the front of the crowed making me smile.

"-they was unable to protect the tables, chairs, floors and ceiling." I winced a bit at that. Bucky was more than a handful than usual. "But only four short weeks and one year's Twirl budget later-"

I could practically hear Theresa growling from here.

"-we are ready to open our new cafeteria!" The crowd cheered. "Now, I know you've all lined up to 'score' the 'illest' table, but let me assure you they are all equally ill."

I couldn't help but cringe slightly at his bad slang.

Principal Slimovits then pulled out a large jar of mayonnaise making me tense at what was about to happen. "I hereby declare this cafeteria a place to eat!"

Chaos. Complete chaos.

That was the word I was thinking as the crowed stamped into the cafeteria trying to claim a table. During my weaving and dodging, I spot a small head of brown hair in a pink skirt headed towards an empty table near the bathrooms.

Smirking, I speed up and scooped my friend into my arms and dashed towards the table.

"Riley?! What are you doing?!" Rachel asked in shock as she clung to me.

"Getting us a table! What else?!" I laughed as I weaved through the crowd and with a strong jump, I landed me and Rachel on our new table.

"Safe!" I cheered while putting a frazzled Rachel down.

A piece of paper was then stuck on my face.

"New cafeteria rules: No sprinting or jumping. See ya in detention." Principal Slimovits said before walking away.

Taking the slip off my face, I shrug. "Eh, worth it."

"Speak for yourself..." Rachel said straightening herself.

I smiled sheepishly as we began to eat our lunch as we are joined by some of Rachel's band mates and other students.

Lunch was peaceful for the most part, beside the occasional burst of laughter that came from behind us.

When I looked over my shoulder I get the picture of Howards jumping on some figures on top of the table.

Yeah.... not gonna get involved with that today.

After a couple more minutes I hear a small clatter on the ground behind me, so I look down and see a red 20 sided die.

Not even thinking, I bent down to pick it up and just as my hand was over it, a slightly larger hand covered mine lightly.

Looking up, I see I'm face to face with Randy who stared at me with big eyes and a red face.

Amused by the cliché, I gave him a smile. "Hey Randy."

"Uhhh...." Was all he said not even blinking.

Sitting up straight, I took his hand and place the die in his palm. Giving him another smile, I turned back around.

If I had eyes on the back of my head, I would see most of the guys at Randy's table sending him teasing looks and nudges and Theresa burning a hole into the back of my head.

But I was too focused on my sandwich.

After another couple minutes, I suddenly hear this.

"Attention, classmates!"

Turning around, I see Julian standing on top of a table look absolutely delighted. "I must inform you that Juggo sleeps with a stuffed kitty named Admiral Cuddles!"

"You said what happens at sleepovers stays at sleepovers!" Juggo yelled looking horrified and betrayed.

People in the cafeteria started laughing as Juggo slumped in his seat humiliated.

"And my good friend, Accordion Dave shaves his butt!" Julian continued as I started feeling a little uncomfortable at the situation.

"If I don't, it looks like I'm wearing fur underpants." Accordion Dave said making me and Rachel grimace and simultaneously push our lunches away.

Everyone laughs again, pointing at the group as Juggo starts to cry.

"And Theresa...." Julian gestures to the now panicking girl.

"Julian, don't you say it!" Theresa begged, tears welling up in her eyes.

~~5 seconds later~~

Wow. Did not see that coming.

"Like none of you have ever tasted it before!" Theresa defended before bursting into tears with the rest of her table, besides Julian, Howard, and Randy.

Spying a tint of green coming from the vents, I got to my feet just as the three humiliated students all turn into monsters.

The cafeteria went into a panic as everyone tried to leave.

"Yes! It's working. Go, my Klub. The power of monster is yours!" I heard Julian declare as the monsters started running amok.

With everyone's attention on the monsters, I quickly snuck into the bathroom and pulled on my mask.

Smokebombing back into the scene, I see Bash being used as an accordion by monster Dave and Randy running from the scene.

Jumping to table closer to the monster, I pointed at them.

"Alright Dave, put Bash down before-"

"No, Kunoichi!" Julian cut me off by grabbing onto my leg. "Don't stop Dave's rampage."

'Was he serious?' I thought, about to retort-


Looking over my shoulder, I see Ninja standing there at the ready.

"Hey Ninja, you mind giving me a hand here." I gesture to the monster and a still clinging Julian, who tightened his hold at the sight of the Ninja.

"No problem, Kuno!" He said jumping ahead of me as I tore my leg from Julian's grasp and followed after him.

"Dave, drop the-" Somehow, Julian was able to latch onto Ninja's leg.

"No, Ninja! No!"

I face palmed as Ninja tossed Julian into a chair and then wrapped him up with cling wrap.

"Nicely done." I commented when he stood next to me again.

"Thanks." We both then focused back on monster Dave with Bash still in his grip.

Jumping from table to table, we both deliver a sift kick to Dave, making him drop Bash.

"Bash, run!" I shouted urgently as monster Dave got back up.

"You run!" He said back in defiance before getting snatched up by Dave.

Monster Dave then knocked down a wall and ran off with Bash in hand.

"....Really?" I deadpan while staring blankly at the wall with Ninja doing the same.

"Got the table back" I turn my head to the side and see Howard at the new table looking at Ninja. "You want in?"

Before anyone could say anything, a small explosion was heard from behind us.

Whipping around, we see Julian turn into a monster and then scurry out the door.

Groaning in unison, we burst through the exit and raced after monster Julian through the hallways.

It came to a stop when monster Julian jumped through the walls above the Gym entrance.

Going through the hole, we were greeted by a pitch black room with the hole bringing a small source of light.

"Ninja Glow Balls!" Ninja took some out and then threw them into the darkness.

Doing its job, Ninja and I could now see that the gym was covered in spiderwebs with Principal Slimovits, Steven, and Bash stuck in them high in the air.

"Hey! Check it out. I'm stuck in some kinda sticky stringy thing that came out of a spider's butt!" Bash said making me roll my eyes.

How he even gets dressed in the morning is one of the world's greatest mysteries.

"It's a web." Slimovits said sounding surprised by Bash's stupidity. "Sweet school board, I need to have a talk with the Science Department. Oh, also GET ME DOWN!"

Something then dashed from behind making us turn our heads to look only to see nothing.

"What the juice?" Ninja asked voicing our confusion.

The thing then dashed from the front making us whip back around only to see nothing again.

Tired of the little game, I pulled out my own glow ball and started looking around again only for monster Julian to pop out of nowhere and growl in our faces!



Ninja and I quickly jumped away from the monster. But as we started descending, we started slowing down mid-air.

"Why are we not landing?" Ninja asked as we came to complete stop.

"Uh Ninja..." I called as I started tugging on the web that my arms were now tangled in.

A harsh hiss made us look down and see monster Julian climbing his way towards us.

"Listen, Monster club-" Ninja started only to be cut off by monster Theresa.


"Kloob," Ninja rolled his eyes before continuing. "I know that you feel powerless and weak and picked on. But mutating yourselves into hideous rampaging monsters is never the answer. If you do this, you're as bad as they are."

I looked at Ninja proudly until it turn into shock when he was then covered by more webs.

"No!" He yelled as I began to struggle harder against my restraints.

"Now we finish the game." Monster Julian then rolled the die. I see it landed on a four and I hear Ninja gasp.

"A four? That's wedgies." I looked at him alarmed as he shouted. "Everyone's getting wedgies!"

Every monster closed in on their captives.

I see monster Theresa growl in Slimovits face as he begged. "Please, I'll find the money for Twirl Team. Just leave my skivvies alone."

Struggling harder but with no results, I look at Ninja when I here him grunt.

I see red spikes pop out of the webbing and I smirk, knowing what's happening.

"Ninja Knuckle Spikes!" Ninja yells as he breaks free. (A/N: I know he actually say Ninja Finger Slicey Thingeys, but I thought it was just too stupid to write)

As he falls, Ninja twists his body around and threw some Ninja rings in my direction. "Ninja Rings!"

The weapon does its job and cut through my restraints allowing me to escape. I landed next to my partner as he said. "Time for a bulk de-stanking."

He then got a thoughtful look and turned his head towards me. "How do you destank an entire Kloob?"

It didn't take long for my attention to be on the 20 sided die in monster Julian's grasp.

"It's our roll Julian!" I declared as Ninja caught on and stared determinedly at the group of monsters.

"Stop them!" Monster Julian ordered.

Monster Dave threw a stretching punch at us but we dodged and then hitched a ride on his arm as it retracted.

Before fully reaching monster Dave, monster Juggo threw bowling pins at us that we deflected into the webbing.

Seeing how they landed, Ninja and I jumped off monster Dave's arm and used the stuck bowling pins as steps to get higher and closer to Julian.

Monster Theresa threw a spinning baton at us that we easily dodge.

Ninja seems to get and idea and threw his scarf at the flying baton. "Ninja Stretch!"

Once caught, he uses the batoan and scarf to fly! "Ninja Helicopter Baton Flying Maneuver!"

I gaped in amazement as Ninja brought out his sword and knocked the die out of monster Julian's hand.

Everyone watches the die fall to the ground. Monster Julian and Ninja immediately raced down to get to it first. Ninja was in the lead and close to destroying the die but was held back by monster Julian shooting a string of web at his leg.

Seeing this, I dropped down past them before anyone could react and took out a sai and stabbed the die to pieces.

Green mist soon exited all of the monsters and they transformed back into dazed and confused students now stuck in the web.

Ninja broke free from the web on his leg and landed beside me as shared a high-five.

"Hey, you there. Help me, I'm stuck!" I hear Dave call out making us both look up.

"What happened?" Julian asked looking confused. "I don't remember anything."

"Nothing?" Ninja asked making me glance at him. "So you don't remember how to become a monster?"


"Well, I remember that." Julian replied.

Double what?

Ninja groaned annoyed, oblivious of stare I had on him.

"You wear the same underpants five days in a row."

I was now staring Julian bewildered. "What? That's not how-Hmp!"

Ninja covered my mouth, stopping me. "Ha, You keep on believin' that, buddy."

He then let go of me. "Later Kuno, Smokebomb!"

He then disappeared, leaving me alone with the others.

There was an awkward silence.

"Uh, Kunoichi. 'Scuse me? You gonna- you gonna cut us down?" Slimovits asked.

I sighed and pulled out my tessens. "Alright, I'm gonna need everyone to stay completely still...."

You so owe me for this Ninja.

(A/N: I think this is my shortest chapter ever. Beside the prologue.)

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