Gossip Boy

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~Riley's P.O.V~

~Inside the Kunoichi Nomicon~

                                       -The best way to forget is to remember-

I groaned at the sight of the advice, again. "Nomicon, I'm sure this lesson will help me latter down the road but it doesn't help the fact I'm in desperate need of brain bleach!"

                                     -The best way to forget is to remember-

Moaning in misery, the book decided it was time for me to go.

~Back outside~

Blinking away the daze, I sat up from my bed and shoved the Nomicon back into my bag.

"Well that solved nothing."

Straightening myself out, I shoulder my bag and walked down stairs to eat some breakfast before heading off to school.

                                                                 ~~Time Skip~~

I was reading the book 'The Giver' as I walked down the hall to my next class.

Getting to the part of Jonas being selected to be the next Receiver of Memory, when I noticed Randy and Howard in an empty classroom.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?"

The two looked towards me and returned my greeting as Randy shoved something into his bag.

"Hey Davis, Cunningham was just telling about some shnasty stuff he's seen lately." Howard said. 

I looked at Randy. "Really? Like what?"

Randy looked surprised before retelling his story.

And it was easy to picture, since I've remember seeing, every. last. bit.

Was Randy.....


~Third Person P.O.V~

The Ninja and Kunoichi were running through the vents after some stank before Ninja skidded to a halt and backtracked to crouch in front of a vent.

Curious, Kunoichi crouched down beside him and peered through the vent.

They see the school janitor scrap some gum from underneath a table. It looked normal enough until their eyes widen in horror as the Janitor put the gum into his mouth and began to chew it. He blew a bubble and they see a bug crawling inside.

Ninja shook his head in disgust. "Shnasty!"

"That's just wrong." Kunoichi chocked out, trying not to gag.


Another time, The two heroes were running after a Robo-ape through the halls of the school. When passing a another hallway entrance, the three stop in their tracks and peeked down the hall with Kunoichi at the bottom, Ninja above her, and the Robo-ape above him.

At the end of the hallway was Principal Slimovitz wearing a cowboy hat, boots, and a diaper.

Que cringe

"Yeehaw! I'm a big baby cowboy!" He blew on his fingers as if they were real guns, shoved them into his diaper like it was a gun holster, and strutted away like a cowboy would.

"Ah Shnasty!" Ninja said looking up at the Robo-ape as it looked at him. 

"My eyes!"Kunoichi shuddered, covering her eyes in disgust before falling to the ground twitching.


A different time, The duo were chasing after another Robo-ape around the school.

When rounding a corner, the Robo-ape came to a stop and started looking into a window.

Confused, the two teenagers looked aswell.

Inside, they see a lunch lady with a tire on the counter peeling a dead squirrel off of it and putting it into a meat grinder. The three could see taco shells nearby.

Kunoichi tore herself from the window trying not to hurl.

"Shnasty!" Ninja shuddered as Robo-ape started throwing up in some bushes.

Ninja patted its back in sympathy as Kunoichi pulled herself together.

"Well I'm done for the day.... Everyone in agreement?"

The two nodded tiredly in agreement.



~Riley's P.O.V~

Shuddering in disgust at the memory as I recalled that was the reason why I asked for advice from the Nomicon.

Question was, how did Randy see all that at the same time as Ninja and I?

"Thanks for nothing, Cunningham." Howards said. "Now I cant eat the tacos.....Nah, I'm gonna still eat the tacos."

I shot him a quick look of disgust before looking back at Randy.

"Well that's all disgusting. You doing all right?"

He nodded. "Yeah I'm good. Just wish I had a way to forget it all like uh... like a mind wipe."

"Don't we all."

"Oh I could totally use a mind wipe!" Howard said. "You know that stupid Whopee world commercial?"

I recalled the commercial showing on the T.V once or twice. My younger cousin, Mason, always got excited when it came on.

Howard lightly bonked his head in annoyance. "I keep. Getting it. Stuck. In my head!" His eyes widen in terror, one eye twitching. "Whenever I hear it, I CANT THINK OF ANYTHINK ELSE!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a smirk growing on Randy's face.


Howard sees it to and narrowed his eyes. "Don't you do it...."

" Whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie! Whoop whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie! Whoop whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie! Whoop whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie!" Howard runs away screaming as Randy and I laugh.

"Randy your terrible." I got out in between my laughter.

"Yeah, it was revenge for nearly drawing on my face earlier."

When the laughter died out, I asked him nonchalantly. " So Randy, answer me something."

"Whats up?"

"When exactly did you see all that stuff?"

I was starring at him, waiting for his answer. I didn't see anyone else present during those times. So how did Randy see them?

He seemed to tense a bit. "Uh.... I-I had to um.... stay after school for uh- DETENTION! Yeah detention, I had it for a few days after school and just was able to see them."

He was sweating a bit as I continued to stare at him for awhile longer.



Seems legit. Guess I wasn't paying attention.

I smiled at him. "Well it sounds like detention can be a real party. I'll see you later Randy."

"Ye-yeah, see ya."

                                                                      ~~Time Skip~~ 

~Third Person P.O.V~

Heidi was doing her webcast. "Turns out Becky's just a little bloated. So it was all just a huge misunderstanding."

She pushed button that made a cheering sound.

Howard took that moment to walk into her set without a care. "Hey Heidi."

He sat down across from her desk, ignoring her annoyed look.

"What the juice, Howard?" She asked voicing her annoyance. "Kinda doing a live gossip report here."

"Kinda got an emergency here." Howard said back. "I need lunch money."

Her annoyed look increased as she covered her camera. "What about the money mom gave you?"

"That was just brunch money." He said before turning her monitor in order to read it. "Gossip report, huh?"

He began pointing at each piece gossip, giving a comment. "Weak. Lame. Snoozer."

He then started getting cocky. "If you want real gossip, I'll give you the real dish." He winked.

Heidi rolled her eyes. "Please , The only dish you know comes with sausage and extra cheese." She smiled smugly while pressing a button that made it sound like people were oohing at the burn.

Howard was unamused. "Real nice...." 

He grabbed the camera and turn it towards him. "Stuff this in your gossip hole. After school P-Slims likes to mozy around in nothin' but a ten gallon hat and trainin' pants."

Heidi gasped. "Nu-uh!"

"Yeehaw! I'm a big baby cowboy!" Howard made some finger guns.

Everyone watching the webcast started laughing as the Principal walked down the hall.

Seeing the webcast, he got noticeably flustered. 

"After school is me time!" he said defensively before storming into his office.

Heidi couldn't deny the good rumor. "Alright, that was pretty juicy. I'll give you a splart."

She pressed a button for that sound.

"So, if you don't have anything else, Buh-Bye." 

"Sista, please! They don't call me double dip for just cause I like ice cream. I always got another scoop."

Heidi rolled her eyes.

"You know Taco Tuesday? They oughta rename it roadkill Tuesday..."

There were gasps.

                                                             ~~Time Skip~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

Rachel and I were in the cafeteria as it chittered about Howard's earlier gossip.

Though I had to reassure her that no one has eaten a dead bunny. I think.

"Awesome gossip Howard!"

Turning around in my seat, I see Howard and Randy walk in and everyone's attention was on Howard.

"Double dip!" A guy shouted.

"He saved us from eating chipmunk changas." A girl said.

She then started a slow clap and had everyone joining in. 

I felt my eyebrows shoot up at the scene. Even Rachel joined.

Eh, what the heck.

I started clapping as well. What can I say, even though it was Randy's gossip, Howard's big mouth did save the student body from food poisoning or worse.

 The two boys beamed at the attention as they made their way to a table and sat down.

I see a beaming Heidi slid next to her brother. "Howard, My pageviews are though the roof!"

I watched her set up her laptop and decided to watch the webcast from my phone to hear better.

Pulling out my phone, I pulled up the webcast just as Heidi put her brother on the screen.

"Lets hear it..."

Howard stared at the camera blankly."Uuuhhhh...."

I see his eyes flicker to something off screen and assume he was looking at Randy for help.

When he stayed silent, he started sweating nervously as he could feel the weight of everyone's stares of anticipation.

I could just barley hear Heidi's voice off screen. "Don't embarrass me, double dip. You must know one secret. One thing nobody knows. One single thing someone's confided in you that your not supposed to tell anyone."

This makes me worry about Heidi's loyalty.

I watched Howard grow more nervous. "..... I KNOW WHO THE NINJA IS!"

I was in complete shock to notice my phone slip from hand and the gasps that rang through out the cafeteria.

Howard Weinerman knows the NINJA'S, my PARTNER'S, IDENITY!

There was just no way.....

I quickly looked towards the tabel they were at just to see Randy run out.

'Something tells me nothing good will come from this.'

                                                                       ~~Time Skip~~

When school ended, I walked out of the school by myself, cause Rachel had band practice, with my head completely buzzing with questions and worry.

Not only could the Ninja's identity be in jeopardy, Howard could be in danger!

I was snapped out of my worry state at the sound of arguing and look up to see Randy and Howard a littles away from me.

Not even thinking, I ducked behind a pillar. Peeking over to watch them, I notice Randy seemed distressed and I also see a limo parked in front of the school.

'Who here owns a limo?'

Howard gets into the limo.

'Since when does Howard have a limo?'

Howard rolled down the window to talk to Randy when a giant metal claw suddenly shoot down and grabbed the limo.

The claw reeled back with the limo in hand before flying away. Looking up in time, I was able to catch a glimpse of a s certain gazillionare's hover craft.

"McFist!" I hissed quietly to myself.

Looking back at Randy, I see run towards the busses.

Curious about what he was doing, I decided to worry about it later.

I have to save Howard!

                                                              ~~Time Skip~~
~Third Person P.O.V~

Unknown to the other, the two heroes were matching each other as they raced through Norrisville in order to reach the lair of their enemy to save the loud mouth Weinerman.

Its wasn't until they were both on the roof of McFist industry. The two began to warily look around the roof for any type of security.

Not even realizing it, the two were slowly walking backwards towards each other.

That was until they bumped back to back, scaring the cheese out of each other.



Swiftly turning around to face each other, thinking the other person was an enemy, while drawing out their weapons. Surprised seeing the other, the two sheepishly put their weapons away.

"Hey Ninja."

"He- Wait a minute! What are you doing here!?"

"Because the sight of a limo carrying a student being carried by a hovercraft over the town doesn't scream 'suspicious'."

"How did you see- You saw the live cast didn't you..." Ninja said tensing, preparing for the questions and scolding. 

There was none.

"Who didn't?"


"Well if that's everything, shall we break in and save the guy before McFist makes him spills his guts and have your identity revealed."

"Yes, yes we shall."

Standing at the edge of the roof, the two jumped off and began sliding down the side of the building, jumping occasionally to avoid random ledges.

That was until Ninja got cocky and lost his footing.

Kunoichi, seeing this, shook her head at him and quickly used her scarf to grab her partner and then used a grappling hook to hook a pipe and quickly swung them into a nearby vent.

The sudden impact when kicking the mesh in, Kunoichi lost her footing causing her and Ninja to tumble to the ground of the triangular vent.


"Dude get off..."

Kunoichi's voice was muffled from being face first on the ground while Ninja was on his back on top of her.

Shaking his head to get rid of the dizziness, Ninja carefully maneuvered himself off her and into a standing position. He then helped his partner up to her feet.

"Well that sucked." Kunoichi commented straightening herself out.


Without another word, beside Ninja shouting 'Ninja Sprint', the two started running down the vent with Ninja leading.

Up ahead, the two heroes could see a laser grid and electric pillars flashing dangerously.

Seeing this, Kunoichi began to slow down while Ninja continued to run forward as if not bothered with the danger up ahead.

That was until he saw blades that were on fire suddenly appear.

Kunoichi came to a complete stop as her partner began to panic trying to stop.

"Ninja Stop! Ninja Stop! Ninja Stop! Nonononono...!"

Kunoichi was able to grab Ninja's scarf in time to stop him as he was just an inch away from the lasers.

With a small tug, she pulled him to a safer distance of the lasers.

"Where would you be without me, Red?"

He gave her a flat look. "Probably have more air in my windpipe." His mind then went to the end of her sentence. "Red?"

Kunoichi began to feel shy. "Its uh.. nickname. Like how you call me Kuno. And its either that or Ninj."

Ninja seemed to think about it before shrugging. "Eh, either way's fine."

Continuing on, and somehow getting past the first obstacle, they come across a path of crushers and began to avoid them while moving forward.

"Don't get smashed! Don't get smashed! Don't get smashed!" Ninja said kept saying as he and Kunoichi cleared the path of crushers only to flinch back when two flaming blades swung out in front of them.

The two watched the blades, trying to time them. "Wait for it! Wait for it! Now!"

Leaping forward, Ninja and Kunoichi managed to avoid the blades of fire and started to pat down the smoke coming off their suits.

"Scariest. Vent. Ever!" Ninja said annoyed.

"Try overkill." Kunoichi grumbled while snuffing out a small flame that was on the end of her scarf.

She then sees a vent and brought Ninja's attention to it.

Looking through it, they see some Robo-Apes having a drink.

"Its oil o'clock somewhere, Am I right?" One of them said before clinking their mugs together and taking a drink.

It was at this time, Ninja kicked the mesh open above the robots and both he and Kunoichi jumped down.

The air grew tense as Ninja said. "Uh..Whoops.."

Each side of the room was staring down the other in tense silence.

The heroes narrowed their eyes at the robots as a drop of oil dripped from a ape's mug.

The silence was broken from one of the apes. "Get them!"

Chaos erupted as a fight broke out.

The duo started punching and kicking the robots away.

"Sorry fellas, Break times over!" Ninja declared as Kunoichi smashed a carafe full of hot oil over an ape's head.

Ninja pulled out some sais and began to stab some apes in the head while kicking others.

Kunoichi brought out her staff and started knocking robot heads off their bodies. She then watched as the Ninja shove a robo-ape's head into a microwave.

He began looking at the options. "Leftovers, popcorn...Oh! Here it is. Robo-ape."

Ninja pressed the button and then started leaning on the counter. Kunoichi walked over looking at the microwave and then at the robo-ape.

"....Why does this microwave have that specific option?"

Ninja just shrugged.

There was a ding as the robo-ape pulled its head, that was red from the heat, out of the appliance. Bumps statrted to appear before its head blew up.

After dusting their hands off, the two look towards the last robo-ape.

Who was conveniently standing next to a big red button that was labeled 'Alarm'.

Noticing this too, the robo-ape laughed triumphantly as it reached to press the button.

Until a can of soda hit it on the head with a 'clank'.

It fell over destroyed.

Seeing their work there was done, they decided to continue searching in the vents.

After some running, the two see an opening on the ground ahead of them.

Peering down, they see Howard being held by a giant claw with a metal device on his head.

"Whats that thing on his head?" Kunoichi couldn't help but ask.

"No idea. Psst! Howard!" Ninja whispered out to his friend.

Howard started to look panicked. "Oh no, I'm hearing his voice!"

"Howard, up here!"

"Hey I'm trying to forg- Oh.." Looking up, he was able to see the duo peering down at him.

"Ninja, Kunoichi!" Howard exclaimed with relief. "Took ya long enough!"

Kunoichi raised a brow with a unamused look.

"Well, its good to see you to, buddy." Ninja said.

"Right. Sorry. Hey are you two okay? NOW GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Rolling their eyes, the heroes jumped and started sliding down the arm of the claw, with Ninja ahead, that was holding Howard when suddenly, lasers flashed on and cut the two off from Howard.

The laser singed the end of Ninja's scarf making him wrap it around his neck to shorten it.

Kunoichi was a little higher than the Ninja but still kept an eye on her ponytail as it dangled close to the lasers as she and Ninja flipped upside down.

"We cant get through." Ninja said.

"Ninja, I haven't sold you out." Howard told his friend. " I would NEVER sell you out!"

Ninja was touched. "Thanks, pal."

"Buuuuut they have a mind reader, so there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna sell you out."


Kunoichi looked at the Ninja. "Hold up, you mean he actually knows!"

"You thought he didn't?!"

"I thought peer pressure got to him!"

Howard cut in. "Alright we get it! I know who the Ninja is and peer pressure made me squeal! And you know what would fix this? A mind wipe! Am I right?"

"There is no mind wipe!" Kunoichi said.

"All the Nomicon said was 'The way to forget is to remember...'" Ninja said before gasping at an idea.

He snapped his head towards his partner. "Kuno, do you know the whoopee world commercial song?!"

"Who doesn't?" Kunoichi said before her eyes widen in realization.

"Sing it with me."

"Got it."

"Whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie! Whoop whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie! Whoop whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie! Whoop whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop WHOOP-ie!" The two sang in unison.

Howard immediately became irritated. "Why would you do that?!" He screamed. "Now that stupid song's all I can think about- ohhh."

                                                      ~With McFist and Viceroy~

The two men shoved the apes out of the way of the screen and pressed a button.

All that showed on the screen was the whoopee world  commercial.

Both men were bewildered.

McFist stared at the screen taking it in. "What is that? Some sort of song?"

"Its the only thing on his mind." Viceroy answered, just as confused.

"The only thing? There's nothing else!"

Viceroy pressed different buttons but the screen didn't change.

McFist's small patience snapped. "Shut it off! Shut it off! This chucklehead doesn't know who the Ninja is!"

They looked at the singing Howard.


                                                                   ~~Time Skip~~

McFist returned Howard to the front of the school as Ninja came to his side.

Kunoichi was leaning against a tree near them with her arms crossed. "Howard, I don't believe I need to stress about Ninja's identity staying a secret."

Howard nodded. "Yeah I got it. But I got a question."


"Why haven't you asked? I thought you of all people would want to know." Ninja perked up at the question and looked at his partner.

Her eyes shifted to the side in thought before she answered. "I do want to know. But my respect for this team and him out weighs it."

Ninja's eyes widen at her answer. He also felt touched of her thoughtful gesture.

"Thanks Kuno.."

She gave him a smile through her mask. "No problem Ninj. I'll see you next time. Later."

Kunoichi threw down a smokebomb as Ninja waved goodbye.

He took off his mask when she was out of sight and quick look around.

The two friends sat down on the sidewalk. 

"Listen Cunningam, I'm sorry my big mouth got us in so much trouble." Howard said while putting his head in his hand. "I take full responsibility."

"Howard, were cool." Randy said smiling.

Howard smiled back as the shared a fist-bump before standing up.

"But this is kinda your fault too, a little bit, right?" Howard said as they started walking. "I mean, you know I can't keep a secret, and it's not like I ever asked if you were the ninja. You just told me, so.."


" You know what, we'll call it even."

 "Oh, here's a thing! The whole school thinks you're revealing the ninja's identity tomorrow. So, how are you gonna handle that, Double D?" Randy asked Howard as he smiled.

"Relax. I got this. I mean, I was able to not blow a different secret during that live-cast."

"What other secret?"

"The one I knew you would have killed me for."

"What secret?!" Randy demanded, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Howard just continued walking albite a bit faster. "The one about your crush on Riley."

"WHAT!" Randy chased after his friend for an explanation.

                                                          ~~Time Skip/Next Day~~

"So, Howard, who's the ninja?" Heidi asked her brother at the live-cast, turning the camera towards him.

"The Ninja is.....Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop-ee! Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop-ee!" 

"HOWARD! I knew you didn't know! Ah!"

Most of the school was disappointed except a certain redhead who was laughing her butt off as her friend watched her confused. 

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