Pranks for Nothing

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~Third Person P.O.V.~

The hero duo and their best friends where exiting class with Howard telling a story. "I said, 'Ma, I know hand cream's expensive. Why do you think I clipped the coupon?'."

"Fascinating." Riley says completely uninterested as the group come up to Howard and Randy's lockers.

"Hey that guy!"

Everyone is the hallway gasps as Bash and his crew walk through the hall towards someone.

That someone being Randy.

Realizing this everyone, besides Randy, Riley, Howard, and Rachel, made their self scarce.

"I just remembered I have an appointment." Howard then leaps into a open locker and slams it shut making his three friends stare at it blankly.

Looking forward again, Randy gasps seeing Bash standing infront of him. 

Riley was glaring at the group while making sure Rachel was behind her.

"Uhhhh..." Randy starts awkwardly. "What's up, Bash?"

Bash smiles and holds out his hand. "Wanna be friends together?"

Randy looks at the offered hand awkwardly while Riley narrows her eyes in suspicion. "Um....of course. Yeah- I-mean, who wouldn't want to be your friend?" 

Cautiously, Randy holds out his hand to shake Bash's when a claw pops out of Bash's sleeve, grabs Randy's hand, and shocks him!

Randy shrieks in surprise and pain as he's electrocuted.

"Randy!" Riley yells in worry, moving to his side as he falls to the ground hair spiked and smoking.

"Wha-what?!" Randy babbled in confusion. "What the juice was that?!"

Bash and his crew laughed as Bash laughs. "You thought I was gonna shake your hand regular. But instead, you got 'lectrocuted!"

"Ha-ha, oh." Randy laughs slightly in pain as Riley helped him sit up. "I guess you got me."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be getting you a lot." Bash says pulling out the claw that he used. "'Cause I got all these wicked funny pranking things from my stepdad's science guy. It's Bash's Prank-fest! And I'm Bash. Yeah!"

As Bash and his crew leaves, Riley helps Randy get to his feet while Howard comes out of the locker and Rachel moves to stand next to them.

"I already hate Prank-fest." Howard comments with Rachel nodding in agreement.

Like Howard, everyone in school was hatting prank-fest as no one was spared.

Bucky got a rubber snakes in peanut can with the can swallowing him up.

Julian had a 'Kick Me' sign stuck to his back that actually kicked him.

Even Theresa had her baton switched with a high powered one that sent her flying around gym!

In all, everyone in school was on edge praying that they wouldn't be next.

And some took their paranoia to the extreme. 

~Riley's P.O.V.~

I watched with an amused/blank expression as Randy, wearing a green head ban and camo paint on his face, looked around around corner of the hall. "Bash is close. I can feel it."

"Relax, Cunningham." Howard says reassuringly. "It's not that hard to outsmart Bash. You just gotta keep your eyes open."

"Howards right, surprisingly." I say behind them as they stepped forward. " You-"


"Huh?" Howard utters in confusion as we all look for the source of the noise.

Looking up, I see some kind of green sprinkler system and quickly jump back as pink goo starts coming out of it.

"Incoming!" Randy yells as he and Howard get covered in pink slime.

"I'm hit! It's..." Howard pauses when he sees he's okay and doesn't know what landed on him. "Uh... what is this?"

"Sticky Sparkle."

We all turn to see Bash and his crew standing there smugly. "You got pranked!"

They walk away laughing while the boys groaned.

"Um..." I walked over, making sure to be a foot away from the pink sparkly slime, gesturing to the bathrooms. "You guys might want to get that washed off before it sets in."

The guys grumble but go into the bathroom to wash up while I leaned against the wall next to the door taking out a book to read from my bag.

"At least it cant get any worse-" I open my book only to get ink blasted in my face!

When the spraying stopped, I heard annoying laughter that could only belong to Bash.

"You just got pranked! And books are for nerds! Nerd! Ha!"

As the mocking laughter began to fade away, I calmly wiped the ink from eyes just as the guys came out of the bathroom.

"Hey Riley, do you- WOAH! What happened to you?!" Randy asks in surprise while Howard tries to hold in his laughter.

Looking at Randy, I simply say. "Bash."




" were saying?"

"Oh! We're planning on pranking Bash in front of the whole school. You want in?"

"Will it cause the highest amount of humiliation and pain?"

"I dont know about pain but there will definitely  be humiliation."

"I'm in."

The Nomicons took this moment to wake up and start flashing.

Not bothering to comment, Randy and I went into our respective bathrooms.

Jumping into a stall, I open the book and get sucked in.


~Inside the Kunoichi Nomicon~

When I opened my eyes, I notice I was floating next to Randy with a giant samurai standing in front of the Ninja and Kunoichi before us.

The samurai uses his sword to draw line between him and the Ninjas, wagging his finger as a clear sign of 'Do Not Cross This Line.'

Ninja and Kunoichi look at each other before acting casual while stepping closer to the line.

The samurai's eyes flashed red in warning while shaking his head.

Ninja ignores the warning and steps over the line but also steps on a rake that flies up and hits him the face, making him fall into Kunoichi, which cause both to fall over a cliff and into the  water below.

When the water settles, the lesson appears.

                        -He who crosses the line must prepare for the fall that follows.-

"You're right, Nomicon." Randy says. "Bash has crossed the line, and he must fall. Big time!"

Without another word, Randy and I get pushed out of the book.

~Back outside~

Gasping, I quickly got to my feet when I realized I was laying on the floor. Shuddering, I wiped myself off before exiting the bathroom at the same time as Randy.

"Guys, I know what we're going to do." Randy says as Howard was fixing his hair.

"Oh, good." Howard sighs in relief. " 'Cause I got glitter in places I don't want to think about."

"You mean on your..."


 "And in your..."


"And up your..."

"Okay! We get the point!" I interrupt the very gross conversation. "Whats your plan Randy?"

                                                                                     ~~Time Skip~~

~Third Person P.O.V~

In the cafeteria, the three teens were setting up their prank much to the amazement and delight of their fellow students.

Randy was adding the finishing touches when he said. "Once we're done with Bash, he's never gonna prank again."

Julian, who was standing to the side watching the three, let out a giddy laugh. "If you guys pull this off, you deserve-"

"Sophomore-level respect?" Randy interrupts smugly.

"At least."

Bash, who has been oblivious of everything, stepped out line with his lunch. "Fish sticks, I'm eating you first. Then I'm coming after you, apple sauce. And don't think you're escaping, chocolate milk."

Howard sees this and quickly got everyone's attention. "OK, he's coming. Act natural."

Everyone quickly scattered and quickly started acting 'natural'. in doing random things while also trying to hold in their laughter and smiles.

Off to the side, Howard was sitting down with his lunch, Riley was leaning against the table smirking, and Randy was standing between the two holding up a pretzel stick like a conductor.

Right on que, Bash steps on the pile of pea gravel causing him to slip and fumble around to regain balance. "Whoa! Flippin' rocks!"

His fumbling caused him to set off a trip wire that activated a row of mini catapults that launched balls of gravy at him.

"Hey! I got gravy in my no-no spots!"

Randy took this moment to signal Howard to knock over of a row lunch trays.

As Bash continued to fumble, he stepped on a rake covered by a sheet that flew up, smacked him in the face, and knocking him down with the falling trays landing on top of him.

"Smashing success, Cunningham." Julian complements.

Randy just smirks and sends a wink towards Riley. "Wait for it."

Riley winks back before pulling out a small remote from her pocket just as Bash sat up knocking the trays off him in anger.

With a press of a button, something above Bash started to fall causing him to look up in time to get a face full of beans!

"Never bring a glitter bomb to a gravy and bean fight." Randy says coolly, taking a bite out of his pretzel stick and sharing a high five with Riley.

The cafeteria erupted in cheers and laughter all while pointing at Bash.

Bash looks around feeling embarrassed. "Pranks are only funny when they happen to people who aren't Bash."

Bash quickly exits the cafeteria wit Randy, Riley, and Howard watching in glee.

"We did it, guys! The ultimate prank." Randy says feeling elated.

"Yeah, it's amazing." Howard agrees. "I feel like a whole new person."

Riley laughs while throwing a fist up in victory. "The terror of Bash is over!"

Everyone quickly hoisted the three up cheering their name.

"Randy! Riley! Howard! Randy! Riley! Howard!"

Morgan walks up to the group making the cheering go quiet.

She holds up some flyers. "Party at my house this weekend. Sophomores and above. But we can make an exception for you guys."

The three friends each held a flyer, grinned , and cheered. "Sophomore-level respect!"

At McFist Industries, in Viceroy's lab, McFist and Viceroy where messing a with a machine that made monsters with randomized parts.

Viceroy pulled a lever making three sections of the machine spin around before landing on three eyes, a large mouth with sharp teeth, and webbed feet.

After a moment and a puff of smoke, a small goose like creature with three eyes and large mouth pops out.

McFist stares at it for a moment before groaning. "That one's played out. Spin it again."

Viceroy presses a button to get rid of the creature just a Marcy walked.

"Hannibal, Bashford called." Marcy says to her husband who smiled at her lovingly. "He says the pranks are such a hit. His schoolmates are asking for more."

Viceroy spoke up at that. "I've already given him every product from the McFist Industries Novelty and Tomfoolery Division."

Marcy pouts. "Oh, poo."

McFist, never liking to see a frown on his wife's face, gives Viceroy a look. "You made her poo, Viceroy, not good." He glances at gun like machine and grabs it. " What's this thingamabob? Give him this!"

Viceroy gasps and tries to grab the machine back. "That's not a prank. That's an untested molecular transmogrifier. It fires a ray that randomly transforms the molecules of one object into another object."

McFist fires the ray gun at a near by coffee mug transforming it into a mini-volcano that then exploded.

"Perfect! I love it." McFist throw the ray gun into Viceroy's arms. "Give it to the boy."

"The MT is a highly unpredictable and extremely dangerous apparatus."

Marcy gives her husband a kiss on the cheek and batted her eyelashes.

McFist's mind was made up. "I said give it to the boy!"

Viceroy rolls his eyes and hands the ray to a Robo-ape. "Mm-kay."

The Robo-ape was quick to deliver the ray gun to Bash at the school.

Bash quickly snatched the ray gun from the robot and looked it over. "Yeah! I'm gonna call you Prank-Zooka."

The Robo-ape held up a thick manual. "You are advised to read this instruction manual-"

Bash doesn't listen and blasts the manual and turns it into a pie.

"Yeah!" Bash cheers. "Now smash that pie in your face!"

The Robo-ape sighs and does as told.

"Whoo! I love this thing." Bash starts heading towards the school. "Come on, Prank-Zooka. Let's go prank those prankers what pranked Bash Johnson, with a prank!"

                                                         ~~With Randy, Riley, and Howard~~

Through out the day, the three couldn't go down a hall without their names being cheered and music being played in their honor.

The three friends smiled at each other as Howard says. "Sophomore-level respect."

But the joyous atmosphere was cut short the moment the doors down the hall were kicked open to reveal Bash armed with the Prank-Zooka.

"Till I find out who pranked me, I'm gonna prank the cheese out of the whole school!"

Randy, Riley, and Howard shared a uneasy look knowing they were in trouble.

At that moment, an unsuspecting Flute girl walked out of a classroom with flute in hand.

Not missing a beat, Bash shoots as the flute turning it into a snake that quickly wrapped on Flute girl causing everyone watching to scream.

As everyone started running away, Principal Slimovitz walked by with a stack of papers that Bash quickly shoots at, turning the pile of paper into a pile of dishes.

"How am I supposed to grade these dishes?" Slimovitz asks aloud before the dishes slipped out of his grasp and onto the floor.

Randy, Howard, and a very unwilling Riley, hid in the boy's bathroom.

"Why, of all places, did we have to hide in here!" Riley says behind her hands that was covering her blushing face.

The boys ignored her.

"Hope you enjoyed your sophomore-level respect while it lasted." Howard griped giving Randy a look.

"Don't worry." Randy says reassuringly. "Bash will never find out we were the ones who pranked him."

Riley, hearing the bathroom door open during Randy's talking, peaked through fingers and paled at who she saw. "Uh guys...."

"You pranked me." Randy and Howard jumped at the voice at turn around to see Bash right behind them. "Want to know how I found out? I was standing right here when you said it."

Howard didn't even comment and just ran to hide in the nearest stall.

"Nice." Randy says at that before returning his attention to Bash with Riley coming to stand by his side. "Listen, Bash, surely we can work this out..."

Bash pinned the two in front of the mirrors and takes a shot but Randy and Riley duck making the blast ricochet from the mirror and back at the Prank-Zooka.

"No!" Bash shouts as the Prank-Zooka started vibrating. "It's doing stuff it ain't supposed to do!"

Bash throws the device on the ground and the three gap as it started growing and coming to life!

Howard, who was peaking from his stall, yelps which caught the Prank-Zooka's attention.

Opening it's maw, it blasts all the stalls doors away and turns the toilet Howard was sitting on into a man eating plant!

Howard screams as he tries to escape. "My worst nightmare has come to life!"

The robotic monster turns it's attention to Bash making him quickly run out of the bathroom with the robot hot on his heels.

"That was..." Riley starts, looking bewildered.

"Yeah..." Randy agrees.

"Help me!"

Randy and Riley whipped their heads around at Howard who was still struggling with toilet turned man eating plant. "Help me!"

The two quickly suit up and go to help their friend. "Hang on, buddy."

They each grab an arm and try to pull Howard out of the plant's mouth while also trying not to get splashed by toilet water.

This proves to be futile as toilet waster was getting everywhere. "Oh, it's on my face, it's on my face!"

"EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEW!" Kunoichi yelps flinching back.

"What are you doing?!" Howard yells.

"It's toilet water." Ninja whines.

"I know it's toilet water. I'm swimming in it!" Howard shouts at him.

Not getting anywhere with the arm tugging, Kunoichi and Ninja each wrap their scarfs around Howard and finally pull him out.

After taking a breath to calm down, Howard looks towards the 'toilet'. "Toilet, I know I've done some unspeakable things to you, but this time you went too far!"

The three step out of the bathroom with Ninja and Kunoichi were wringing out their scarfs to see the Prank-Zooka chasing people around and blasting at everything in sight.

It turned a random potted plant into a giant centipede monster and then a banner into a bat.

The centipede monster was quick to snatch Bucky into it's jaws while the bat chased after Julian.

"Centipede." Kunoichi picks as she took out her tessen.

"Bat." Ninja says pulling out a chain scythe.

Kunoichi runs after the centipede, jumps into the air, and chops of it's head allowing Bucky to break free.

As Kunoichi was doing this, Ninja went after the bat and flung his weapon at it, knocking it off Julian. "Ninja Bat Slap!"


Ninja looks behind him seeing Flute girl still getting squeezed by the snake.

"Squeezing me." Flute girl gasps.

Ninja quickly uses his chain scythe to rip the snake off of Flute girl and punched it to the ground.

Bash's screaming caught the two hero's attention and they quickly raced down the halls until finally finding Bash being cornered by the Prank-Zooka.

"Get away from me, crazy walking gun!" Bash screams in fear as the Prank-Zooka shot at the ground covering it with whoopie cushions.

Ninja and Kunoichi looked confused at this but dismiss it quickly as they stepped forward while inadvertently setting off a few whoopie cushions.

Any straying students watch the scene immediately burst into laughter at that.

This also included Bash and the Prank-Zook.

"Ha-ha! The Ninja and Kunoichi ripped one." Bash laughs. "More than one."

Ninja started getting defensive while Kunoichi was getting annoyed.

"No, that's not me, I swear."

"Shouldn't you guys be hiding somewhere?"

They set off a few more whoopie cushions making the laughter get louder.

"Seriously, what'd you guys eat for lunch?" Bash mocks.

"Still not me." Ninja says before getting over it. "Enough of this. You're going down, Prank-Zooka." Ninja takes out a Ninja Ring and throws it at the machine. "Ninja Ring!"

The Prank-Zooka simply turned it into an apple and sent it right back at  Ninja who ducked and letting it hit Doug in the face.

Howard laughed at this.

The Prank-Zooka roared making Ninja and Kunoichi pull out their weapons only for the Prank-Zooka to turn them into a large banana and a pair of broccolis.

The mechanical monster then runs off as the heroes talk to Bash.

"Why the juice did you bring that thing to school?!" Kunoichi asks waving her arms.

"Don't blame me, " Bash says in defense. "My pranks were funny. Them three shoobs violated the spirit and camaraderie of Bash's Prank-Fest."

Ninja and Kunoichi share a guilty look as Bash runs off and the Nomicon's lesson from earlier appeared.

                       -He who crosses the line must prepare for the fall that follows.-

"Yeah....pranking Bash like that may have been a bit over the line." Ninja admits rubbing his head.

"Yeah...." Kunoichi sighs. "Totally deserved it though."

"Oh definitely."

The two then quickly ran through the school looking for the Prank-Zooka which wasn't that difficult by the multitude of screams coming from one direction.

Abon entering another hallway, the two heroes stopped in their tracks and gazed at the chaos happening around them in shock.

"OK, a lot over the line. How do we stop this thing?"

The lesson appeared again and gave Kunoichi an idea.

"Ninja, think you can get that thing's attention?" Kunoichi asks looking determined.

"Of course." Ninja pulls out another Ninja Ring. "Why?"

"We need to get this thing to follow us to the roof."

Ninja catches on what she's saying. "Ooohhh." He quickly throws his Ninja Ring at the robot getting it's attention and starts taunting it. "Oh, Prank-Zooka.~"

The robot roars in rage and charges at the two who quickly turn tail and run down the hall all the while dodging blasts from it.

While running, the Prank-Zooka fires at some lockers ahead of the two heroes making them shoot out multiple eggs from either side.

Ninja and Kunoichi didn't even have time to cringe as they ran faster to dodge the incoming mass of eggs.

Finally reaching the stairs at the end of the hall, the two heroes ran up them towards the roof with the Prank-Zooka closing in.

Turning a wall into an open curtain, the Prank-Zooka stepped on to the roof and spots it's targets standing on the ledge side by side.

"Hey." Ninja makes a 'come at me motion'. "Come and get us."

The Prank-Zooka takes a shot but Kunoichi jumped to the side while Ninja jumped in the doing a split and a cracking noise was heard making Ninja wince and Kunoichi cringe.

Ninja landed on his butt holding his thighs in pain. "Should have stretched first."

"Dude I heard that..." Kunoichi says shuddering.

The two quickly dodged another incoming blast and started leading the mechanical monster further along the roof.

The Prank-Zooka turned the corner to see it's enemies standing at the edge of the roof ready for it.

The Prank-Zooka charged at the two heroes as they both start throwing Ninja Rings and Smoke bombs to keeps it's attention on them and not on the ground.

Ninja takes out his banana sword while Kunoichi crouches slightly. "You just crossed the line."

Ninja then throws the large banana at the Prank-Zooka's feet causing it to slip towards them.

"And here comes the fall."

Kunoichi grabs a rope that was lying on the ground and pulls it as Ninja jumps out of the way and as the Prank-Zooka falls off the roof to the ground and destroying it.

Ninja and Kunoichi high-five. "You got pranked!"

Near by students gathered around the remains of the robot as the last of it's power died making everything it transformed turn back to normal.

Kunoichi and Ninja jumps down in front of the crowd with Ninja picking up his Banaba sword as it transformed back.

As he puts it away, he addresses the crowd. "I think we've seen that pranks can cross the line. So I say no more pranks. Everybody cool with that?"

Everyone nods making sound of agreement.

Kunoichi goes up to Bash look stern. "Bash?"

Bash looks down in shame before grinning when Kunoichi hold out her hand for a handshake. When he reaches out to do so, he suddenly get electrocuted reveling the electro ball hidden between Kunoichi's fingers.

"Electro ball." Kunoichi states coolly, blowing it. "Works every time."

"And also..SMOKEBOMB!"

~Riley's P.O.V.~

After the whole Prank-Zooka incident, Bash was suspended while Randy, Howard, and I were made to clean up the destruction from the Prank-Zooka with a weeks detention for pranking Bash in the first place.

How was that fair, I have no clue.

And the annoyed glares from the student body weren't helping.

"Wow," Randy comments seeing the looks. "People are pretty mad at us for causing Bash to unleash the Prank-Zooka."

"As if we had any control of Bash's idiotic actions." I grumble while sweeping and shooting back a glare at some students making them look away.

"Uh, how long do you think they're gonna hold a grudge?" Howard asks.

"Flour bomb!"

Someone throws a box of flour at us.

"I'm sure that's it." Randy says reassuringly.

"Jelly bomb!"

Three balloons full of jelly get thrown at us.

My eye twitches.

"OK, never mind."

"Oh, look at us, guys." Howard complains. "Was it really worth all this just to get sophomore-level respect?"

Randy wordlessly pulls the flyer for Morgan's party.

The boy's expression immediately turned to excitement that made me smile despite being covered in flour and jelly. "Totally!"

Theresa suddenly flies by screaming making us stare in shock.


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