Rise of the Planet of the Robo-Apes

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~Third Person P.O.V.~

Inside one of McFist's many warehouses; Ninja, Kunoichi, and Boss robo-ape were looking over a railing at the many robo-ape pieces scattered around the warehouse.

"Don't feel bad." Ninja said to the Boss-ape. "Who knew we could defeat 70 robo-apes? I didn't even know!"

"I have to agree, it was kind of touch and go a couple times." Kunoichi threw in.

The two heroes then jump away from the robo-ape while taking out their weapons.

 "But now it's just you and us." Ninja declared. 

"I think it's us and you." Boss-ape corrected.

McFist interrupts the conversation. "Less grammar, more stabbing!

Boss-ape listens to the order by taking out some electrified blades. 

Ninja and Kunoichi then had to block and dodge from incoming attacks.

McFist looks around at his fallen robots while talking down to them. "You, banana eating, Oil-drinking baboons! All a disgrace!"

A robo-ape hanging onto a gear falls down will a yell as McFist grabs a different one that was hanging over the railing.

"Help him!" McFist barked.

"But my leg came off." The robo-ape tried to explain as it hobbled before falling over the railing.

 McFist didn't show any sympathy. "Oh! My leg came off. Boo-hoo!"

He then rips a piece of the railing off and throws it at the robot making it groan in pain.

Kunoichi notices this as she fights. "Geez, your boss is kind of a jerk."

Boss-ape knocks away Ninja's sword as it shrugs and says. "It's his company. What can you do?" 

Ninja takes this chance to kick the robot away.

"I wouldn't take it." Ninja retrieves his sword and uses it to cut the Boss-ape's head off. "I'd fight back." 

Ninja catches the head. "But hey, that's just me." He then punches the head into McFist's hands. 

Ninja, Kunoichi, and McFist all glare at each other until the two heroes smoke bomb away.

When the smoke clears, McFist glares down at the head in his hands. "You make me sick!"

Boss-ape tries to say something but is kicked away by McFist. "I'd kick the rest of you, but I have somewhere to be."

McFist exits the warehouse that was actually located in the Whoopee World Amusement park.

~Randy's P.O.V~ 

After Kunoichi went on her separate way, I ducked behind a Whoopee statue to take off my mask just as McFist exits the warehouse.

Why he has one in the middle of an amusement park, I have no idea.

The moment McFist runs by, I quickly run in the opposite direction to where I know Howard was waiting for me.

Spotting him, I run up to him panting. I opened my mouth to speak but Howard stopped me with a hand to my face and annoyed look on his.

"Sorry I'm late, Howard." He said 'speaking' for me. "And because I almost made us miss the grand opening of the Barf-A-Centauri, I will pay for all your snacks as an apology."

Crossing my arms annoyed, I go over to the vending machine anyway to buy us snacks. "You know I'm not actually late, right?"

 Howard grabs his snacks. "Apology accepted, Cunningham."

Rolling my eyes, I glanced around for a certain pair of girls. "Hey, have you seen Riley and Rachel yet?"

Howard sipped his drink. "Not yet. Got a text saying they'll be here in a sec."

"Okay," I then got serious. "But you do remember the plan-"

"The plan to get you and Riley alone in a not-a-date, date?" Howard takes another sip of his drink. "Yeah Cunningham, you only reminded me a billion times. After the ride, I distract Rachel, we lose you guys in the crowd, and give you and Riley enough alone time for you to impress her."

I sighed in relief and strained up a bit. "Perfect. Hopefully nothing goes wrong today."

"Now why would you say that?"

Jumping a bit, I spun around and see Rachel and Riley walking up to us.

Riley was the one who asked the questions and was looking at me curiously.

I nervously flick my eyes side to side trying to think of an excuse. "I-I mean um..."

"Cunningham just hopping nothing will go wrong with the ride. With it being new and all." Howard cut in, covering me.

"Yeah it would stink if something went bad." Rachel agreed with Howard's lie.

I discreetly gave Howard some of my snacks as a thank you.

"Agreed, especially since I'm here to continue my record." Riley says.


"Record of what?" Howard asked what we were both thinking.

"Record of not barfing on a roller coaster. 6 years and 19 different coasters strong! And now going for the big 20!" Riley explained looking pumped.

"Its kind of why we were a little late." Rachel said. "Riley wanted to eat some chili fries to make it more of a challenge."

Howard scoffs. "Not throwing up on a coaster that was made to make you puke. Sorry Davis, but I don't see that happening."

"Oh yeah?" Riley asked in a challenging way as she stood in front of Howard. "Is that a challenge, Weinerman?"

Howard doesn't even flinch. "Maybe it is Davis."

Rachel and I looked between the two as the conversation goes on.

"Alright then," Riley crosses her arms, eyes narrowed. "What are the stakes?"

Howard is silent for a moment until he smirks. "If I win, I get 5 things from your bakery for free.



"Done." Riley said before smirking herself. "And if I win, you have to spin a sign in front of the shop for two hours."

"Deal." They shook on it as Rachel and I shared a look.

"Umm... How about we get in the line for the ride guys." Rachel suggested awkwardly.

We all agreed and joined the crowd that was in front of the covered ride with McFist giving a speech.

"I don't know where I was when I came up with the idea to build the most puke-tastic coaster in history." McFist said with a 'charming' smile. 

I notice Viceroy say something to Mrs. McFist until McFist stood in front of him.

"But the important thing is, I did. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you." McFist pulls out a small device and presses a button that pulled down the covering sheet to reveal the most brucest ride ever! "Mission to Barf-A-Centauri!

Everyone in the crowd cheered in excitement as the four of us gazed at the ride in aw.

"Hannibal McFist can do no wrong!" Howard exclaimed making me pause at my aweing. 

"You know he just tried to kill us, right?" I remined feeling a little miffed. 

Howard adopted a sheepish look. "OK, so he can do a little wrong."

McFist continues his speech. "And joining us for the inaugural blast-off, Norrisville's favorite space monkey, Neil Apestrong."

A couple of Robo-apes carried a prop rocket to the stage that had a chimp in a space suit sitting in it.

Apestrong saluted and pointed at crowd making them cheer louder. Jumping out of the rocket, he proceed to act like a monkey for like 5 second before jumping to the front, slipping on his helmet, and giving the audience a thumps up. 

"I'm apestrong nuts for Apestrong!" Howard cheered retuning the gesture.

After the small opening ceremony, the four of us were able to snag some seats with Howard and I in the second row behind Bash and Apestrong and the girls behind us.

"Yeah!" Bash cheered while nudging Apestrong, "Get pumped ape face!"

That poor monkey. 

The ride began to move as I see Howard practically vibrate in his seat. "We are about to barf at six G's, Cunningham. Six G's! "

"To think we will have achieved something so great, at such a young age." I said feeling honestly prideful at this moment.

"I hope your ready to lose Weinerman." I heard Riley from behind say smugly.

"Funny, I was about to the same thing Davis." Howard said back. 

"Hey what's going on with the robo-apes?" I then hear Rachel ask.

Curious I lean over a bit and looked down with Howard to see the Robo-apes running around with signs that I couldn't quiet read.

"They're walking off the job." I said before sudden realization hit me and I look back Riley to see her with the same face staring at me. "Oh, my ninja, they're on strike!" I then whisper to Howard so Rachel couldn't hear. "You know, I'm the one who told them to stand up for themselves. That was me."

Howard rolls his eyes just as the ride came to a sudden halt just before going over the first hill. 

What the juice?

"What's going on with the ride?" Howard ask what I presume we were all thinking.

The ride then goes backwards and back into the docking station. 

"Yo, McFist. This thing stinks. I didn't puke at all!" Bash complained to his step-dad.

I see the robo-ape managing the ride begin to walk away.

"Where do you think you're going?" McFist asked angerly.

The robot says nothing and simply takes out a sign with McFist's face crossed out and then join the other robo-apes.

A look of nervousness started to show on McFist's face as he says. "Hang on, folks. We'll have you puking momentarily. We're experiencing a minor malfunction." 

I cranked my neck to look behind me and, along with Riley, watch him go over to Viceroy and talk for a bit.

But I was cut off from my observation when Howard punched me in the shoulder making me flinch.

"Cunningham, thanks to you, we're not gonna get to ride the Barf-A-Centauri. You have to fix this!

Staring at him disbelief as I rubbed my arm, I said. "Why would I fix it? If the robo-apes are on strike, they're not coming after the Ninja and Kunoichi." 

"I drank a yellow McHyper-Slush, and ate a bag of blue McSwizzlers." Howard then gets in my face, growling. "I'm not leaving until I spew green.

"Gross." I hear the girls say.

"I would love to see that." I admitted quietly as I lifted my over the shoulder restraints as everyone else, beside Howard and Rachel, did the same and left. 

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Rachel asked as she watched Riley and I get out of our seats.

"Where just gonna check on something, we'll be right back." Riley lied sending me a wink.

I smirked at that and we both head out towards the crowd of robo-apes.

~Kunoichi's P.O.V~ 

"Smoke bomb!"

Ninja and I appeared in the middle of the protesting robots.

About to step in and try to reason with them, Ninja beat me to it.

Big mistake.

"OK, robo-apes, you're angry, I get it." Ninja said to the crowd as they quietened down for a moment.  "But there's a boy up there with a dream to puke off a rollercoaster, and there's another boy with a dream of watching that first boy's dream come true. The only thing crushing those dreams is you."

Palm meet face. 'Darn it Randy.'

"But you said fight back." Boss-ape retorted.

"After you run the coaster." Ninja said looking confident.

"Uh Ninja-" I tried to intervene but he kept in talking.

 "I mean, come on. Is McFist really that bad?" 

As if on que, McFist pushes himself harshly through the crowd, even taking out a robot's head.

"Get back to work, you knuckle-dragging refrigerators!" McFist barked. "And somebody destroy the Ninja and Kunoichi!" 

Ninja faced palmed while I blankly watched the head roll over to the Boss-ape's feet.

In 3...2...1..

Boss-ape glares and picks up the head while speaking to crowd. "My cyber-simian brothers, it is time to activate Ape Mode!

Boss-ape then swipes something on his arm that suddenly made its coloring go from orange to red.

I cocked my head to side confused but took a step back anyway as the rest of the robo-apes followed their leader.

"Ape Mode? What's Ape Mode?" Ninja asked McFist and I but we both just shrug.

Suddenly the Robo-ape proceeded to act jut like........well apes. 

"Oh, Ape Mode." Ninja realized as his face went sheepish. "Yeah, this is bad."

 "Ya Think!?"I said annoyed while getting back to back with him.

"Okay, not my brightest idea." Ninja admitted. "Guess the only one thing to do now is to-"

"Fight!" We both then jumped in to the madness.

"Kuno! You take the left and I'll take the right!" Ninja said like kicking a robot away.

"You got it!" I replied punching a robot's head off.

Running down the path, I was using my tessens to cut robo-apes left and right but it did nothing to lessen the numbers.


Snapping my head towards the scream I see a little girl hugging a whoopee plushie cowering from an approaching robo-ape.

My hand went towards my sash and quickly threw a boom ball at the robot, destroying it.

The little girl cheered as I quickly ushered her away towards her near by frantic mother.

My ears then catch a faint sound that I couldn't pinpoint  from all the chaos until it was to late as something slammed into me and knocked us into a ring tossing booth.

After my head stopped spinning, I see the thing that crashed into me was my partner and that I was on top of him with our legs tangled and a large ring around our necks.

Looking down at my partner, I notice how tense he was and that he was staring at me with a deer-in-the-headlights look.

'Understandable, a situation like this would make anyone uncomfortable.' I thought as I gave him an apologetic smile under my mask as I slowly untangled my self from him. 

After doing so, I peered over the booth counter to look at the on going chaos and sighed in aggravation.

"Ugh, There's too many of them. We have to think of something to stop them as a whole instead of going taking them out one by one. Any ideas?"


Confused, I glanced at my partner and see him sitting up and starring into space.

Rolling my eyes, I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Ninja, Ninja hello? Need you at 100% here please."

Ninja snapped out of his daydreaming. "W-what sorry what?"

"I asked if you had any idea on how to stop the rampaging robo-apes." 

Before he could answer, we heard some familiar shouting.  

"You. Banana-eating, oil-drinking baboons!

Looking over, we both see McFist yelling at some robo-apes messing with a vending machine.

I hear Ninja suddenly gasp and look to him get to his feet. "Wait a second. They're mad at McFist! Only he could stop this."

 I sent him a dubious look. "We seriously have to ask McFist for help?"

"Trust me, I'm crazy about it either." Ninja said looking annoyed at the idea in general. "But its the only way."

Sighing, I got to my feet. "Fine, but I'm not gonna like it."

"Wasn't expecting you to."

By the time we were done talking and going over to McFist, some robo-apes kidnapped Marci McFist and Bash while heading towards the roller coaster. 

"Help! Need some help here!" McFist cried out but stopped when we stepped in front of him. He glared at us. "Not from you! Anybody else. Help!" 

"Look, were not so crazy about this either, McFist." I said annoyed before I gestured to his kidnapped family. "But innocent people are in danger."

McFist bites his lip in worry as he glanced at his family, crossed his arms in frustration/stubbornness , and then said reluctantly. "Fine. Just get it over with!" 

Ninja quickly grabs him and makes his way towards the coaster with me right behind them.

As we got closer to the ride, we noticed that it was up and running  with Howard and Rachel standing next to Viceroy who was holding a remote.

'I'll take that!'  I though as I grabbed the remote as Ninja, McFist , and I jumped into the train. 

"Sorry, everyone, but we need that coaster." Ninja said as I pressed a button that strapped McFist into the ride. 

Our two friends and Viceroy pouted and complained at this as the train moved away from them and was slowly going up towards the first lift hill where the robo-apes had Bash and Mrs. McFist.

"Ninja Snatch!" Ninja uses his scarf to grab them and place them on the train where I strapped them in. 

"Thanks, Ninja and Kunoichi." Mrs. McFist thanked.

"Aw, I wanted to sit in the front seat." Bash complained making us roll our eyes. 

"OK, they're safe, but this isn't over." Ninja said as the robo-apes jumped from their position and landed on the last train. "It's time to apologize.

"Can't you just stab 'em or something?" McFist asked grumbly.

I threw my hands up in disbelief. "Wha-No, we can't stab-They're mad at you. The only way to end all this is for you to say you're sorrRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY! AAAAHHHH!"

Ninja and I grabbed each other screaming with everyone else as the train speed up as it went down.

Letting go of him, I traded with clutching onto the seat while trying to keep my lunch down as the ride went on.

"Just say it!" Ninja yelled getting in McFist's face.

"Hannibal McFist doesn't apologize." McFist retorted, not backing down.

We all noticed the three robo-apes getting closer as one on them roared with knives on their hands.

Staring blankly at McFist, I shrugged and gestured to the enraged robots. "Fine. Have it your way." 

Just as I say this, the Boss-robo ape brought down one of its knives and cut the seat.

That changes McFist's mind quickly. "OK, OK."

The ride does a sudden turn making Ninja and I adjust our grip. 

I am so gonna enjoy this ride once I'm ridding it normally.

"Sometimes I say things, and sometimes those things are hurtful." McFist started. "So I guess what I'm really trying to say is, labmashji........." He grumbled the last bit.

"So that's not a word." Ninja pointed out. 

"Yeah, all right, fine." McFist crossed his arms and looked to the side. "I'm sorry, OK?"

The three of us looked at Boss-ape hopefully, only for it to roar and bring down its other knife at McFist. 

Ninja quickly used his scarf to rip McFist from his seat and avoid the blade.

The train suddenly went into a loop de loop that made me tighten my grip and stay on the train while Ninja and McFist weren't as lucky as they fell off the ride for a moment but were able to land in the back of the train just in time.

When they landed, Ninja used McFist, who was still wrapped in Ninja's scarf, to knock away two of the three robo-apes.

"I don't get it. I really thought that was gonna work" Ninja said.

I took the moment to wrap my own scarf around Boss-robo ape to grab it's attention as two more robo-apes jumped onto the train.

Taking out a pair of sais, I used them to deflect it's blades.


Turning me head slightly to the side to acknowledge my partner while in a stand off with the Boss-ape.

"I figured it out!" He exclaimed while dodging an incoming swipe. "Since they're in ape mode they only understand monkey speak! We need someone who speaks monkey speak!"

"And where the juice are we gonna find someone like that!" I yelled before finally pushing Boss-ape off to the side.

The tow of us the focused on deflecting/pushing the other apes away as we moved towards the front but they just kept climbing back up.

Back up slightly, I feel something hairy on my back and look to see Apestrong sound asleep in his seat.

Oh right, forgot about him.

"Apestrong! Norrisville needs you."

The space monkey wakes up and grunts at me when Boss-ape tries to take a swing at me but Ninja blocks him.

"Yes, again." I kicked a robo-ape away. "Tell the robo-apes McFist is sorry, and he'll never yell at them again."

 "Yes, I'll never yell again!" McFist from his position behind us.

Boss-robo ape suddenly popped up from behind McFist, grabs him by the tie, and holds him over the side.

Apestrong slips on his helmet, stands up from his seat, and started speaking  Boss-robo ape.

After a moment of back and forth mokey chatter, Boss-robo ape put McFist back on the train safely, swiped its arm, and turned back to normal.

"Apology accepted."

I smiled under my mask at the sight as me and Ninja high-fived for another completed mission.

And then the train went down a steep fall.

                                                                          ~~Time Skip~~

After finishing the.....extreme coaster, we all finally got to the loading station where McFist, his wife, and Bash immediately jumped off to puke.

Ninja and I stayed in our seats for a moment longer to collect our brains and degrip the hold we had on the seats.

Never complaining about tight seatbelts again.

Getting to our feet, we both looked back at Apestrong as he stood the side looking completely fine.

"Nice working with you, Commander." Ninja said as we both saluted him off and he salutes back.

We then turn our attention to a barfing McFist.

Once he was done, he sent us an aggravated look. "What?"

"You're welcome. Smoke bomb!" The two of us then smoke bombed away.

~Third Person P.O.V~

After Norrisvill's heroes disappeared, the crowd that was watching cheered and climbed on to the ride with Howard in the front and Rachel just behind him.

Viceroy was about to join them but was stopped by the yelling of his boss.

"Viceroy! You're not riding anything until you remove Strike Mode, Ape Mode, and any other ridiculous modes from the robo-apes." 

"Even Brownie Hound Suck-Up Mode?" Viceroy asked. 

That made McFist pause. "Keep that one for when I'm feeling blue."

McFist then walks away with Viceroy begrudgingly following while glancing at the ride longingly.

Howard and Rachel see this and frown.

"I will barf for you!" Howard declared to the scientist with Rachel waved sadly. 

"Oh, I see how it is." Randy said crossly as he and Riley slipped into the train next to their friends. "I'm gone for five minutes, and you got a new puking pal?" 

"Speaking of puking," Riley said as she leaned forward a bit to whisper to the two boys. "I win Weinerman, hope your ready to spin some signs next weekend."

Howard growled as she leaned back with a smug grin. "You two really wanna go there? Cause technically, you already rode this thing without me."

The ride began to move.  

"It was official Ninja/Kunoichi business. I didn't even enjoy it." Randy said quietly but smirked after a moment. "Although turn three is the cheese." 

That smirk got bigger when he heard Riley laugh and at Howard's annoyed face. "You're ruining it! Again!

The train then went down the first lift hill making the passengers scream in excitement and made a certain Weinerman immediately throw up to the side.

"So beautiful!" Randy cheered.

                                                                           ~~Time Skip~~ 

The minute the ride was over, Rachel and Howard bolted over to the nearest trashcans and emptied their stomachs.

And while the ride didn't make Riley puke it certainly made her dizzy enough for her to need Randy to keep her steady.

"Are you gonna be okay Riley?" Randy asked as he lead the red head to a near by bench.

She giggled and waved of his concern as she sat down. "I'm fine, just gotta let the adrenaline wear off."

Randy smiles himself and turns to look at his other friends but sees no one.

Riley sees this as well and asked. "Where'd they go?"

                                                          ~~With Howard and Rachel~~

"Howard why did you drag us away from Randy and Riley?" Rachel asked as she snatched her wrist back from the boy.

"Needed a snack and since Randy was busy helping Riley, you were the only one left."

"Left for what?" Rachel asked crossing her arms, looking skeptic.

".......giving me company?"

Rachel stared at Howard blankly making him sweat a bit as she glanced over her shoulder in the direction of their friends and then back at him.



"Your helping Randy try to get closer with Riley aren't you." It wasn't a question.

"Ihavenoideawhatyourtalkingabout." Howard immediately denied not looking at her.

"Ugh, Howard seriously...."

"Hey! It wasn't my idea-"

"Why didn't you get me in on it?"

"......wait what?" Howard asked in surprise.

Rachel placed her hands on her hips. "Hello I'm not blind. It's kinda of obvious that Randy has a crush on Riley. Heck, some of the band members are placing bets on who will ask who first."



".....what's the betting line?"

                                                            ~~With Randy and Riley~~

"Well Rachel isn't picking up. How's your end?" Riley asked as she put her phone away.

Randy takes out his phone to call Howard when he noticed he got a message.

Howard:Try not screw this up Cunningham.

'Screw up wha-' Randy froze as he remembered the plan him and Howard made for today.

Taking a nervous glance at Riley, he sees she was just mindlessly looking around.

He took a big breath and started giving himself a pep-talk. 'Okay, you can do this Randy. Just play it cool and show Riley your boyfriend material. Show her that your confident, suave, funny, and smart, that she'll sayyesstodateyouandeventuallysayyeswhenyouaskhertomarryyou-'

"-ny luck?"

"Hu-wha?" Randy shakes his head clear and looks at Riley.

"I asked if you had any luck getting a hold of Howard." Riley repeated while tilting her head a bit. "Are you okay Randy? You kind of blanked out for a sec."

"Uh....." The young man glances at his phone before shoving it into his pocket. "I'm f-fine, and no I'm only getting voicemail."

Riley cursed lightly under her breath looking a little irritated. "So what do we do now?"

"Um...."Randy gulped trying to calm his incoming nerves. "We could um....walk around, play some games, and ride some rides while we look for them."

Riley thinks about it for sec and smiles. "Good idea. Having some fun on a job. Lets go!"

She grabs his hand and started tugging him towards the gaming  booths with him bushing all the way.

                                                         SEMI-ROMANTIC MONTAGE!!!!!

The two first went to the arcade and play some games and both try and fail miserably at the occasional claw machine. But it didn't bother them much.


Now at the teacups, the two laughed as they spun around. 

From the  force of the spinning, Riley ended up sliding in her seat and being pressed into Randy's side. She just laughed and he smiled.


Randy was trying his chance at a Test-Your-Strength game.

Lifting up the hammer, Randy noticed the guy managing the was smirking and laughing with his buddy as they quietly made fun of his thin frame.

Growling at bit under his breath, he glanced at Riley to see she saw this too and was frowning.

She looked back at him and gave a smirk that said, show those idiots whose boss.

Smirking back, Randy adjusted his grip on the hammer and made sure to stare at the two guys in the eye as he brought down the hammer with enough force to ring the bell!

Thank you Ninja training!

Randy smirked at the now dumbfounded men as he swaggered away to a laughing Riley, who was clutching her stomach in laughter, and held up a hand for a high-five that was gladly given.


"Whoah! Hold the phone!" Riley exclaimed as she stared at one of the gaming booths.

"What's up?" Randy asked as he took a bite from his cotton candy.

"That!" She pointed and Randy followed her hand to see her pointing at a stuffed polor bear plushie with big blue eyes.

"Its so cute! I gotta have it!" Riley squealed as raced towards the booth with Randy running after her.

When they got to the booth they saw it was a balloon popping game.

Seeing this, Riley slumped slightly and groaned. "Aw man."

"What's wrong?" Randy asked concerned.

"This game is always tricky. People usually never get the right number of balloons to get a certain prize." Riley sighed. "No polar bear for me I guess."

Randy looked at his crush's disappointed face and felt a spark a determination well up inside him.

He places a comforting hand on the red head's shoulder. "Dont worry Riley, I got this."

Riley looked at him in surprise. "Randy you dont have to do that. Like I said, these games can be tricky. I wouldn't want you wasting your money on something like this."

Randy just smiled. "Its fine. Like I said, I got this."

He then walks up to the booth and spoke to the Robo-ape managing it. "Hey buddy, how do I get the polar bear?"

The robot glances at the toy then back at him. "You must pop 20 balloons in the span of one minute. 5 dollars for 5 darts."

Randy pulls out a 20 dollar bill and gives it to the robot.

Watching this, Riley tries to stop him again but Randy just smiled at her reassuringly.

Randy grabs a few darts as a familiar feeling came to him. Looking at the darts, he gets an idea.

"Time start...now!"

Carnival music began to play as Randy started throwing multiple darts at once as if they were Ninja rings!

Both Riley's and the Robo-ape's jaw dropped as they watched balloon after balloon pop!

The timer buzzed to a finish and the robo-ape looked over the balloons as Randy stood confident.

After a moment, the Robo-ape turned back around and grabbed the plushie. "Congratulations sir, you won the polar bear, please come again and have a nice day."

Randy thanked the robot as he took the bear and went over to where a gobsmacked Riley was standing.

Smiling confidently, he held out the plushie to her. "I believe this is yours."

Riley silently takes the bear, still staring at him in shock. "Th-thank you. But seriously, you didn't have to do it."

"I know but...." Randy rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "You really liked it and that's enough for me."

Riley blushed a bit at his words before she smiled and threw her arms around him in a hug. "Awww, thank you Randy. Your the best!"

Despite his face turning as red as her hair and his heart beating a mile a minute, Randy smiled and returned the hug. "Your welcome."

Riley attempts to pull back but was stopped by a tugging on her neck. Looking down she sees that both of their necklaces (See Evil Spirit Week chapter) somehow came out of their shirts and were tangled with each other.

Looking up at each other, the two laughed awkwardly and tried to untangle them while trying not to look at the other out of embarrassment.

The moment they were free they heard. "There you two are!"

The two whipped their heads towards the voice and saw Howard and Rachel making their way towards them.

Rachel noticed the bear in Riley's hands and squealed. "Aw! That's so cute! Where'd you get it!"

"Oh, Randy got it for me." Riley answered as she hugged the bear to her chest.

"Aw that so sweet!"

Howard goes over to Randy as the girls talked. "So how'd it go?"

Randy glances at him then at Riley as she laughs with Rachel and hugs the stuffed bear. 

He smiles.


A/N: Just to give you guys a heads up, literally just as I finished this chapter- MY COMPUTER BREAKS!!!!!!

I got it sent in Wednesday (using my phone to write this note) to get it fixed but I'm not sure how long that will be.

To be straight to the point- the next chapter will most likely be a little late. I cant determine how long, but the moment I get word of it I'll tell you.

Sorry again.

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