The McHugger Games

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A/N:*Bites lip while glancing around nervously*...........I have no excuse.

Well beside the fact I've been getting into, or back into, other fandoms which is making me have a BUNCH of story ideas that wont leave my brain and is pushing this story to the back of my mind.

Which I do NOT want.

Cause darn it! I said I was gonna finish this so I'm gonna!

And if wanna know what other stories I have in mind you can ask but understand most of the stories I'm thinking of might not even get past the key board due to one reason or another.

Also, and I just wanna put it out there cause I love it so much and I wanna share said love, the most recent thing I've been getting is 'LEGO Monkie Kid.' I HIGHLY recommend it.

It's currently ONLY showing in Maylasia but they do have the English version on youtube. Have no idea when it's gonna come to the U.S .

Some youtubers have all the episodes on their google drive and put a link in their description so BIG thanks to them. I'm not gonna say who incase someone snitches.

Also I cant guarantee if the update schedule is gonna be the same.


~Riley's P.O.V.~

"Jealous? Of Amanda?" I say skeptically into my phone, talking to Rachel a few days after the dance. "Rachel did you accidently inhale paint fumes from one of your crafts again? Cause you sound nuts."

"I have not for your information. In fact, mom grounded me from any kind of paint for the next month after what happened to the couch..."

I winced slightly, remembering that disaster.

"And yes I'm saying you were jealous of Amanda cause why else would it annoy you so much when Randy started drooling over her."

"Because he wasn't focusing on stopping an evil she-witch from breaking out the Sorcerer! Do you know how many time she nearly got me in the face!?"

"One to many?"

"Exactly! Besides jealously or envy ,by exact definition, is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. So tell me, what did Amanda have that would make me feel this way?" I ask confidently.

"Randy's affections." Was the instant reply.

I sputtered, silently glad she couldn't see my now red cheeks. "W-w-why would I want his affection!? Randy is a friend! A friend."

"Are you sure? You looked really happy when guys were dancing. Even more so when you were telling me how Randy told you that earlier he tried to ask you to said dance."

"Because he's my friend! My best friend-"


"-best guy friend. Not to mention, wanting his affection would mean I like him in a romantic way! Which-"

"Do you?"


"Do you like Randy in a romantic way?"

I didn't answer right away, feeling stunned by the question.

"-Sigh- Riley, your my best friend and one of the smartest people I know so I need you to really think about  what I'm about to ask you."

I remained silent, waiting for the question.

"Were you annoyed with Randy for not focusing on the fight? Or were you annoyed with him having his eyes on a girl that wasn't you?" 

I didn't answer the question.

I didn't know how to.

                                                                           ~~Time Skip (Next Day)~~

It was now the next day and I haven't been able to think about me and Rachell's talk at all do to school and at the moment, fighting robo-apes in one of McFist's warehouses with Ninja.

Or at least I was as Ninja decided it was a good time and place to answer a phone call!

The two of us were running from a group of apes on top of a cargo container until we got to the end of it. But with a quick back flip, the two of us ended up behind the group.

And with a quick whip of our scarfs, we were able to wrap them around the group and throw them off the container.

Seeing our job, and Ninja's phone call, was done, we flipped off the container to the the ground.

"The Ninja and Kunoichi are escaping! Get up and capture them!" McFist orders the robo-apes who looked from him towards us.

Time to go.

"Ninja sprint!" The two of us book it for the exit as the group of robo-apes chase after us and as the only exit began to close.

It was close, but we were able to slide under the door just as it closed!

"Hold up!" Ninja screeches to a stop making me do the same.

"What?" I asked, curious as to why we weren't running away from the psycho gazillionaire and his tin-can monkeys.

Ninja didn't answer me right away but instead went back to the door to open a smaller door and step back inside.

"No honkin' way!"

Even more curious, I peek inside to see Ninja pick up a box.

"McHuggers! They don't come out till tomorrow!"

All I could do was face palm.

The sound of moving gears made me look up from my hand to see the robo-apes coming closer.

"Ninja! Put down the box and lets go!"

"But Kuunooo!" Ninja whines, yes whines, holding the box out. "These are Mchuggers. They make your game so tight, you can't lose."

"Well I highly doubt they would do any good against robo-apes so come on!"

Ninja sees the incoming robots and quickly punches a different box. "Yoink!"

Much to my frustration, he pulled out a pair of McHuggers. "Those are tiny. How am I supposed to put these on?"


"Coming!" Ninja quickly goes back through the door and slams it shut. The sound of metal crashing into it gave me some reassurance of not being followed.

Now knowing we were out of danger, I turn to my partner with hands on my hips. "Did you seriously just risk our safety over a pair of shorts?"

Ninja, who was looking over his pair of stolen McHuggers, looks at me sheepishly. "Well when you put it like that...."

Sighing in aggravation, I snatched the shorts from him. "Dude seriously, you really need to- wow these are small. Is that even healthy much less legal?" 

"Don't know." Ninja takes the shorts back. "And don't care. All I know is that these things are gonna win me the Kicktacular!"

"And nothing I say about this being a bad idea or being morally wrong is gonna change your mind?"

"What?" Ninja asks distracted from looking over the shorts.

Sighing, I pinch my nose over my mask. "Whatever. Just...please wear them under your pants. The last thing we need is people asking how you got ahold of pair of McHuggers the day before they were supposed to come out." 

Ninja scoffs and waves me off. "You worry to much. Now come on, if we hurry we can catch the bus back to school."

I shake my head as he runs ahead with me trailing after him. 'No, its just you never worry enough.'

Running quickly, we were able to make it to a bus stop, demask unseen, and catch our bus back to school.

Just as we sat down in the back of the bus, me getting the window seat, Randy's Nomicon suddenly goes off. 

But only his.

After sharing a look, and making sure no one was watching, Randy takes out his Nomicon.

"Let's make this quick, Ninja Nomicon. We only got two more stops." He opens the book and gets sucked in, his unconscious body leaning on mine.

Having Randy so close made me blush a bit and think about Rachel and I's conversation.

'Do I like Randy in a romantic way?' I glance at unconscious boy in thought. 'Well he is cute... in both personality and looks. In a dorky kind of way. He's a good friend and great partner at that. He can be sweet and kind. He's kind of smart and when he laughs his eyes get that little sparkle that-'



Randy's sudden gasping back into existence pulls me out of my thoughts and made me realize that a large man sat next to us and was sleeping.

And that we were at our stop.

'What was I just thinking?!' I think to myself trying to push down the redness in my cheeks.

"Excuse us," Randy starts nudging the sleeping man to the side so we could get by. "This is our stop, so..."

The two of us quickly got off the bus and start making our way towards the school.

"So what did the Nomicon say?" I ask curiously.

"A Ninja's hand is to give, not to take. Which is dumb because why would I give anything to a greedy, evil shoob like McFist."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say."

After reaching the soccer field of the school, we went our separate ways with him going towards the tryout line and me going to the bleachers to find Rachel.

After finding her and sitting down, Principal Slimovitz started speaking. "Let's give a big Norrisville welcome to...Pitch Kickham!"

The crowed cheers as the soccer star runs out onto the field while kicking a ball and waving to the audience.

I watch as he then sets his sights on Bucky, who was playing as goalie.

Bucky was waving happily at the soccer player while donning some gloves. "Mr. Kickham, riding in a limo with you has been a lifelong goal." He laughs throwing his hands up. "Soccer zing!"

A soccer ball flies into his gut sending him into the net where he bounced off and onto the the ground where he got a mouth full of dirt.

Everyone, including me and Rachel, winced at the sight.

"Goooooooaaaaaaaallllll!" Pitch Kickham cheers running around the while taking off his shirt? 

He ends his cheer by sliding across the grass on his knees while throwing his head back, Showing off his muscles.

That a lot of people in the audience, mainly female, seemed to appreciate.

"Remind me to thank Randy and Howard for convincing us to come here." Rachel says to me not taking her eyes off the field.

I snorted a bit.

Pitch seemed to come back from his victory high and smiles sheepishly. "Sorry. Force of habit." He puts his shirt back on and looks at the other contestants. "Who's next?"

I could feel the fear from my seat.

The next five minutes consisted of contestant after contestant getting hit with a soccer ball and getting taken away on a stretcher and Pitch not even breaking a sweat.

"Well I don't see anything changing for a while. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and maybe pass by the snack bar. Want anything?" I say getting up from my seat.

"Nah I'm good, Thanks." Rachel says as I walk away.

The closest, and less crowded, bathrooms were down stairs near the flied entrance. As I made my way towards the bathroom, I ended up passing the entrance and for some reason looked to my left to see Randy and Howard trying to take off Randy's McHuggers.

I froze mid-step in shock with the boys doing the same when they saw me.

After a moment of silence I started moving away slowly. "I'm just gonna..."

"Wait!" The boys stopped me and started speaking at once so fast that I couldn't understand a word.

"Quite it!" They shut up quickly. "Explain. Slowly. Only one of you."

Howard beats Randy to the punch. "McFist made a McHugger finding robot thats trying to find the Ninja!"

"What?!" I look behind them and sure enough I see a soccer ball moving on it's own while scanning people's pants.

And it was getting closer.

I quickly grabbed Randy and stared pulling him down the hall and away from the robot. "I knew stealing those McHuggers would come back and bite you in the pants!"

"As if I knew they would be sending a shorts hunting robot after me!" Randy stubbornly retorted as we got to the end of the hallway and I try to open the door.

"Why aren't you opening it?!" Randy asks franticly while trying to free his hands from his shorts.

"It's jammed!" I keep jiggling the door knob and pushing the door but it wouldn't open.

A faint beep made us snap our heads towards the sound to see the robo-ball coming towards us.

Panicking, I started slamming my shoulder into the door but it still-wouldn't-budge!

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Randy flattening himself against the wall to get away from the robot as it opened up to scan. "No no no nonono!"

A purple light slowing starts scanning Randy. "Searching McHuggers."

Not even thinking, I spun around and kicked it as hard as I could making it bounce off the walls before shooting off towards the soccer field.

"Phew." We sighed in relief with me relaxing against the door.

Only for it to open up and send me tumbling to the floor. "Really!?"

"You okay?" Randy asks looking down at me.

"Yeah I'm-"

"This football's shooting lasers at me!!"


I got up and both Randy and me peered out towards the field to see the  robo-ball now flying and shooting lasers at Pitch Kickham.

"Everyone relax." I hear Principal Slimovitz say on the intercom. "When Mr. Kickham says football, he actually means soccer ball. Also, RUN!!!"

"Looks like I'm going hands-free." Randy declares before bending his neck to grab his mask from his hoodie with his teeth.

I watch as he snaps his head up, letting go of the mask with the intention of it slipping onto his head.

I snorted when it just flopped onto his face.

"Uhh.... little help?"

Rolling my eyes, I grab his mask while pulling out mine and simultaneously putting mine on while shoving his on him.

~Third Person P.O.V.~

"Smoke bomb!"

Pitch Kickham skids to a halt as the town's heroes appeared before him.

With Ninja having his hands in his pockets for some reason.

"Need a hand?" Ninja says in a playful tone making his partner face-palm.

Pitch turns to him unamused. "Actually, you can't use your hands. I know a lot of Americans don't follow the game, but..."

"It's a figure of speech, dude." Ninja says blankly.

Kunoichi nudges him to the side to speak with the soccer player. "What my partner means is, do you need some help with the laser shooting soccer ball?"

A laser blast blew through the three making them take a step back. 

Pitch takes a step to make a run for it but Ninja stops him by giving the robotic ball a, "Ninja kick!" sending it away towards the goal post.

But the ball had other ideas as it stopped mid-air, opened up, and starts sending laser blasts at the older man and two teens.

"Why is that ball so angry at me?!" Pitch cries in distress as the three started running away from the bot.

"I don't know." Ninja starts rambling, making sure to not look towards the accusing stare coming from his partner. "Beats me. Some questions have no answers. That's what I've found."

"Move!" Kunoichi shoves Pitch to the side to avoid getting hit by a laser blast.

McFist and Viceroy, who were sitting at the bleachers, watched all this.

"What do you know? The Ninja and Kunoichi did show up." McFist says happily. "My plan worked."

"So it's your plan again?" Viceroy asks dryly.

"It was always my plan!"

Back on the field, Ninja, Kunoichi, and Pitch were doing their best in avoiding the laser blasts.

The robo-ball suddenly dives towards Pitch but Ninja intercepts it.

"Ninja header!" He uses his head to send the metal ball into the air. "Ow!"

Wincing at that, Kunoichi, Ninja, and Pitch watch as the ball flies into the air out of sight before coming back down making the three tense.

"Pitch Kickham scissor kick!" Pitch lifts his leg and kicks the ball towards the goal and towards Howard!

"Ball!" Howard gasps before stealing his nerves and getting his position. "You can do this, Howard. This is your limo moment. Block that shot! Block that shot!"

The audience started chanting. " Block that shot! Block that shot! Block that shot!"

Howard starts sweating as the speeding ball got closer.

"Block that shot! Block that shot! Block that shot!"

He covers his head out of fear as he waits for the ball to hit him.

When nothing happened, he cracked an eye open to see the ball stop just a few inches from the goal's entrance.

"Huh?" He picks up the ball bewildered.

The crowed cheers and it hits Howards. "I did it!" He raises the ball into the air triumphantly. "I beat Kickham!"

The robo-ball opens up and starts firing lasers, startling Howard who began waving it around in panic making the lasers blast random things.

"What do I do?!" Howard cries out.

"Quit pointing it at stuff!" Kunoichi yells back.

Howard freezes and keeps the ball pointing up making it only fire upwards.

Taking a breath in relief, Pitch turns to the two heroes while holding out a hand to them. "It's been an honor sharing the pitch with you, Ninja and Kunoichi."

Kunoichi takes his hand first and gives him a handshake. "Same to you Mr. Kickham."

Letting go, Pitch turns to Ninja for a handshake.

Ninja, after unsuccessfully freeing his hands, offered his foot. "You too, Pitch Kickham."

Kunoichi slapped her forehead, exasperated.

Pitch give him a weird look but goes along with and shakes his foot. "Is this a Ninja thing?"

"No. Just a stupid day." Kunoichi answers with a flat look.

A sudden alarm was the only warning the two teens got when several holes opened on the field.

"Huh?" The two heroes look towards the holes in confusion.

That confusion turn into surprise when multiple Robo-Hooligans appear and begin closing in on the three making them back away.

"Haha!" A familiar laugh makes the two heroes look up to see McFist looking down at them smugly. "That's what happens when you steal McHuggers!"

Ninja sees the Nomicon's lesson.

-A Ninja's hand is to give, not to take.-

Kunoichi, who also sees this, crosses her arms and raise an expecting brow at him.

Ninja sighs. "All right. Stealing is stealing, even if it's from my enemy. Now how do I get my hands free?"


Ninja looks at his partner who blankly points at Pitch Kickham.

More specifically his McHuggers.

Ninja would facepalm if his hands were free. 

"Hey!" He says getting Pitch's attention. "So let's say hypothetically my hands were stuck in... oh, I don't know, a pair of McHuggers. Any thoughts on how I'd get them out?" 

Pitch sends him a unconvinced look. "Hypothetically?"

"No, actually...." Ninja gives him a sheepish look.

"Oh, there's a release lever in the left-hand pocket." Pitch says in simple tone. " Did you not read
the instructions when you bought them?"

"Does no one think its a problem when shorts need a release lever?" Kunoichi puts in but was ignored.

"I didn't exactly..." Ninja gets his hands free and pulls out his dual swords with his partner pulling out her tessens. "You know what? Can we just fight?"

Doing just that, Ninja and Kunoichi leapt at the Robo-Hooligans and started slicing them to pieces until there was nothing but a pile of robot parts.

"Wow. That was a lot of hooligans." Ninja commented.

Kunoichi agrees. "Does Viceroy have a factory just for these things?"

Ninja just shrugs as more Robo-Hooligans appeared.

Howard sees them first. "Uh, Guys. Don't forget about them." He gestures towards the robots unknowingly pointing the still firing soccer-bot at them and blasting them in half.

The crowd cheers.

"Whoa!" He holds the ball back up and looks towards Ninja and Kunoichi. "What do I do
with this thing?!"

"Throw it in." Ninja yells, sword ready.

Howards chucks the ball towards Ninja as he leapt into the air and slices it in two with a "Ninja ID bot slice!"

The two pieces explode once they hit the ground.

Ninja jumps to stand next to his partner and under where McFist and Viceroy were sitting.

Ninja then suddenly puts his hands down his pants making Kunoichi blush and looks away in mortification with a hand blocking the side of her face. "I believe these belong to you."

And with a strong tug, Ninja rips off his McHuggers and flings them towards McFist.

The sweaty garment lands right into McFist's hands making the older man cringe in disgust and throw them away. "Ew!"

Viceroy gags a bit. "That's nasty, baby."

"I did not need to see that." Kunoichi grumbles while pinching the bridge of her nose with one hand and grabbing a smoke bomb with the other.

Ninja just laughs sheepishly while grabbing his own smoke bomb.

And with a flick of a the wrist, they smoke bomb out of sight.

~Riley's P.O.V~

Ninja and I popped near the locker rooms out of sight.

"Well that could've have gone better..." Ninja says reaching for his mask.


Ninja freezes and looks at me in alarm. 

I look him over uneasily. "Weren't you only wearing the McHuggers?"

He stares at me blankly for a moment before he stood up straight eyes wide in realization.

Looking everywhere but at me, he starts inching his way towards the boys locker room while stammering. "I- you- I'm just gonna-yeah.." He dashes into the locker room while I laugh and take off my mask.

Leaning against a wall, I close my eyes and ran a hand through my hair sighing with a small smile on my face.

"Whatcha smiling about?" 

Opening my eyes I couldn't help but press myself against the wall a little when I noticed how close his maskless face was to mine.

Blushing, I look to the side nervously. "Uh, nothing. Nothing. Don't you need to meet up with Howard for that limo ride?"

"Oh!" He leans back with a huge excited smile and starts heading towards the direction of the parking lot with a skip in his step that made me giggle. "Nearly forgot! I'll see you later Riley!"

"Later...." I continue watching him until he was out of sight. Sighing, I slid down the wall to sit on ground while bringing my knees up to rest my arms against them.

Looking up at the ceiling, Randy's face flashes through my mind and I sigh again.

" in trouble."

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