The Ninja Supremacy

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-Last time on 'Red and Blue! The Ninja Duo!'-

"Ninja!" I cried out in relief/happiness with having my partner back.

But when the smoke cleared, I could almost hear a record scratch.

"Ugh! I got it in my mouth. It's in my mouth!" 


                                                    ~~Present Time~~

~Kunoichi's P.O.V.~

"HOWA-!?" I stopped myself midsentence and glanced around at the many of the crowed watching us making me gag at my next sentence. "I mean, How are you doing -ahem- Ninja?....."

'Was the question of the century.' Is what I thought I started at Howard Weinerman who was wearing the Ninja suit.

Was this some kind of sick joke?

Howard, I refuse to call him Ninja in my mind, looked at me blankly before realizing I was talking to him. "Oh uh- Fine, I'm good uh...partner?"

I couldn't help but shiver a bit. That sounded wrong coming out of Howard.

"Ninja! We're saved!" Bucky yelled in relief while running up to Howard. He then stops and looks confused. "Ninja, you look weird."

Howard pushed him back slightly. "You're weird!" His eyes then widen at something behind me making me look and then jump out of the way in time as the robot threw the car at us.

I was able to land in a crouching position beside the crowd.

Howard wasn't so lucky as he landed on his stomach with Bucky on top of him.

Growling in annoyance, Howard roughly pushed the band geek off him. "Oh, Hensletter! Get off me!"

The crowed moved closer to us and started cheering. "Ninja! Kunoichi! Ninja! Kunoichi Ninja! Kunoichi!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I watched Howard soak up the attention and chanted with the crowed. "Yeah! Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!"

Pft, egomaniac.

I suddenly notice Randy in the front of the crowed watching us with amazement making feel a ping of saddens with him not fighting by my side.

An enraged roar snapped me out of my mini-mopping and made me snap my head towards the angry scorpion robot.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Howard glare at the robot before looking back at the crowed.

"Somebody order a Ninja Electro-Ball?"  Howard pulls said ball out while getting the crowed hyped up.

The crowed cheered with Randy whooping out a, "YES!"

I on the other hand tried to stop him. "Wait Howa- I mean Nin-"

To late. 

Howard threw the ball with all his might butit didn't even reach come close.

This made everyone 'Aww' in disappointment. 

I just facepalmed.

Taking it's chance, the robot advanced making me tense up in panic as I tried to think of plan.

But my panic quickly changed into disbelief as the robot carelessly stepped on the Electro-ball and proceeded to get zapped.

I was in so much disbelief of the fact that this was happening, I nearly missed Randy say,

"Oh, sweet! You lulled it into thinking it was safe. And then, z-z-z-zt!" 

"Yeah." Howard agreed making my eye twitch. "That is exactly what I did.-"

"The Juice you did!" I snapped at him but was ignored. 

"-I know, I know you're shocked!"

I grumbled in annoyance while the crowed laughed.

Bucky stepped forward rubbing his chin in suspicion. "Mediocre zing....."

I tensed at this. I may not want Howard being the Ninja but that doesn't mean I want the big secret being out.

"Haha! Classic Ninja!" I sighed in relief.

Howard tense posture relaxed and he turned to look back at the still electrified robot.

Digging into his sash, he pulled out a Boom ball. "Ninja whatever-ball-this-is!"

"Boom Ball!"

Throwing the ball, it managed to hit the robot on the chest.

The explosionin it made knocked the now smoking robot to the ground and knock it out momentarily.

I hummed slightly impressed. 'For Howard's first robot that wasn't too bad.'

 Howard walked over to the down robot. "Deadly robot? More like Dudley No-butt! Am I right? "

'I take that back.' I thought to myself while blankly staring at Howard as he mocked the robot and made it hit it's self .

"Alright Ninja stop, I thinks it's suffered enough." I said as I made my way over to him.

 "Wait a sec, I wanna try something." Howard then used a grappling hook to hook the robot's lower half and lifted the robot with a lamp post. "Check it out! Ninja Wedgie!"

The crowed burst into laughter.

"Knock it off!" I barked, startling Howard enough to drop the robot.

Then, for some weird reason, the robot started to cry.

The robot crying being the weird thing.

We, being the crowed Howard and I, watched as the robot walked away in low spirits all the while bawling its eyes out.


Looking at Howard, he almost looked remorseful about his actions. 


"That was awesome! I made a robot cry! It's a big day for me! Big day!"

The crowed cheered again making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

But I then noticed Randy who was looking around with an unsure look on his face.

That made me smile a bit.

'At least his morals didn't go with his memories.'

                                                   ~~Time Skip~~

After the excitement of the battle settled, everyone was pumping themselves up for the little victory party that Howard insisted on doing.

Everyone except yours truly.

Blinking away the stars in my eyes from the flashing cameras, I rubbed my eyes grumbling quietly under my breath from my position beside Howard.

I did my best to keep up the polite smiles as I signed autographs while trying not to stab my own ears so I wouldn't hear Howard's showboating.

"Ninja Fivers! Get 'em while they're high. 'Cause when my arm gets tired, they turn into low fives."

Oh brother.

"Uh Ninja, don't you think its about time we smoke bomb out of here. You know we cant stay out in the open for to long." I said to my partner while the crowed whine in disappointment. 

But what I meant was- 'Rap it up, take off the mask, and NEVER do this again.'

"Are you insane?" Howard whispered to me. "No way am I stopping now when I barley got started. I don't even know why you and Cunningham complain all the time."

Oh no he didn't.

Dropping my smile, I glared at him, poked his chest, and said lowly. "Fine. You think being a hero is so easy. Then you can do it yourself." Pulling out a smoke bomb, I shot Howard one last glare and smoked bombed out of sight.

Appearing behind a wall in the bushes closest to the crowed, I ripped my mask off in frustration and stepped out of the bush while brushing some leaves off me.

"Uh, what was it again?......Risa?" An unsure voiced from behind me asked.

Turning around, I had to mask a flinch with a fake smile at the sight of a concerned looking Randy.

"It's Riley." I corrected. "Do you need something?"

"Uh no not-not really." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "I was just wondering if you were okay? You didn't seem all that happy up there."

"Yeah well- when a guy like Howard gets attention like that." I jabbed my thumb towards the cheering crowed. "It would put any sane person in a bad mood."

"I take it then that's not how a Ninja should be acting."

"Not even close." I leaned against a wall feeling tired about everything. "The Ninja I know would be at least humble, was kind, quick on his feet, funny in a dorky way, was there for you, helped you and you would help him and-" I stopped myself glance at Randy as he listened with a content smile on his face.

I coughed awkwardly into my fist. "Just-just a great partner and friend all around."

"He sounds pretty Bruce." Randy said leaning against the wall beside me.

Snorting at the unintentional self-compliment, I leaned my head back with a smile. "Yeah, he is."

"So when's he coming back?"

My smile dropped as I looked down at my feet. "Hopefully soon...."


"Listen-" I stood up straight and started walking away. "I need to go, I'll talk to you later okay."

"Uh....okay, bye."

~Randy's P.O.V.~

"Uh....okay, bye."

I watched as the red headed girl, Riley, walk away with her head down with a slight drag of her feet.

I wanted to talk to her some more to see why she was so sad. Cause for some reason, a frown didn't fit right on her face.

Knowing this first hand when I first saw her approach me and Hubert with content smile on her face as she rambled on about a Nom-things-a-bob.

It was a pretty smile.

A sudden red flash from my back-pack interrupted my thinking. 

Rummaging through the bag, I find the source of the flashing in a large black and red book.

"Huh, looks like Howell left his book on." Cracking the book open, I get blinded by a flash of light making me fall backwards into the bushes.

~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

Opening my eyes, I couldn't help but gasp in shock as I plummeted down throw a sea of words and colors before I landed harshly on the ground

"What the juice?!"

The scenery around me took the form of a Japanese dojo.

"Welcome back, Ninja." A voice greeted from somewhere.

"Ninja?!" I repeated in surprise. "Oh, no, you got the wrong guy. I don't know where the real one is but the guy filling in is getting paraded around by the student body right now. I can go get him."

                                                            ~~With Riley~~

~Third Person P.O.V~

The young red head grumbled into her floded arms that were placed on a picnic table in the deserted court yard with a clouded mood.


Turning her head slightly, she sees Rachel standing there awkwardly looking worried.

Riley flashed her small smile. "Oh, Hey Rachel."

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked as she came  up to her friend and sat down next to her.

"Yeah I'm-" The blank stare on her face stopped Riley and made her sigh. "-no, no I'm not."

"Whats wrong?" The smaller girl asked while placing a hand on her friend's shoulder.

Riley couldn't help but send her a look.

"I mean beside the obvious."

"Oh you mean beside Randy getting his mind wiped and not knowing who he is or who I am, or the fact Howard of all people taking over as the Ninja, or how about the unstoppable psycho robot that's still on the prowl, or just the cold hard fact the today FREAKING SUCKS!!!"

Panting from her rant, Riley tried to blink away the tears she could feel build up.

"I'm just....tired. Nearly everything is going wrong and I no idea how to fix it." She sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "And there's a chance Randy might not be able to be the Ninja anymore and that scares me."

Rubbing her eyes trying to stop the tears, she feels arms wrap around her in a comforting hug.

Leaning into the offered comfort Riley started taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Its going to be okay Riley." Leaning back, Rachel smiles at her friend reassuringly. "You'll see."

Cracking a small smile back in thanks, Riley opened her mouth to say-


Only to shut her mouth and groan in aggravation. "Uhhhhh! What now!"

Looking towards the sounds of the screaming, Riley and Rachel couldn't help but blink in shock at the sight of flying debri, screaming/panicking students, robotic roars, and bees. 

"Today officially sucks." Riley deadpanned while getting up and pulling out her mask.

"Yup." Rachel couldn't help but agree with the her friend.

                                                        ~~With Randy~~

Now floating inside the Nomicon after learning the true purpose of the Ultimate Lesson, Randy looked around in shame.

"NinjaNomicon, you tried to stop me from skipping the Ultimate Lesson! But I didn't listen. I should have listened. Why didn't I listen? I'm sorry, Nomicon. I'll never do it again."

The void around him flashed a few times.

"I've said that before, haven't I?" Randy asked sheepishly before looking determined. "Well, this time I mean it!"

And in a flash, memories started flooding into his head.

                                   -Believe in the weapon that is in the suit.-

                                -Friendship is a weight the Ninja cannot carry.-

                      -When a Ninja does wrong he must own up to his mistakes.-

                 -A Ninja must know when winning is losing. And losing is winning.-

                                       -The way to forget is to remember.-

"I remember this! Oh, I remember everything! I am Randy Cunningham! I am-"

~Back outside~ 

Lifting himself out of the bushes, Randy looked down at himself and remembered he didn't have the mask. "-still Randy Cunningham." 

Jumping out of the bushes and on to the stairs, Randy suddenly gets knocked over by his Ninja suit wearing friend. "Howard! You OK?!"

"No, not OK at all!" Howard then realizes what Randy said. "Hey, you remembered who I am."

 "And who I am." Randy said proudly. "I know-"

A voice interrupts them.

"Ninja!" Kunoichi drops down and start grilling Howard. "Hurry up! We gotta beat this thing before it destroys everything!"

"Easy for you to say!" Howard snapped back. "Your the one with the hero training!"


"Kuno!" Randy yelled happily going up to his partner. "Your here! Great-"

"Randy not now. Just get somewhere safe and-" Kunoichi freezes and slowly looks at Randy. "Did you just call me Kuno?"

"Yup." Randy answered happily.

"So you got your-"

"Uh Huh."

"So you remember-"


"Your back-"

"And here to stay-Woah!" Randy couldn't help but stumble backwards when Kunoichi yelled in happiness and tackled him to hug.

"Your back! Your back!" Kunoichi couldn't help say repeatedly as she hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his shoulder, and pecking his cheek a few times in joy.

Randy's brain went into immediate shut down mode as he sighed in bliss with heated cheeks and a goofy grin from the loving attention.

Kunoichi hummed cheerfuly herself as she hugged the boy before pausing when a sudden thought came to her.

"Wait." Kunoichi backed out of the one-sided hug to look at the blushing boy. "How are you back?"

His response was a dazed giggle.

"Randy!" She shook his shoulders snapping him out of lala land.


"How did you get your memories back?"

Randy shakes the love daze out of his head and became serious. "I'll explain everything later." He turns to Howard. "Howard listen, I know you don't want to give back the suit, but-" 

"TAKE IT!" Howard yells in desperation while tugging at the suit. "Take the suit! Take everything back! I'm not the Ninja!" 

A large green saw blade suddenly sliced the pavement beside the three making them jump back in surprise and look up to see the newly upgraded robot.

The robot shot another blade at Howard making the boy scream and jump out of the way.

Howard then proceeded to run away making robot give chase at the sight of one of its enemies on the run.

"Wait, wait! Ninjas don't run away from danger! They run towards danger!" Randy called out to his fleeing friend. 

"I'M NOT THE NINJA!" Howard shouted back as he ran in terror. "Not the Ninja!" 

"He does have a point." Kunoichi couldn't help but point out.

"Come on!" Randy grabs his partner's wrist and started running after the robot and Howard while pulling Kunoichi along. 

Howard ran towards Lake LaRusso as fast as his stubby legs would let him all the while dodging and weaving incoming saw blades.

Kunoichi and Randy quickly caught up and were running on either side of him.

"The mask! Give me the mask!" Randy said hurriedly as Kunoichi started throwing ninja rings at the robot but getting no results as the weapons just went straight through.

"Right! Mask!" But before Howard could remove the mask, the robot snatched him up with one of it's claws and started heading towards the Van Dam.

Seeing the robot about to take a leap, Randy quickly jumped while grabbing onto it's tail as is it jumped and landed on top of the dam.  

Kunoichi took out her tessens and stayed close enough to attack but far enough to not set the robot off.

Howard suddenly stopped screaming and looked around in confusion. "Wait a minute, what is this place?!"

"Are you serious?"  Randy asked incredulous while he climbed the unsuspecting robot to get closer to his friend. "This is the Van Dam! It took 15 years to construct! There's enough concrete in this thing to build a highway from here to the moon."

"Why would I know any of this?" Howard asked as he tightened his grip on the claw holding him over a 100ft drop.

"Cause we are supposed to give a report on it!" Randy said in aggravation.

Howard sent his friend a deadpan stare. "Really? You wanna do this now?"

Before the conversation could continue, the robot shook Howard around and then dropped him making him scream in terror as he fell.

"Howard!"  Randy jumped after him while Kunoichi had to jump away in order to avoid an incoming swipe from the robot's tail.

Increasing his falling speed, Randy was able to get to Howard, rip the Ninja mask off him, and quickly put it on himself.

Taking a second to the relish the familiar feeling of the Ninja suit wrapping around his body, Ninja quickly grabbed Howard with one hand and his scarf with the other. "Ninja Snatch!"

Using his scarf, he was able to snag a bar of one of the dam's overhead power lines and swing himself and Howard to safety.

Once on a more 'stable' ground, Ninja threw his hands into the air in a celebratory action. "I'm back!"

"You are so back!" Howard cheered.

"Yes! Your back! Hooray! NOW GET UP HERE AND HELP ME!" Kunoichi yelled as she traded blows with the robot that was getting the upper hand. 

"Be right there!" Ninja shouted back while pulling out his sword.

"That suit bunches up in some really awkward places, am I right?" Howard couldn't help but point out. 

"Would you believe I've missed it?" Using his scarf again, Ninja snagged it to the top of the dam and swung himself up.

With the robot's attention focused on his partner, Ninja was able to sneak up behind the robot and-

"Ninja Slice! Ninja Slice! Ninja Slice!"

Slice up the robot into multiple pieces.

Only for the pieces to liquefy and reform back into the robot.

"Oh, boy/Aw crud." The heroes mumbled in shock.

"It can do that now!" Howard said oh-so helpfully.

Deciding not to let this deter him, Ninja lunged at the robot with his sword raised only for a perfectly shaped outline of himself to form on the robot's chest and letting him pass harmlessly through. 

Skidding across the ground, Kunoichi was able to grab him before he could go over the edge.

Both look at the robot in disbelief as familiar green mist refilled the hole in the robot's chest making Ninja say. "What? Stanked robot?! What the juice?!" 

"How!?" Kunoichi couldn't help but ask.

But neither hero were given time to ponder about it as the robot began to shoot more saw blades at the two.

Quickly dodging and deflecting the deadly projectile, Kunoichi took a chance and cut one of the robot's legs off only for it to grow back.

"How do you destank a robot?" Ninja asked aloud while dodging another saw blade.

"How should I know!" Kunoichi asked deflecting a blade. "The only way to get stanked is when you're vulnerable -Dodge- and there's no way a for a robot to feel that unless -Block- it learend to have emotions!" Kunoichi froze as a look of realization bloomed on her face. "I'm an idiot....."

"What?" Ninja ducked from an incoming blade.

"It all makes sense." Kunoichi uses a tessen to redirect a blade.

"What makes sense!?"

"The emotions, the-the counter attacks- it's learning! It takes in it's surrounding and situations in order to win. Thats why Howard got the upper hand earlier, it was prepared to fight you not Ninja-Howard so it was caught by surprise by the different fighting styles!"

"Your welcome!" Howard threw in from below.

"You got lucky!" Kunoichi retorted and deflected another blade.

"Okay so know how it kept beating us-" Ninja jumped back to get some distance. "So how do we beat it?"

"By taking out the source." Kunoichi eyed the green dome on the robot's head that showed many different wires and chips. "Think you can get it?"

Ninja followed her line of sight and caught on to her plan. 

Grinning under his mask, Ninja pulled out a chain-sickle. "As long as you can get me an opening.'

"You got it." And with great aim, Kunoichi threw her tessen and robot's head and successfully cut the top of green dome off. "Go!"

Dashing forward, Ninja dodged incoming swipes from the robot's claws and jumped high into the air. "Ninja Chain-sickle!" 

Using the blade of his weapon, Ninja was able to pull out the learning chip from the robot's head and then destroy it.

It a wave green mist, the robot returned it original form.

Feeling smug about the change of events, Kunoichi pulled out some cold balls and whistled to grab the robot's attention. "Hey! Remember this?"

Shen then threw the balls at the robot's feet, causing to slip and fall into the water were it proceeded to short circuit.

Ninja stood beside Kunoichi and sighed in relief with the battle finally being over.

Looking at his partner, he held up a hand for a high-five. "Glad it's finally over. Right Kuno?"

Kunoichi ignored the offered hand to instead wrap her arms around his shoulders and hug him.

"I'm glad your back Randy."

Feeling his face heat up a bit, Ninja smiled softly under his mask and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Glad to be back Riley."

"Uhhhhhh...guys don't mean to break up the whole hug fest thing but I'm still down here;......Just didn't want you to forget." 

                                                               ~~Time Skip~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

"So we lose our memories as the Ninja and Kunoichi when we graduate?" I summed up pieces of information Randy gave me as the three of us walk back to the school. "Well that answers some questions."

"Pretty much." Randy looks around at the ruble thay was once a building. "Geez Howard, you were the Ninja for ten minutes and you destroyed the school."

"Yeah. Maybe you were right about that whole 'There's lot more to being the Ninja than just putting on the suit' thing." Howard admitted reluctantly. "Although if I could go in the Nomicon, I bet I'd get that down in like no time!" 

Randy rolled his playfully. "Ugh! You're an epic jerk. But you were there when I needed you. I won't forget that, buddy."

"Besides...." I smirked at Howard. "I think the Nomicon would soon burst into flams before letting you get anywhere near it's pages."

Howard glared and opened his mouth to retort but was stoped by principal Slimovitz talking through a megaphone.

"Attention students! Due to the catastrophic devastation, all classes have been canceled!"

I couldn't help but sigh in relief as crowed cheered.

Today was just too  emotionally draining. 

"Do you realize what that means, Cunningham? We don't have to give our report on the Van Dam!" Howard exclaimed.

Slimovitz spoke once more. "Except for the students giving Norrisville History Reports! Somehow the history classroom was completely spared!"

"Ohhhhh! Spoke to soon Weinerman! Haha!" I laughed making the shorter boy glare at me.

Janitor Sundown brought over a large latter and propped it against the classroom's window.

"Oh, Cunningham, we're shoobed!" Howard looked at Randy in desperation. "Please tell me you remember our history report!"

Randy face turned mischievous. "Actually I'm a little hazy."

I snorted under my breath.

"How hazy?" Howard asked eyes narrowed.

"Don't worry, I got it covered, Horace!" Randy started walking towards the latter still looking sly.

"Howard! It's Howard!" Howard runs after Randy.

"Howard Grubersquash, I remember."

"Howard Weinerman!" 

I shook my head fondly. 'Dont ever change Randy.'

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