Viva El Nomicon

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~Third person P.O.V~

It was lunch time as the two heroes were fighting a giant robotic winged serpent on the roof tops of the school.

The two soon climbed up the tallest point of the school, trying to gain distance, with the robot was not to far behind.

"It is our duty as the Ninja and Kunoichi to warn you that we am currently in the zone, and have been for about a week." Ninja said.

Kunoichi face palmed, mumbling. "Not this again....."

The robot monster roared.

"Oh, you don't believe me?" Ninja said as he leaned in the flag pole. "Let me tell you about Monday."

                                                          ~~Flash Back-Monday~~

Ninja and Kunoichi were fighting a large cyclops robot in the lunch room.

Ninja jumped from a ceiling light to the back of the robot's head and used his staff to knock its eye out of its head. "Ninja eye-dios!"

The eye was sent flying into a near by girl's salad, causing her to scream horror.

Kunoichi, seeing her chance, jumped and landed a solid kick to the robot's chest, causing it to spark up and fall over dead.

Kunoichi landed next to her partner as they shared a high-five.

Howard, who standing near by watching, cheered. "Yeah! That was awesome! Ninja, Kunoichi, you two are in the zone!"

The two heroes shared a look and a smile as Ninja asked. "The zone?"

                                                     ~~Flash Back-Tuesday~~

The two heroes were now fighting a giant robotic frog.

Ninja and Kunoichi were using their main weapons to deflect the robot's retractable tongue that had a mace like tip.

Kunoichi went up to its underbelly, as the robot's attention stayed on Ninja, and sliced up it's belly.

Jumping back, she watched as the piece that made the stomach fell off sparking as the rest of the robot fell apart soon after, falling off the wall the three were sticking two.

Deactivating their foot spikes, the two landed on the robot's corpse sharing a high-five.

"Well, what do you know, We are in the zone." Ninja said, his ego rising.

Noticing this, Kunoichi said to her male partner. "Just don't let it go to your head, okay."

Ninja just waved her off, making her roll her eyes.

                                               ~~Flash Back-Thursday~~

The battle was in a school hallway.

"Yah! All right, you two-three spider things? Are they spider things?" Ninja asked Kunoichi when the three robots popped out from some lockers.

Kunoichi shrugged as the robots roared at them.

She was about to reach for a weapon until Ninja beat her to it as he stood in front of her.

He pulled out some Ninja rings and threw them. "Let me introduce you to the ba-boom! Zone!"

Kunoichi crossed her arms and shot Ninja an annoyed look to the back of his head.


The winged serpent robot screeched at the two.

Ninja kept talking as if the robot asked him a question. "Wednesday? Yeah, nothing really happened Wednesday."

"Break, maybe?" Kunoichi said putting her two cents in.

Ninja shrugged before looking back at the robot. "Point is, us, zone! You don't want to do this."

The robot roared and dived at them, only for them to dodge as the robot took out some of the building as it chased after them.

"I guess we're doing this." Kunoichi said aloud as the two ran and jumped across the roofs before landing on the ground.

The robot charged at them again only for them to step to the side as Ninja pulled out a sai and stabbed the end of its tail just before it passed. "Ninja tail stab!"

The sudden forced stop caused the head of the robot to pop off.

Ninja jumped on top of the head all smug. "Thank you, thank you."

Kunoichi stood by the head, rolling her eyes at her partners cockiness.

Ninja looked down at the robot as it opened its eyes. "Told ya! Zooooone! "

He then punched its lights out.

Jumping off the dead robot head, Ninja strolled up to his partner with his hand up. "And that's how its done!"

Noticing no high-five, Ninja looked at Kunoichi who was giving him an annoyed look.


She said nothing as she smoked bombed away without a word.

Ninja waved away the fruity smelling smoke, confused about his partners sudden attitude. "What's her problem? Oh well, time to ride out this zone!"

                                                                        ~~Time Skip~~

Randy was strutting down the hallway with an air of confidence that seemed to impress nearly everybody who saw him.

Smiling at a group of girls, Randy didn't see what was in front of him until he bumped right into Bash.

"Guess who's getting his way blocked. Ha, ha." Bash laughed as he and two of his buddies blocked the hallway.

Thinking quickly, Randy pointed in a random direction. "Hey, look! It's that guy!"

Bash, being the idiot that he was, took the bait and looked behind him. "Hmm? That guy? I hate that guy! Get that guy!"

The three bullies then ran around the corner in pursuit of their 'target'.

Randy smiled cockily. "And to you I say, Zoooone!" A flash of light came from his back pack. "Huh? All right, Nomicon, you get two minutes, then it's back to the zone."

Randy went into the bathroom and into an empty stall as he pulled out his Nomicon.

Opening it, he was shloomped in.


~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

Randy was falling like usual until a giant book appeared under him, catching him.

Randy looked down as words appeared on the pages.

-The only knowledge a ninja can possess is the knowledge that he possesses no knowledge.-

Randy held his chin as he nodded."Deep stuff, yeah, deep stuff." He then smiled again. "Well, here's some ninja knowledge I know. When you're in the zone winning's just plain easy!"

He was then pushed back.

~Back outside~

Randy gasped, sitting up straight while giving the Nomicon a weird look.

Shrugging, he stuffed the book back into his bag and walked out of bathroom and started walking towards his Spanish class.

Or he tried to, as he turned a corner and harshly bumped into someone.

He didn't see who it was as his instinct and Ninja training took over and made him catch the falling person by the waist with one hand and using the other too catch the person's falling books.

When things settled, Randy realized that he had caught Riley Davis in a dipping position and stared at her with big eyes.

Riley stared back in surprise as her eyes went from Randy's face to her books that he caught. Looking back at his face, she gave him a smile. "Nice catch Randy."

That seemed to snap him out of his stupor. He quickly straightened them both out while stuttering. "Riley!-you-fall-close-prett-HI!"

Riley giggled a bit in bewilderment. "Hi yourself. Could I have my books back please."

Randy looked down at the books in his hands and silently handed them to her.

"Thanks." She started walking away till she paused and looked back at him. "You coming?"

Randy was confused. "Huh?"

"Spanish class." Riley said jamming her thumb in the direction of the class. "You were on the way there too, right?"


"Cool, then lets go. Don't want to be late." She then continued walking.

Randy stood there for a sec before doing a small fist pump while whispering. "Zooonnnee..."

He caught up to her and started walking beside her.

The two did some small talk and Randy mentally patted himself on the back when he got her to laugh a bit.

They were just about to round the corner towards the class when Randy noticed the slight irritated look on her face.

"Something wrong?" He asked hoping he wasn't the cause.

"Hm?" Riley looked at him before sighting. "Its nothing. Someone I know has been getting on my nerves lately."

"How so?"

"Its just that their mixing up being in a zone and getting cocky."

"Well maybe you should call them out."

"I thought about that but I feel like I would be mean about it."

"I'm sure you can figure it out. I mean your one of the smartest girls I know."

Riley felt flattered at the comment. "You think I'm smart?"

"Uhh... Yeah." Randy said started getting nervous.

Riley smiled causing him to blush as they entered their class. "Thanks Randy. You're really sweet."

"N-no problem." His face turned redder as they separated to go to their seats. He watched her go a little bit until he felt a nudge.

Looking at a smirking Howard, who nudged him, as he wiggled his eyebrows at him. "Still in the zone?"

Randy gave him smirk as he as faced forward in his chair. "Still in the zone."

"Good, 'cause I'm counting on you to zone us through our Spanish presentation." Howard said.

Randy just leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head. "Howard relax. Everything is agua frijoles."

Debbie, who was sitting behind them, looked up from her work when she heard this and gave the two a look. "OK. You know you just said 'everything is beans water,' right?"

Howard meet her look with one of his own. "Don't try to psych us out, Debbie Kang."

"We're ready for this." Randy said as he turned to talk to her. "We've even been studying with Miguel."

Debbie crossed her arms and rose a skeptical brow. "The guy who runs the burrito cart?"

Randy nodded "He said our Spanish speaking is chile verde. Chile verde, Debbie."

Debbie rolled her eyes in complete disbelief. "You guys are so stupid."

Randy teasingly held a hand to his mouth as he spoke to Howard with a stage whisper. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the taco this morning."

"Guacamole, Cunningham." Howard said as they did a fist-bump. "Guacamole."

Debbie rolled her eyes again.

As class went on , Debbie Kang was wrapping up her Spanish presentation.

"-En conclusión, ¡el oso de la muerte de México es muy, muy, muy, muy, muy lindo!" She quickly cleared her throat when she noticed she got a little carried away. "Gracias, amigos." She bowed.

The class, beside Randy and Howard, applauded.

The teacher stood up. "Thank you, Debbie Kang, for that informative report on the very, very, very, very cute and deadly Mexican death bear."

"De nada, Senora Jorge." Debbie thanked before going back to her seat with a smile.

"Senores Cunningham y Weinerman. Su turno." The teacher called.

The boys just sat there with blank stares.

Debbie looked at the boys upset and in disbelief. "Turno. It's just 'turn' with an 'o' at the end of it!"

The two went up to stand in front of the class as Howard casually knocked down Debbie's picture of the Mexican death bear.

Howard gestured to Randy. "Randy, why don't you salsa roja."

"Ladies and gentlemen." Randy said smiling pleasantly.

"And...... Debbie Kang." Howard added sending the girl a sour look.

Debbie just huffed.

"Our report is on Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon. And here I go. Ponce de Leon, chimichanga flautas, tamale nacho supremo." Randy handed the papers to Howard, unaware of the confused looks being shot at him by his classmates

"Ah, but Ponce de Leon is most famous for discovering habanero quesadilla. Corn or flour tortilla." Howard finished with a smile.

"Burrito grande for listening." Randy thanked also smiling.

The teacher could barley comprehend what happened. "What was that?!"

"Uh, Spanish." Randy replied confused on the sudden question.

The whole class didn't know how to react.

Except Debbie, who laughed.

The teacher, and a certain red head, rubbed their foreheads to try and rub away their incoming headaches as the two the smiling boys walked passed. "I'm giving you both an F."

Randy gasped and they both quickly turned around in shock as Randy said. "You're giving us an F?!"

"Si." The teacher answered with out look up from her work.

"Oh, a C." Howard sighed in relief. "That's way better than an F."

The teacher look at them. "No, I am giving you an F."

"An F!" Randy repeated in shock.


Howard started getting aggravated with the back and forth. "Are we getting a C or an F? I just need to manage my parent's expectations."

In the end, the boys got an F.

                                                                            ~~Time Skip~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

After Spanish class, and getting a B- on my report, I was walking to my locker when I saw Randy and Howard out of the corner of my eye as they walk past.

Seeing Randy reminded me of the conversation we had earlier. Maybe confronting Ninja would be the best bet.

And I should do it soon before his cockiness gets him hurt.


Startled, I pressed myself against some lockers and looked down the hallway to see the winged serpent robot from earlier as it loomed over Randy and Howard.

I quickly jumped into an empty locker, after making sure no one was watching, and put on my mask.

I jumped back into the hallway and stood in front of the robot.....just as it ate Bucky.


Bringing out my tessens, I was about to attack it when a dual sword came out of no where and impaled the robot in the wing, sticking it to the ceiling.


Turning around, I see Ninja holding the other dual sword glaring at the robot.

"Hork up the band geek." Ninja said.

The robot tore its wing free and stooped down to our level. Ninja stared back. "Yeah, I said it."

The robot screeched in our faces, the force of it sent us back a few feet but made us lose hold of our weapons.

When we righted ourselves, Ninja took out a ball. "Ninja horking ball!"

The ball hit the robot in the gut and immediately threw Bucky back up.

A dazed, slimy Bucky crawled away after thanking Ninja.

The robot then used the end of its tail, attempting to crush one of us when Ninja wrapped his scarf around it and started pulling it down the hallway. Getting what he was doing I jumped to the side just as Ninja, using the force of the stretched out tail, sprung back at a high speed and landed a kick that knocked the robot's head right off.

I stood back in the middle of the hallway as Ninja landed and started walking back towards me.

"Back in the zoooone!"

That's it.

"Oh my God! Will you quite it with the stupid zone thing!"

Ninja stopped in his tracks and looked at me shocked at my outburst and then a little miffed. "What the juice is your problem? I thought you would be happy about our winning streak."

"I am! But it gets hard to enjoy it when your partner is peacocking around, and acting like a cocky shoob!"

"I am not!"

                                                               ~~With McFist and Viceroy~~

~Third Person P.O.V~

Viceroy and McFist were watching the screen that showed their enemies bickering like a couple of kids.

McFist didn't take his eyes off the screen as he said. "What happened with those two?"

"Not a clue." Was Viceroy's reply.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Didn't you say you had something else to destroy them?"

"Give it a quick minute."

                                                       ~~Back with Ninja and Kunoichi~~

"At least I'm not a know-it-all!" Ninja retorted.

"Excuse me!? At least I'm not some big headed hero who flies head first into danger only to get his butt kicked!" Kunoichi said back as they were now butting heads.

"Its called taking action!"

"No! Its called being a brainless shoob who only gets into-"

The corps of the robot suddenly came back to life as a different body came out of the top of it and growled at the heroes.

"-trouble..." Kunoichi deadpanned despite the fear in her eyes as she gazed up at a...

"Mexican death bear?!" Ninja yelled in surprise.

The bear swung its claw and sent the two crashing into a closed locker.

Ninja and Kunoichi were dazed from the sudden impact and were not prepared for the bear to wrap its new robotic serpent appendage around Ninja's leg and use him to attack Kunoichi.

She did her best to dodge but was unsuccessful as she was beaten and thrown around. Ninja wasn't doing much better as whenever the bear took a swing at Kunoichi, it would deliberately slam him into the walls or ceiling.

So the two were in a lot of pain.

Kunoichi groaned as she propped her aching body against the lockers she was thrown at.

Looking up she saw the death bear holding Ninja upside down as he dangled in the air in a daze.

Kunoichi flinches in fear as the death bear lunges at Ninja, teeth bared.

She quickly threw a Ninja ring at the bear just as Ninja opened a door in its path.

The bears teeth got stuck in the door and the hit from the Ninja ring angered it more.

Trying to free itself, the death bear let Ninja go, who scooped up his partner and hid behind a corner. Setting Kunoichi against a wall, Ninja pulled out his Nomicon and tried to open it. "OK, I got a death bear situation going on here. I could really use a little Nomicon sauce right about now."

The book still didn't open, much to Kunoichi's confusion.

"Why. won't. you. open?!" The book glowed a bright red. "Oh, really? You're mad at me because I blew you off before. OK, fine. I'm sorry you couldn't handle me being in the zone.-"

'No wonder its mad.' Kunoichi thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

"-I apologize. Now please help me!" Ninja tried to force the book open but it was to late as the death bear peered around the corner and flicked the two heroes down the hallway.

They groaned as they skidded on the ground and stopped in front of a recycle bin.

Howard's head then popped out of said bin. "Two seconds, huh?" 

"Oh, did I keep you waiting? I'm so sorry." Ninja 'apologized' as he and Kunoichi picked themselves up. "I lost track of time fighting a death bear!

"Is it really fighting when you're just getting your butt kicked!" Howard retorted. 

"It's too fast..." Ninja started. 

"it's too strong...." Kunoichi continued while rubbing her head.

"I don't know how to beat it, OK?!" Ninja eyes then went wide with an idea as his head snapped towards his partner. "Kuno, quick! Ask your Nomicon on what we should do."

"Oh! Right!" Kunoichi quickly brought out her own book only for it to glow and not open. "What! Come one, its Ninja your mad at not me!"

The book glowed again.

"Ugh... Looks like were locked out on both ends, Ninja." Kunoichi said sending her partner a glare.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Howard. "Think, Howard. What do we know about Mexican death bears?"

Howard looked at him like he was crazy. " Who do I look like, Debbie Kang?"

All three exclaimed in realization. "Debbie Kang!

"Why are we saying 'Debbie Kang'?" Howard asked, confused. 

"She's like an expert on this thing. I mean, her whole report was in Spanish, so she may have been giving a flan recipe." Ninja said as Kunoichi saw the death bear charging at them. So she quickly grabbed Howard and threw him to the side before tackling Ninja out of the way. 

Ninja and Kunoichi were able to retrieve their main weapons and have been blocking attacks from the death bear for a good 5 minutes.

"Where the heck is Debbie Kang?" Ninja asked from the ground after he was knocked over. Kunoichi skidded right next to his form after blocking another attack.

A sudden gushing squeal made them look to the side to see an excited Debbie Kang.

"So cute!" She squeaked before running down the hall towards the death bear with open arms. Much to the heroes horror as they quickly blocked her path. 

"Whoa-ho-ho, slow your roll." Ninja said to Debbie trying to calm her down. "That is a very dangerous snake-bottom bear you're running at right now." 

"I just love them so much!" Debbie gushed, not taking her eyes off the dangerous animal.

"Same here. Quick question." Ninja then looked at her completely serious. "How do I kill it?"

Debbie's lip started quivering as her eyes started welling up with unshed tears.

Seeing this, Kunoichi elbowed him before speaking. "What he means is, how do we peacefully get it to stop harming us, the school, and innocent bystanders?"

"Oh, well, that's easy. I did my whole Spanish report about Mexican death bears. Wanna hear it?" Debbie opened her mouth to start only for Ninja to stop her.

"No, no, no. No Spanish, just the hitting. That's all." 

"OK, that's easy. Just rub his little tummy counter-clockwise. That should put him right to sleep."

"Rub his tummy?" Kunoichi questioned with a brow raised in disbelief.

The death growled as it stalked closer to the three, its serpent tail thrashing aggressively.

Kunoichi quickly grabbed Debbie and jumped to the side for safety just as the bear brought down its tail.

Ninja dodged the tail and kicked the bear onto its back.

The girls watched as Ninja began to rub the bears tummy. "Sleepy bear, who's a sleepy bear? Does this feel nice?" The bear just looked more mad so Ninja looked towards the girls. "Debbie, any thoughts? I'm rubbing counter-clockwise."

Kunoichi scoffed and rolled her eyes again as she answered for Debbie. "Ugh, your other counter-clockwise."

Ninja quickly did just that and the death began to fall asleep. "What do you know? Good call."

Ninja jumped off the sleeping beast as Kunoichi gave a quick call to the zoo to come pick up the animal.

After ending the call, Kunoichi saw how Debbie was still eyeing the sleeping bear.

She sighed. "Okay, you can cuddle the thing for 5 minutes. But do NOT wake it up, alright."

All she got was squeal, a tight hug, and thousand thankyous before Debbie ran up to the bear and started hugging it and leaving the two heroes alone.

An awkward silence fell upon the two.

"So..." Ninja said while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"So..." Kunoichi echoed while rubbing her arm.

More silence.

"I'm sorry."

Kunoichi blinked as she turned to look at her sheepish partner.

"What?" She asked.

Ninja took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. You were right, I was acting like a cocky shoob. And I'm sorry for calling you a know-it-all."

Kunoichi smiled under her mask. "Its okay. And I'm sorry for yelling at you and for calling you brainless. Sometimes I just need to chill."

"Its cool." Ninja said before holding up a hand. "Partners?"

Kunoichi clasped her hand with his. "Friends."

                                                                          ~~Time Skip~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

I plopped down on my bead with a tired sigh.

Looking over at my backpack my side, I reached over and pulled out my Nomicon and held it to my face.

"It looks like me and Ninja have a lot of learning to do. From you and from each other if we even want to make it through these four years. Am I right?"

The Kunoichi Nomicon suddenly flashed blue making me sit up quickly in confusion.

"What?" I asked myself.

The book flew open and I was pulled inside.


~Inside the Kunoichi Nomicon~

Decked out in my Ninja suit, I gasped in amazement as a nine symbol appeared below me and begin to glow a bright light.


Snapping my head up, I see the Ninja floating across from me just the two of us were pulled through a tunnel and many doors.

When the last door opened, I couldn't help but let my jaw drop in amazement as the scenery I became used to suddenly transform into a whole different picture.

I heard Ninja shouts of excitement as passed through forests, fields, and mountains. With different animals and creatures that seem to come out of a dream.

We soon floated near an old tree with glowing vines swaying in the wind. 

Coming closer to us were two separate vines. I closed my eyes as a leaf touched my forehead and voice filled my head. 

-When they realizes they knows nothing, the Ninja and Kunoichi are ready to learn everything.-

That sentence told me that this was only the beginning.

A/N: So... I decided I'm gonna do the Art Book. It should come out later today. Hope you like it!

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