Intrusive Thoughts?

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So I got a new soap dispenser that lights up when it senses motion. The problem here is that for some reason they decided that it should be able to sense motion up to ten feet away. I can see the sink from my bed, and apparently I'm in the ten foot radius, because it keeps lighting up. So that's the context for my newest brand of unwanted all-consuming anxiety.

Intrusive thoughts: Someone is waiting behind the door to kill you. They snuck through the window. If you face the other way you're dead. Or maybe it's a ghost. It's gonna light up and you're gonna see the silhouette of a person standing over you. It's gonna light up and you're gonna see some ungodly creature in your room. What if it turns on and you didn't move enough to activate it? What then? Time to brainstorm all the ways you're about to die in increasingly horrific detail thanks to your overactive imagination, ha ha!

My normal brain desperately trying to fall sleep: stop stop st op sto p s t op s t o p S t OP S T O P

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