Minor Frustration

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My parents do not understand the concept that just because I'm using electronics doesn't mean I'm wasting my life away on stupid apps or Tumblr (which I do not have) or Pinterest (which they annoyed me enough about that I deleted) or Clash of Clans (which they forced me to delete). They're always telling me to turn it off and go look outside or write books.

From a realistic standpoint, what will looking outside accomplish? Yes, there are deer outside. We live in the woods. It is freezing so I cannot go outside unless I spend ten minutes finding warm things to wear. I do not want to stare at deer and snow and be reminded of the fact that it is very cold. I could be doing something a lot more useful during that time.

As for writing? I'm already writing? What is the point of making me stop writing on my iPad, which I personally find more efficient and stores all the stuff I'm working on with my Notes, and having me switch to a notebook and do the exact same thing but in a less productive way?

Also? It's a weekend? I've been extremely close to a stress breakdown all week and I want time to do things that aren't school related. I have no tests coming up. We didn't start anything new. Homework is done. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME? A KIDNEY?

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