This Is Scary

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So I just tried this thing where you enter your name and it tells you about your personality. This is mine:

Your name, _____, has made you philosophical and studious. You are naturally curious about the deeper reasons for life and enjoy exploring new avenues of thought. Delighting in mystery, you are drawn toward occult sciences. Theoretical work that requires planning, concentration, and close attention to detail interests you. You can be analytical and logical in your thinking, accomplishing almost anything upon which your mind is centred. The ability to concentrate intensely for a short time enables you to accomplish quickly whatever you undertake. Either you may live an idea night and day, or lose interest completely. Being energetic and restless, you require outlets in creative accomplishment; otherwise you experience moods and depression when faced with monotony or inactivity. You work best alone, preferably outdoors.

You can be extremely independent and aloof. If people do not treat you with courtesy, you balk completely, becoming quite stubborn. Yet, despite your strong-willed qualities, you are very sensitive and high-strung. You sense far more than you understand or can put into words, and often respond to your intuitive feelings.

You dislike crowds and prefer solitude, or experiences shared with only a few close friends. Very private and somewhat set in your ideas, you do not appreciate others prying into your life or being inquisitive. You would sooner remain silent than get involved in arguments and turmoil. Sometimes pent-up emotions, however, cause you to lose your temper.

This name restricts your verbal expression, making you secretive and withdrawn. You struggle to be understood in order to receive the encouragement and the support of close friends who mean a great deal to you, as well as gestures of appreciation and thoughtfulness. You would give anything to be outgoing, expressive, and spontaneous, instead of serious and taciturn. This lack of communication creates unhappiness and moods of depression. It is much easier for you to share your deeper thoughts and feelings through writing rather than orally.

The outdoors often acts as a panacea for times when you feel distraught and pressured. You revere the vastness and wonderment of nature and can find a measure of peace and harmony when active outdoors. You love the sense of freedom. Yet, even out in nature, you cannot just stop and relax, but need to be active in some way such as canoeing, hiking, fishing, climbing, in order to provide an outlet for your restless energy. It is a struggle, for there are times when you would like to stop and be peaceful and to while away the hours, but then you start thinking of the time being wasted without accomplishing anything. If you are active you feel as if you are making progress.

Sometimes you must fight to control your mental state and nervous system against morbid, turbulent thoughts resulting from your psychic sensitivities. Otherwise, your nervous tension could cause breakdowns.

This is so realistic it's scary. I'm not even kidding.

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