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Hey! I just made this hilarious one-shot for The Herobrine Quest! Read on for humor! (Based off actual events in my life.)

Blaze sat by the fireplace, her legs crossed, tossing small balls of fire into the flames every so often to keep it burning. Wolf lay on the floor, splayed out. Steph thought that she vaguely looked like a dead starfish.

Ranger walked in and said "Hey, did we get any iced coffee?"

Everybody replied in unison "No." Ranger frowned and questioned "Are you sure? I thought I saw somebody bring a pack home." They said again "No." Ranger looked at them suspiciously. "Would you tell me if you did bring coffee?"

They glanced at each other briefly, then said "No."

Ranger scowled and stalked out of the room. Wolf glanced at Blaze and said "You get the coffee. I get the cups." Blaze replied, already standing up "On it." Blaze grabbed a large glass of iced coffee from behind the fireplace.

Wolf ran back in with five cups, in which Blaze poured the iced coffee. Steph grinned as she saw them. "Ranger's going to kill us when she finds out." She said casually.

"If she finds out." Pro corrected. "She's probably sulking in her room." Dave nodded and said "I second that theory." Blaze chuckled and replied "Just remember what we rehearsed if she walks in."

"Throw everything and run?" Wolf inquired. Blaze replied "Yep." Pro giggled and said "Have any of you seen Ranger after she's had coffee of any kind?" They looked at each other. Nobody could say that they had.

Pro shook her head. "Imagine Wolf having the equivalent of five sugar rushes all at once. Now you know how hyper she is." Blaze's eyes widened. "I resolve that we not give her coffee any time soon." She said.

Wolf nodded. "An excellent choice indeed."

Then, they heard a door slam open. Wolf looked at Steph with fear in her eyes. "I warned you." Steph whispered. Two purple glowing eyes were visible on the shadows of the hallway.

"Oh shishkabob." Blaze breathed. "We are sooooo dead." Pro squeaked. Wolf immediately scrambled to her feet and ran to her room, leaving the other four to face Ranger's temper tantrum alone. "Coward!" Steph shouted after her.

"I distinctly smell coffee." Blaze's eyes widened. Like the geniuses they were, they had forgotten Ranger was an Ender Hybrid, and hadn't taken into account her enhanced senses.

"Uh...yeah...about that...we just found these behind the fireplace." Blaze stuttered. The purple glowing eyes narrowed. "Want one?" Blaze said with a nervous laugh. Then, the eyes were gone.

And so was the coffee.

Pro's face paled. "She's going to drink them all, isn't she? Oh Notch, we need to get them back before she drinks them all!"

"There is no way I am going to take them from her! She will literally kill me!" Blaze shrieked. Pro said "Well, someone has to." Blaze shouted "NOT IT!" Wolf overheard and her voice carried to them, saying "Not it!"

"NOT IT!" That was Steph. "NOT IT!" And Dave. They all turned to the last person who hadn't said it. She had gone white as a sheet. This couldn't not and would not end well.

"Notch help me." Pro muttered.

Blaze pushed her toward Ranger's room and said "Don't worry, Pro. I'll make sure everybody attends your funeral." Pro looked at her incredulously and whisper-yelled "How is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Blaze shrugged. "I'm bad at cheering people up."

Suddenly, a blinding flash of purple light came from Ranger's room. Now it was Blaze's turn to go white as a sheet.

Suddenly, Ranger was beside them. "Hey guys, how are you? I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier, I got a little bit angry. Well, a little bit is kind of an understatement, but you get what I mean. Wait, do you? I don't know. But I must say, that was pretty good coffee. Even if it was iced. The ice kind of dulls the flavor, doesn't it? But I don't really care. I don't really like coffee when it's hot, but hey, who cares? It's still coffee. Wow, I feel SOOOO energized right now! I suppose that's what five cups of coffee can do to you. I feel like I could run around the world a hundred times in a row! Well, not exactly literally, but metaphorically, I feel like I could! Do you think I can do it? I want to race somebody! Come on, Blaze! Ready, three, two, one, go!"

They heard loud crash, followed by pieces of debris floating down around them. They looked over in shock. Ranger had run right through the wall. Blaze glanced at Pro, her jaw hanging limply. Pro simply shook her head.

Pro quickly shut Blaze's mouth with an audible clop, and said "This is your fault, so you have to get her." Blaze's eyes dilated, she she shook her head wildly, backing away.

Wolf said "Blaze, just do it." Blaze groaned. "Fiiiiine." Flying through the hole in the wall, Blaze followed the trail of Ender Particles to find her extremely hyper friend.

Three Hours Later:

Blaze returned, flying through the gap in the wall with Ranger held in one hand. She had a small bruise on her forehead. Wolf looked at Blaze, a question on her lips.

"I had to knock her out. She was teleporting around town so fast I couldn't catch her. But don't worry, she'll be fine." Blaze explained.

Steph raised an eyebrow. "I told you so." She said to Wolf. Wolf sighed and replied "Yes, Steph, I think I realized that." Pro glanced at Ranger. "On a scale of one to ten, how mad to you think she'll be when she wakes up?"

"I'll wager she won't remember anything." Blaze put forth. Pro shook her head and replied "Nope. She definitely won't forget, trust me on that." Blaze paled a little and stated "Yep. We're all goners."

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