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Really short one-shot that I came up with for literally no reason at all.

Jade felt hollow. Weightless. As if she were floating in a great expanse of nothingness.

It always felt like this. She couldn't feel the tears painting lines down her face, but she knew they were there. Like little glass mirrors, reflecting into her eyes a face she didn't want to see.

Her own.

She not only felt hollow, but she was difficult to describe. The best word would be small. Jade felt so small, when she looked out over the vast world below her.

So very small in the great scheme of things. A mere spark amidst a roaring fire, a drop of water within the ocean. How can one person, one human, one creature, one bit of life do anything?

Jade looked up at the stars. They were like golden crystals, gleaming against the dark background of the night sky. There were only a few, since the night was just falling, only the ones that shone the brightest.

Then, as she watched in wonder, more stars began to appear as the night grew darker. Soon, entire galaxies, entire solar systems were visible. Thousands of little golden lights above her.

It was almost strange - the sensation of being small grew greater, and yet...Jade no longer felt like a hollow shell. As if the sight of the stars somehow filled a part of her heart that could not be reached with words.

She was one person in an entire universe, looking up at a sky full of stars that were millions of miles away. The dark of night revealed tens of thousands of them, outlined against the darkness.

Jade smiled. Sometimes, the darkest nights produced the brightest stars.

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