Things I Don't Like:

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1. Yellow Jackets. Those who read an earlier post know exactly why they are the first on my list.

2. Spiders. I'm fine with them when they're just crawling around, but if they're on me or very close to me, I turn into a KARATE CHOPPING NINJA.

3. Heights. I can barely go up in a helicopter without having a mini panic attack.

4. Tornadoes & Severe Thunderstorms. Fear of natural disasters seem to run in the female side of my family. For my mom it's tsunamis, for my aunt its volcanoes, and now me with tornadoes.

5. DRESSES AND HIGH HEELS. You would not get me into high heels if you paid me all your life's savings.

6. Cursing. I'm fine with people who use those words in moderation, but some people I've met (not including Patrick or Spongebob) use them in almost every single sentence.

7. Whiners. If it's one thing I can't stand, it's people who whine about EVERY LITTLE THING.

8. Pranks. It's kind of funny, because I love to prank people and annoy people, but I hate having it done to me.

9. One Direction. Now, I understand that the band has many fans, but I don't really see what's so great about it. 1D fans, please don't kill me...

10. Drama Queens. ANOTHER THING I cannot stand. People who make huge matters of things that are small.

11. "Likers." That's the nickname I came up with to call that group of people who use "like" every three words.

12. Long-Distance Runs. I'm really good at sprinting, but when it comes to long-distance runs, please! Kill me now.

13. Timed Tests. Anybody who like to take their time and make sure their answers are correct know exactly how I feel. I find it impossible to concentrate when I have a limited amount of time to complete an assignment, such as a test.

14. Incorrect Grammar or Word Usage. I know it sounds cliché, but it's impossible for me to see an incorrectly spelled word and not immediately want to correct it. Usually I don't say it in the comments, but I want to.

15. Animal Abusers. Now, anybody who's not prepared to listen to a very long, angry, heartfelt rant, please go to the next one. Thank you. Now, where was I? Oh, right, the rant. LISTEN HERE. Animals do not hurt things or kill for sport. Humanity is the only animal that tortures and kills for fun. Do you have any idea what they're going through? Ever think of how it feels from their point of view? Right. That's what I thought. Anybody who hurts, kills, or abuses animals is no human in my eyes. Anybody who abuses animals does not deserve to live on the same planet as the creatures they hurt. Just because humans can walk on two legs, just because humans have thumbs, just because we can communicate through speech, does not automatically make us the kings of the world. It does not automatically give us the right to treat other animals like dirt under our shoes. Humans and animals share the same blood, and though it is distant, if you go back far enough, you'll see that we all descend from the same line. We are kin, though distant beyond most human comprehension. I understand if you kill a wild animal to survive. It's necessary to do so, and therefore I have little against it. But pets? Dogs? Cats? Do you have to kill them, hurt them, make their lives miserable to survive? NO! OF COURSE YOU DON'T! Animals that are bred as pets can learn to hate and hold a grudge, but if you treat them well, all they want is love, and will give it to their owners in turn. Not only is it illegal, but it goes against every moral law that decent people follow. Just remember this: When I look into an animal's eyes, I do not see an animal. I see an intelligent, living being. I see a friend. I see a soul whose heart matches mine. I only wish that other people could feel the same.

16. Horror Movies. I don't see why watching a movie, getting scared, and freaking out can be classified as fun. I'd much rather prefer to watch "Dual Survival," or "Man, Woman, Wild," or "Survivorman." or "The Legend of Mick Dodge."

17. Forgetting. Sometimes, I put something down, turn around, turn back to where I thought I put it, and it's gone. Honestly, I must have lost my iPod thirty times before I learned to put it in my desk every time I was done using it. (And even then I lost it five more times.)

18. Smart People. No, I don't mean as in knowledge smart. I mean as in people who can think up a sarcastic comeback faster than me. Yes, just clarifying for all you skeptics out there, I have actually thought up a witty comeback that made sense.

Yep, I think that's pretty much it. ADIOS MI AMIGOS!

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