Writing Assignment Play

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When we were in school, me and my group made this play for a Writing assignment. I played Cinderella and the Detective.

Cinderella Murder Mystery


Cinderella (dead)


Prince's Guard (only one person)

Three Mice

Stepsister 1.

Stepsister 2.



Scene 1.

*Cinderella is laying dead on the floor. The Prince and his guard come and drag the body behind the curtain*

(Scene shifts to when Detective is investigating*

Detective: Alright, you're all suspects here. Be lined up in five minutes *eyes narrow* or else.

(Everybody but stepsister 2 scrambles into a line)

Detective: *pacing; stops in front of stepsister 1* "What about you? You had the motive to kill her. After all, she did marry your dream Prince."

Stepsister 1: "Yes, she did do that, but I wouldn't kill her over it. I admit I was a bit torn up, but I could never have actually murdered her."

Detective: *nods, continues pacing, stops in front of mice* "How about you three? You also had the motive. She married the Prince and left you alone here."

Mouse 1: "We wouldn't kill her! She was so nice to us, and we're happy she found true love."

Mouse 2. "We can't even lift a toothpick! How could we lift a knife?"

Mouse 3. "Exactly. So we-"

Detective: "Who said the murder was done with a knife?"

(Mice are silent)

Detective: I believe I have enough information here. In my professional opinion, the murderer was none other than the-"

(Lights go out, room is left in darkness. Entire cast screams "DUN DUN DUNNNN!")

Scene 2.

(When the lights go back on, the mice and the Detective are gone.)

Prince: "Where the heck did the Detective go?"

Stepmother: "Over there!" *points to far side of the stage*

(Guard and Prince run over. The detective is confirmed to be dead.)

Stepsister 2: "What is all that racket-AARGH!"

(Stepsister 2 falls down stairs.)

Stepmother: "Cinderella has been murdered. We have no idea who the culprit is, and whoever it was, they just killed the Detective as well."

Stepsister 2: "You honestly think I care about that twinkle-toed twit? She probably looked in a mirror and scared herself to death." *laughs scornfully*

(Stepsister 2 exits stage.)

Prince: *glances sidelong at Guard* "There's a suspect."

Mouse 1: *peeks out from behind curtain* "Do you think they suspect us?"

(Everybody on stage except mice begin arguing over who the culprits is.)

Mouse 2: "Nah. They're about as smart as a bag of bricks."

Mouse 3: "What if they find us out?"

Mouse 1: "Then we're arrested."

Mouse 3: *sighs* "Simply joyful."

(Several more minutes pass. The argument gets more heated.)

Mouse 3: "Oh for god's sake, I've had it with these idiots!" *runs out onto stage* "WE DID IT!"

Mouse 2: *runs out, tries to cover Mouse 3's mouth* "You cheese-brain! Shut up!"

Prince: "GET THEM!"

(Everybody is running around and trying to catch the three mice, who scatter in all different directions. When they are caught, they are put in three separate chairs and the Prince stands behind them, his arms crossed.)

(Curtain closes.)

Narrator: And so, the three mice were judged guilty of the murder of Cinderella and the Detective. They were sentenced to life in prison. Life returned to a relatively normal state. The Prince never got over Cinderella's death, though. He never forgot.


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