• Bayan-e-Haqeeqat • بیان کی حقیقت • Statement of truth •

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Tamiz-e-Khwab-o-haqiqat hai shart-e-bedari
Khayal-e-azmat-e-mazi ko chhod haal ko dekh 
-Sikandar Ali Wajid

He stared at his father and his soon to be father-in-law, waiting for them to say something. They seemed to want to continue hiding whatever it was that they were hiding. But they both knew that Zoraiz would not rest till he found exactly what he was searching for.

So with a deep breath and half a mind to run away from the truth Mir and Farhan decided to let Zoraiz in on the plans they had in motion and on the secret, they had been keeping. 

"It's the Kashmiri militants groups, they don't want the merger to happen," Mir relayed this information as if it was the most casual conversation he was having with his son, not a life-threatening situation. 

Zoraiz thought that much would have been clear. It was only natural for radical groups to stop any kind of mergers and political actions which might work against their own agendas. 

"So, Zoraiz asked, hoping for a clear indication of the situation. His father was known to hand out information only as much as he pleased, or thought would benefit him. 

"They have had tabs on us, Zoraiz. Tabs on the girls the day after the party that day, we both received threats, with clear images of three girls in their school and their college. Of you and Arisha sitting in a cafe. They were clear if we went ahead with this merger then the consequences will be bared by our children." Farhan Shiekh was somewhat more serious in his delivery of bad news. 

He should be, after all, it is his daughter who is paying for their neglect. 

"And you two thought what? That keeping an engagement party will cheer up the terrorists and radicals?" Zayaan asked even if there was sarcasm in his words and the anger behind them could be heard in his tone. 

"No, we thought that if we pretended it was an engagement party, a celebration then they will back down. And also it was imperative more than ever to get the families together. Zoraiz and Arisha are not gonna be just the bridge between the families, they are the future of this country," Mir's voice and tone might have been calm but Zoraiz has since long learned to see through his father's collected facade. 

Mir Razdan's hands held a slight tremor today meaning that everything was going to go to shit soon enough.

"What else?" Zoraiz asked, anyone else would have thought that Zoraiz - like his father- was extremely collected about the whole ordeal. But he had learned from the best and the younger Razdan like miffed and wanted people behind bars. 

But he knew to reveal his hand only when the time was right.

"Yesterday after the announcement of the sagai, Mir and I received letters and blank calls, the letters are untraceable the calls did not last even 10 secs, but both of them made clear that this engagement should not be happening. Today we had extra security. Every dorr was checked three times, every guest went through a double security check. All the gates were sealed and only people with passes to work were allowed in. " Farhan Sheikh was much more affected now his voice was wavering his thoughts running to where they might have slipped up. 

"And it was well and that we had these protocols because we uncovered at least three guns being smuggled in and one more explosive chemicals, which would have been much more devastating if assembled with the bomb that went of," Mir was quite happy they prevented a bigger catastrophe. 

"Where we slipped, which crack let this happen, will be investigated, but the militants are getting bolder. Yesterday we received word that they might be working with other communist and radicals groups around the country," Farhan Sheikh was getting much more stable of a sudden, this scared Zoraiz. This man had a determination, one which would stand above his daughter would. His country. 

"Can you imagine just what they could do if they get any kind of support from within the country?" Mir asked thinking along the lines which Zoraiz was thinking. If militants got support from inside the country, it could not bode well. They will for sure became a party became politically involved, and if they win, then what? 

Another partition? 

"So we have to take power in our hands, greater than they can, faster than they can," Zoraiz thought and both Mir and Farhan nodded.

"How exactly do we do that?" Zayaan asked, this was the first time he looked thoroughly engrossed in the politics of it all. Which meant he saw the threat. 

A radical group with a mission to dived the country and backup from within the country, and also support from the neighbouring radical groups. two wars on one country, which now stood at the countries were enough, all the bloodshed in the name of Allah and in the name of freedom was enough anymore and this country would not survive, or maybe it would but would the people survive?

"We win the Lok Sabha elections." Mir Razdan dropped a bomb. 

If it had not been such a dire situation Zoraiz would have scoffed and Zayaan would have had a laugh. But they both saw the dead seriousness in their father's statement. 

"That was a plan for the next elections, ones which won't be happing for another 6 years, not for this Lok Sabha elections. We were all in agreement that we needed to gather the following base, have a solid ground in both Uttar Pradesh and Kashmir and Jammu. We need to have a solid base in the local elections then we think for the big guns," Zoraiz was aware his voice had risen but he could not care. 

"Yes we aware, but Zoraiz do you think that Liyakat Khanum is going to wait for us to gather a solid base, have a majority in our states, and union territories and then he will attack," Mir's question was not wrong. If his intelligence was of any worth then, Liyakat Khanum had already prepared to get in on this year's elections the first elections of Kashmir and Jammu as UTs.

"There is no other option Zoraiz we, will have to win this election. The potions will not help, from what I understand the other parties are in on this at least a few of the oppositions are on their side," Farhan was great at strategies he knew that there are still politicians that work only for the country, but then again, politics was not played with just and fair means and these people lost as quickly as a snap of a finger.

Zoraiz thought about the situation he analysed what could be done, but constantly he went back to the moment the bomb went off, the terror he felt when he could not find Arisha. 

She was to be his wife, his greatest responsibility in life. 

"We will discuss this tomorrow again but for now, we can not wait a whole year for the Nikah. The day Arisha's final term exams end we will have the wedding functions started." Farhan Sheikh said and Zoraiz looked at his father in law, his future father in law.

"She will not like that" Zoraiz said suddenly, before he could even formulate the words completely, he had voiced them. 

"I know, but the security she will get with being at the top of this game, being a member of the first family will be worth her anger," Farhan replied as if challenging Zoraiz to say something, about his daughter and his well being. 

"The girls- "Zoraiz stared saying exactly what Arisha would have said, her sisters would be placed first, their safety first, "Will be leaving the country within this year, Maira already has someone who will soon be receiving a great offer abroad and she will be sent off after her marriage soon enough, Inaya has already secured a position in the Cambridge Universities A levels international programme," Farhan Shiekh sounded smug for the first time in his life. 

"Too many contrary beliefs, I do know my daughters, I especially know my eldest daughter," Farhan words Zoraiz think again back to the tension between Farhan and Arisha, and now here he stood talking much like his daughter would have. 

"So, a few months then, that's all we will get?" Zoraiz asked, even though his companions thought he was asking not only about the elections and the preparations but, the amount of time he would get with Arisha before she became his wife. 

"Yes, we will go back tomorrow night, and from this moment forward we all have to give it all we can, take advantage of things we do not want to, take advantage of this blast, appear in public, as much as possible, let our work speak for the people. Work every crowd, every caste, every religion. This isn't about just power or the politics anymore it is about stopping another war at the very least," Mir Razdan was thinking far ahead into the future. 

It was justified Zoraiz told himself. A sound plan, the best time to start preparing for the elections if they want to gain a lead of any sort. But using the blast to gain sympathy, felt wrong. The intention might be good and for once noble even but nothing had ever felt as wrong as this prospect was feeling. 

Everyone agreed to the plan, get to work. Work on every relief funds, and on every charity, they had planned for later. Start visiting places that would be strategically helpful. Start more funds, more plans for the education, water, hygiene, everything was on the table. All plans all funds, al Yognas can be and should be used. No stone was to be left unturned. 

Before leaving Farhan Sheikh had warned them all, " Increase your securities keep a tab on any new people entering your life, and any old people breaking a pattern." He had then taken Zoraiz aside while everyone else got ready with security details for everyone. 

"You will have to let Arisha know, she will not rest until she figures out why she has increased security," Farhan despite his perfect understanding of how his daughter's mind works would still remain distant. 

Zoraiz gave a nod of acknowledgement and let Zayaan and Zulfi know that he would be going back to the hospital before leaving and staying there till he absolutely had to leave. Zulfi had nodded as expected and Zayaan though had not said anything but his smirk had said more than needed. 

The Hospital looked bare, with all the other family members leaving for home once Zoraiz arrived. Zoraiz did not sit outside as the rest of the family thought he was let in her room. 

She was sleeping or drugged up maybe, but she looked peaceful if only there was not a large gash on her forehead and shallow cuts and bruises on her hand then it would be easy to believe that she was indeed sleeping. 

Zoraiz kept on staring at her trying to figure her out, He knew that this loss of time will cost them. They were acquaintances at best, acquaintances who were going to get married soon, and will be sharing their lives in a few months. 

He knew, as soon as he left, the fragile understanding they had created will be tested, and he knew it will break. He just hoped that she will be strong enough for him. 

"Do you always stare at hands, as if they hold the answers to the universe or is it just my hands?" Zoraiz was startled and broken out of his turning thoughts by her voice. 

"Just your hands," He replied as easily as he could, talking to her had become easy, a habit. He did not like habits, he like routines, not habits. Habits cripple you, routines discipline you. 

Arisha nodded she looked groggy, maybe she felt even more drugged up, but how would one feel if they were through feet way from a blast?

"I will be leaving tomorrow evening. We have to work now, more so than before." Zoraiz conveyed what he thought she needed to know. 

"The blast ?" She questioned. Sharp as Arisha Sheikh knew when the tables turned and when the moves shifted.

"Yes. We all will be getting increased security details from now on," as zoraiz formed the next words he hesitated to deliver them, "Our Nikah has to be preponed, the day your exams finish we start our functions, so we have a few months, and I will be visiting in between," He was surprised at his own words his soft tone. He never cared for delivering soft blows, he stated facts, hard truths.

Arisha nodded and said "Thought as much," before drifting back to sleep. 

Zoraiz wanted to get up and leave, after all his work was done, he had let her know, given her the news, and yet he remained seated, his feet firm on the ground below them and his hands holding on tightly to Arisha's. 

As he drifted to sleep in the somewhat uncomfortable hospitable chair his only thought was, he would have to stop. Stop growing attachment even if it was to his fiance.

Hello Loves, So how is it going? The story is starting to shape up now, and as we move forward things will only get tensed. I am sorry if it gets a bit too depressive. 

So what are your thoughts on what is going on? I know the notions are a bit over the top but political unrest can result in so much can't it?

Also, check out the new covers. There are more if you want I could totally upload all of them in a chapter. Another thing, does anyone know any good graphic designers for aesthetic and mood boards, and also Indian kind of mood boards, if you do let me know in the comments. 

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter and story so far in the comments down below. 

Afaf xoxo 

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