Chapter 5 Lights Out

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         Julia wonders why the lights went out suddenly. The weather is still clear, and she does not recall anyone saying a thing about an expected blackout. She believes it is rather suspicious. She grabs her flashlight and goes to check out the fuse box outside the apartment. 

         Butch growls at a noise he hears near a window. He refuses to stop and the neighbors begin to complain about the racket. He grabs ahold to something for dear life.  Whatever it is he does not wish to release it.

        Julia finds the fuse box and examines it. She sees a wire appears to be tampered with which explains a lot. She goes back inside where she uses the flashlight to find the phone to call the police.  She tells them the strange circumstances about the power outage and her discovery.

     The police advise  Julia gets out of there as soon as possible.  It sounds like her life may even be in danger.   She packs a few belongings into a duffel bag and a couple of other items into the backpack.  She is not sure where to go for the night. It is not like she knows that many people in the surrounding area.

    Julia takes the things outside to her car, then grabs her purse, and the items that belong to Butch. She places them in the trunk with the other things.  Now, she just needs to find Butch.

     "Butch, Butch, where are you, boy?"  Julia calls out.

     "Get off me you mangy mutt," An angry voice spits out.

          Julia turns around at the sound and grins. 

             "Oh, there you are Butch, " Julia says in relief.

               "Tell your dog to get off me," The person says angrily.

             "Not until you tell me why you are so close to the living room window," Julia demands.

                 "It is my place," The stranger remarks.

            William drives out to check on Julia. He has a hunch something is off about the whole thing.  He pulls in behind her car but notices the place is dark.  Odd since it is in the middle of the day. He wonders what is up when he hears the sounds of people close by.

             "Julia is everything okay?"  William asks.

              "William thank goodness you are here," Julia states.

               "William, do not tell me you know the owner of this mutt," She scoffs.

                 "You, how dare you come here and spy on the new occupant of this house," William says with a glare.

                   Julia looks at him with confusion as he rebukes the dirty, disheveled person Butch sits on at the moment. She thinks strange that he should recognize whoever it is as she has no clue who it could be anyway.

                 Butch climbs off them but runs circles around them to show how proud he is of himself.

                   "Look, now, I want answers did you cut a wire in the fuse box that leads to the power?" Julia asks.

                   The young ladies' face grows pale which gives away the obvious.  

                   "You did what?" William asks. He looks rather ticked off.

                       "This is a new low even for you," He retorts.

             The police arrive as  William and she argues, so Julia explains all.  The other woman is arrested and William shakes his head in dismay.  He appears to still be in shock about it all.

              Julia smiles as the police car pulls away. She has no idea how to get the cord repaired to have the electricity up and running again. 

             "Jules, I am sorry about this and I will see to it that the repairman comes by to fix the fuse soon.  Oh, and my aunt Susanna offers to let you stay at her place in the meantime," William states.

            "I would not want to impose on her," Julia says.

          "It would not be imposing.  She could use the company and it should only be for the night," William points out.

         "Well, in that case, thanks to you, William, you are a lifesaver," Julia remarks.

               William laughs at the statement.  He knows he is not all that but is glad she thinks so.

                    Butch barks at William unsure what to think about this tall, young man so close to his owner.  He approves of him since he can tell the guy is nice to her.

                   Julia hugs William and he blushes in surprise.  Why the gesture should make him react in such a way he has no idea.  

                   William feels her pull away and wishes she could see how great she is to him. He smiles at her, then says, "Well, I better be going, see you around."

                 Julia mutters,  "Y-Yes, see you around, William."  She thinks why did not I tell him? She sighs as she recalls how hard it was on her the first time she thought she lost him for good. 

                 Butch whines as she picks him up and sets him down inside the passenger seat.  

        "Butch, it is time to go spend some time with my boss until tomorrow, so mind your manners,"  Julia remarks.  She drives to Susanna's place, grateful for the directions William gave her.    

           Find out more in  Chapter  6  Chinese for Two

        -Summer out!


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