Chapter 15

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AN: I'm so sorry I made you guys wait so long for this short chapter but I should have the next one up a lot sooner.

Jack was going crazy. It had been two days since he'd seen Katherine, and every time he went to the hospital to try and see her, a nurse told him that there were some complications with her condition and they weren't allowing her any visitors, which really wasn't very reassuring.

Logically, he knew everything was fine, and that whatever was wrong, she was still safer than she'd been in a long time. Still, he couldn't help but feel like he had when she'd first gone missing. But, he hadn't been contacted by Pulitzer yet, which he hoped meant that everything was under control.


"I demand to know where my daughter is!"

Joseph Pulitzer slammed the front desk in the police station, causing several people who were filling out paperwork off to the side to stare at him, but he didn't even glance in their direction.

"Mr. Pulitzer, please - "

"No! Have you even started looking for her yet?"

"Not yet, we're still trying to get all the data we can before we send out a search party."

It was safe to say that being scrutinized by Joseph Pulitzer was one of the last places the Chief of Police wanted to be, but he didn't know what he could do to get out of it.

"This city's police force is run by an idiot." Pulitzer muttered. "I will not stop coming back here until you imbeciles do something, and if that doesn't happen soon, I will take matters into my own hands."

He turned and stalked out of the station, silently thinking that Jack Kelly may have been right about them. Not that he would ever admit that out loud, of course.


Katherine felt hopeless. Just as she had begun to feel safe, everything had been taken away from her again. She hadn't even cried since it had happened. She didn't know what she was feeling. She didn't know if she was feeling anything.

She knew she felt stupid. She'd completely forgotten about Mary and Colin, not that she'd ever seen them before. But from what she'd heart of them, she hadn't thought of them as any type of real threat. But clearly, they were, seeing as she'd been tied up in the back of their car for the past day and a half, as they took her who-knows where.

She wondered what they wanted with her. Were they just going to keep charging her father outrageous amounts of money until they were satisfied? Were they holding her on the conditions of The Man's release?

Maybe they didn't want anything from anyone but herself. Maybe they wanted to do what The Man never got around to doing.

Katherine stared at the ceiling of the car, listening to her two captors whisper so quietly she couldn't understand a word they were saying.

She wondered if she'd ever be allowed to go home.

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