Chapter 17

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Katherine woke the next morning to a rough slap across the face. She jerked away from it, which only resulted in her banging her head against the hard floor. Mary, evidently the person who had slapped her, just laughed. 

"Time to wake up. Can't have you sleeping the day away."

Katherine just glared at her, and, suddenly realizing the she was no longer bound, she pushed herself up to a standing position. Before she managed to do anything, Mary was grabbing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall, and proceeded to punch Katherine on the side of her head - hard. She went crashing to the ground and could do nothing but lie on the ground as the world seemed to spin around her.

"Let's get something straight right now." Mary looked down at her with a cold look in her eye, and Katherine realized in that moment that these people were just as bad as The Man. "You've probably already figured out why we're keeping you here. Yeah, we want the money, but we don't like waiting for it. So, in the meantime, we're gonna have some fun with you."

Have some fun with you. Katherine shuddered at everything that phrase reminded her of.

"So," Mary continued, "I'm gonna leave you here for a few minutes while I write our first letter, give you some time to... wake up." She laughed cruelly at that. "And when I come back, I'm looking forward to doing some experimenting with you."

And Katherine could do nothing but curl tightly into herself as she heard the sound of the door shutting and the click of the lock.


"Good to see you again, Joe. Now, not that I don't love coming to see you every other day, but - and forgive me I'm wrong - weren't you the one who kicked me outta here, what, two days ago?"

 Jack knew that if Davey were here with him right now, he'd give him a smack on the shoulder for being so rude to the man who was probably trying to help, but Jack was worried about Katherine and rather irritated that it seemed like no one was trying to find her, so he didn't really care if that came through to the man who was one of the sources of his irritation. 

"Mr. Kelly, I apologize, I assumed that you would want to keep up with my daughter's whereabouts, however, if you don't, you may leave."

Pulitzer raised an eyebrow and gave him a condescending look, but Jack ignored it, immediately willing to cooperate at the mention of Katherine.

"You know where she is?"

"Not her exact location, but close. Another Ransom letter was sent here from a post office in Albany."

"So that's where she is?"

"We're assuming. We've alerted the police force in Albany as well as the NYPD. I'm taking a train there first thing tomorrow."

Jack's level of excitement dropped slightly once he realized he wouldn't be able to help find Katherine this time. There was no way he'd be able to afford a train ticket on such short notice. He searched for something to say.

"Yeah? How long are you planning on being?" 

"However long we need to. That is, of course, assuming you want to come."

Jack just stared at him. "Can't afford to."

"Ah, but I can."

Jack scanned Pulitzer's face, looking for any signs that he was kidding, but he didn't find any. Yet, his first and strongest instinct was to refuse, not wanting to take any money from Joseph Pulitzer, of all people. But this was too important.

"Yeah, okay. What time's the train?"

"6:00 in the morning. Make sure to pack enough for at least a week."

Jack nodded and turned to leave, deciding not to mention that he only owned one shirt.

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