Chapter 6

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Jack was being very firm in his idea that he could find Katherine without the help of Pulitzer or the police, despite Davey frequently telling him that they would probably find her before he did. Not to mention the fact that he could practically hear Katherine herself telling him the same thing. 

"Jack Kelly, you stubborn boy, just suck it up and help them." She would say. Jack tried to ignore that as well.

Besides, he had a plan. Well, almost a plan. He wasn't completely sure if it was legal or not, either, but he didn't see why it wouldn't be legal.

A few days after making his decision, he walked into The World building yet again, this time with a sketch pad and pencil, and the secretary, Hannah, immediately looked up at him.

"Mr. Pulitzer's in a meeting."

"That's fine, I actually wanna talk to you." Hannah hesitated and glanced down at the paperwork she was working on, before nodding.


"You were the one first got that note, right?"


"Can you describe the guy who gave it to you? As detailed as possible?"

Hannah gave him a strange look but began to describe them man, and Jack began to draw him as accurately as he could. Once he had finished, he showed it to her. "This him?"

"Yes," She nodded, "how did you - "

"Thanks." Jack grinned at her before turning and leaving.


"Go to bed, Crutch." Jack mumbled, not looking up. It was about 2:00 AM, and he knew Crutchie had been watching him, but he'd just limped over to Jack's side and sat down next to him.

"What're you doing?"

"Have to make at least a hundred of these."

"For what? You've been drawing this guy for hours."

Jack glanced at his friend. "He's the guy who's got Katherine. I'm gonna put these up around town while I'm selling tomorrow."

"Fifty dollars?" Crutchie inspected one of the already made drawings. "You don't got fifty dollars, you don't even got ten dollars."

"Yeah." Jack shrugged. "But nobody who sees these is gonna know that."

"Is that legal?"


"How many do you have?"

"Sixty, maybe. Have to make them look as good as I can."

Crutchie didn't respond, and rested his head on his brother's shoulder. Eventually, Jack could tell he had fallen asleep, and after finishing a few more drawings, he put them aside in a neat stack before closing his own eyes.


Katherine had been in the basement for almost a week, and William (he'd told her to call him William, she refused to associate him with a name, and in her head she simply called him The Man,) had brought out the belt at least once a day. At this point she hoped that was the worst he would do, though he could probably tell that it wasn't as bad as it was initially.

Currently, she was lying on the floor and listening to The Man yell at someone she didn't know.

"Would you calm down, it's not like they're gonna kill you!"

"I could go to jail! I didn't even do anything."

"You're not gonna go to jail, those aren't even real wanted posters."

"They look pretty real to me!"

"They're hand drawn, now shut up!"

"This is your fault!"

After that, Katherine heard some pained noises coming from the other man, and she squeezed her eyes shut and covered her ears with her hands. Whatever he was doing, she prayed he didn't do it to her.

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