Chapter 8

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AN: It's been way too long since I've updated, and I apologize, but most of you probably know life has been crazy stressful lately. Hopefully I'll be back to updating more regularly now!

"Mr. Pulitzer's in a meeting." Hannah wasted no time in trying to get rid of Jack and the mysterious woman. Jack was pretty sure that she'd just been told to say Pulitzer was in a meeting every time he showed up. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well I got a feeling he's gonna want to have this talk."

"And why is that?"

"This lady's here for the money. The ransom money."

"I'll go see if he's got a free moment."

Hannah went into Pulitzer's office, and Jack shifted uncomfortably as the woman watched him. A few moments later, Hannah returned and he let out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding.

"Mr. Pulitzer's meeting just ended."

"Yeah, I'm sure it did." Jack muttered, and Hannah gave him a look.

"You can go in."

The two walked into the office where Pulitzer was sitting, eying the woman suspiciously.

"Who are you?" He asked her shortly. Jack could tell just by the look he was giving her that he  was trying to get inside her head, to get her to tell him what she knew, but she wasn't fazed.

"My name's Mary. I'm not here for you to ask questions, though."

"Why are you here?"

"For the money. $500."

"And you'll give it to that W.E. fellow, whoever that is?"

"I'm going straight to him after I get the money."

"...Very well." Pulitzer stood and walked to a set of drawers, presumably to get the money, and Jack glanced at the woman, who he now knew was named Mary.

"You're gonna let her go now, right?" He asked, unable to wait any longer, and she hesitated. She hesitated. Jack started to feel slightly panicked. He needed Katherine, and he needed her to be okay. "Right?"

"We'll contact you tomorrow."

He had a horrible feeling that didn't mean what he desperately wanted it to mean.

Pulitzer walked around the desk and handed Mary a thick envelope, and she immediately opened it and began counting. Jack had never seen so much money in his life.

"$500, it's all accounted for. I trust I'll be seeing my daughter in the very near future?"

Mary looked almost sympathetic. "We'll contact you tomorrow." And then she left.

Pulitzer and Jack stood silently in the room, looking at each other. They both knew this wasn't over just yet.


Katherine was beginning to lose hope that she'd ever get out. She missed everything. Not only did she miss Jack, the boys and her father, but everything else about the world outside of the basement. The sky, sunlight, the crowded Manhattan streets, interaction with other people in general.

The door opened and The Man walked in, and Katherine cringed away from him involuntarily. She'd never been scared of anyone more than she was scared of him. He set a small glass of water down next to her and she quickly grabbed it, drinking it slowly, yet enjoying every drop. The Man walked to the corner and picked up the bucket that Katherine was forced to urinate in, making it clear that he was going to empty it out, which was a relief. As he turned to leave, he glanced at her.

"By the way, sweetheart, just thought I'd let you know that the hard part of this for you is about to start." And he left, closing the door and locking it behind him.

Katherine didn't like the sound of that.

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